Twitter, Kyle, and Elly (Chapter 41)

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"@OneDirecctionxoxox says: @ItsRebekah and @ZaynMalik ar e such a cute couple on the X Factor!" Niall reads from his phone

"@Julie04 says: @ItsRebekah is so cute, I wish she were with @Harry_Styles." Niall goes into a fit of laughter while Harry and I laugh for only a moment.

"C'mon guys. its funny." Niall pouts.

"Its funny, but not that funny." Liam teases Niall. Niall only sticks out his tongue then pouts.

"I'll read some, since Niall doesn't want to anymore." I grin.

"This one says: Omg! @NiallOfficial is so hot! I wonder if he has a girlfriend."

"I'm going to tell her you do have a girlfriend. I decide."

@ItsRebekah: Our little Nialler (@Niallofficial) does have a girlfriend, her name is Penny!

A moment of silence has gone by as we all sit on our new twitters.

"Twitter is so fun." Louis says while looking at the tiny screen. A a sits with us along with Matt. Harry sits in his seat with a frown.

"What the matter babe?" Louis touches his shoulder.

"I'm just a bit upset." He stares at his phone.

"About?" I ask. Everyone else is in their own conversation.

"You can all be open with your relationships, but I don't think I can do that." He looks down again.

"With Kyle?" I ask the obvious.

"Yeah, I don't think people will accept me. What if I get hate? More importantly, what if he gets hate?" He has a few tears now. Louis and I hug him while the rest of the group seem oblivious to our dramatic moment.

"Hey, everyone you care about accepts you two, that's all you need worry about." I pull him into another hug. He hugs me back when I see the group looking over. I shake my head to tell them not to ask, so they all look away and try to go back to their own conversation.

"Guys. can we go somewhere?" Harry asks everyone.

"Like?" Niall asks back.

"Like...swimmming. Let's go to the beach!" He laughs excitedly.

Its agreed between the eight of us. We head up to our rooms to get changed and agree to meet by the front doors. I change into a random swimsuit I brought and meet Ava by the door. She is smiling in a large sun hat a pink bikini and a large green scarf slung across her hips.

"Your bikini is quite colorful." I laugh as I see her bright pink sandels.

"Yeah, let's take a picture." She brings out her phone I self consiously pull my gray halter swim suit up. I smile into the camera on her phone. She looks at it for a moment then types something. My phone vibrated to a tweet from Ava.

"@AvaBabee: @ItsRebekah and I off to the beach! ♥" The photo is attached and it has four favorites, two retweets and three girls and noys asking us how we are or for a follow. I follow back the few people and then we begin to walk towards the front of the house.

"Babe, you look good." Zayn mumbles when I walk to him. I blush as I look at his lean figure covered by long shorts and black muscle tank.

I stick my tongue out for lack of anything better. He laughs as we walk out the door to the beach. Its a short walk of a few blocks of houses. When we get there its mostly empty with the exception of a tall man, his kids and two women. We pick a spot and everyone rushes towards the water while I walk.

The water is cool and the sand warm. Before fully getting in I squish sand between my toes when Zayn walks up to me with his hair sticking to his forehead and little drops dripping onto his bare chest.

"Babe, c'mon!" He grabs my hand. I hold my hand and smile telling to wait. I slowly walk in with him standing there, hands on hips.

"c'mon!! Everyone is waiting." He pleads, only teasingly of course. I go even slower because of his reaction. He sighs and there is the sound of water swishing . I look up to see Zayn walk up to me, bending down and grabbing me by my waist. He hoists me onto his shoulder and I have the veiw of the beach getting smalled and the water coming up his waist and closer to my face.

"Okay hold your breath." He says while pulling me off his shoulder and throwing us both into the water. Water still goes up my nose but when I come up from the water I'm giggling along with Zayn.

"Nice, very romantic." I remark and blow water from my nose and cough.

"I know." He says as he does the same, the rest of the boys call to us so we aren't all split up.

The whole beach trip is great and goes well for another hour until paparazzi show up. We're all confused until lights are flashing then we calmly walk out of the water to our towels and leave. We walk back to the house without notice somehow.

"Hmm, the paparazzi?" Louis says like a question.

"I already don't like them."

"Me neither." Harry while the others laugh.

"Can we get ice cream?" I ask as we pass the ice cream truck.

"yes!" Ava says and walks back. Zayn pulls me around him and back towards the truck. I get a Dora popcicle, Zayn get the Mutant Ninja Turtle. I look to A a and see her eating Tweety and the rest of them got something other than the character ice cream. Harry and Louis have gotten so close these past weeks to the point I'd think Louis is gay if I hadn't known him before this. Louis laughs and wipes Harry's chin from the chocolate that dribbled down. Matt, Niall and Liam Laugh over Ava's spilled ice cream which has now been reduced to a bright yellow puddle on the floor.

The house is just as quiet as we left it. There's only about 18 contestants around and the 10 others float around the most empty mansion. We head to our rooms to change. Elly is in our room but her eyes have red rings around then and her nose is red.

"Oh, hi Rebekah. I was just leaving." She snifles and tries to get her bag quickly.

"Oh, no you don't have to leave. I can go if you'd like." I smile as she weakly smiles back.

"No, you don't have to leave." She says and sits down. I walk to my need and do the same.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She looks to me with wide eyes and then they start leaking tears. I act on my first instinct to sit on her bed and hug her. She immediantly responds by telling me why she's upset. She misses home and one of the guys from a group that was eliminated had a thing with her.

"H-he hasn't called me or anything. Its like everything we had was nothing." she crya into my shoulder.

"We spent night a together because he missed home..I missed home and then he told me he loved me." She snifles again.

"Maybe everything is just a lie." She whispers.

"Maybe he's just a dick that would have said anything to get close to you." I sigh sadly. She shakes her head and cries harder. We sit there until she finally falls asleep. I lay her down and finally change. Zayn comes in a bit after I finish and looks to Ellys tear stained face.

"Long story short, she was used by some douche in a band." I say as he hugs me.

"I don't want to leave her." I say he only nods and climbs into my bed.

"Sleepy." He says and drifts off. I stay awake and the only noise of Elly and Zayn's soft breathing, I only fall asleep an hour later.


Oh my god. I am so so sorry. My only excuse is I had no wifi and that's not even a good excuse because I should have been writing and I am so sorry. I honestly wouldn't blame some of my readers for stopping reading but those of you that stayed you're troopers. God I feel terrible but I love you guys so much for continuing to read my story. If you're reading this then I love you for ever and ever! THANKS FOR READING AND HOPEFULLY I WILL HAVE THE NEXT CHAPTER UP SOON.


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