Dancing, Tears and Idiots (Chapter 31)

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The sound of my alarm rings throughout my small room. I open my eyes a bit and squint through the darkness. The beeping of my alram awakening Ava.

"Off." Ava mumbles through her sleepy state. I find my phone and push the Dismiss button. My eyes slowly open to the bright light that Ava has switched on. She sits up in her bed as I do the same. I wordlessly walk over to the bathroom. When I'm finished using the bathroom I brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Becca! Hurry! I have to pee!" Ava says in a sleepy, yet squeaky voice.

"Sorry." I walk out as she she wuickly rushed past me and closes the door. A small laugh escapes my lips at her hurry. Next I pull on a pair of excercise shorts and a regular t-shirt. Our instuctor, Rob, said we should dress comfortably and be ready to dance. I groan and the thought of dancing, on TV. I'm not ready and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be kicked off. I sigh heavily and wait for Ava to finish so we can walk down together. In the time I wait I brush out my long hair and braid it straight down my back. I realize exactly how long my hair is whenthe tip of my hair reaches my hips.

"I really need a haircut." I mumble and slip my converse on. Not the best dancing shoes, but they will due. I pace the room in worry, Ava is taking forever.

"Ready?" She says cheerfully.

"Woo-hoo." I say blandly with sarcasm dripping thoughout the short phrase. She smiles and my comment and gestures for us both to leave the room.


"Your hair is super long." Niall says while twisting my braid.

"I know, I need a haircut." A frown covers my face.

"Perhaps just a trim? I love when your hair is long." Zayn says to me. He tries to be seductive but it just isn't working today.

"Perhaps I will cut it super short, because of that comment." I smile. His smirk let's me knows he's called my bluff.

"You wouldn't, I know you love your long hair." He smile and nudges my shoulder.

"Oh, Malik. You know me so well." I grin.

"I know." He leans closer to me.

"Stop! I'm going to throw up my breakfast!" Harry yells in fake disgust.

"You're just upsset because you haven't seen Kyle in two days." I tease.

"I know! I miss my baby!" He says while doinghip thrusts.

"You're a pig. That's my cousin." I grimace.

"You know I'm kidding Becca!" He grins and hugs me over my shoulders from behind.

"You better be." I warn him with a grin.

"You guys are so immature." Liam smiles.

"Mate, you know you miss Angela." Zayn winks.

"We can't all have our girlfri–significant others with us." Louis begins but then glances at Harry. I burst into laughter for no reason at all. I keep laughing until Louis does a what-the-fuck fake laugh. I realize what a lunatic I look like and stop suddenly. I look down and realize how weird I just acted.

I see Zayn from the corner of my eye laughing to himself. I look up and everyone has turned away from us.

"Where are your pearls?" He asks and strokes my collarbone where they usually are. We all wait on a stage. I've heard from around the crown,d that there is about 400 of us and by the end of the day there will be 200. I worry that I will be the 200 that leaves.

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