Guest Judge, Dora The Explora, and Trust Issues(Chapter 34)

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My nerves are getting to me. I can feel the sweat forming on my neck. I don't feel as confident as I thought. Ava and Alyssa have sung for me and they're all so good. Elly was doing voice excercises this morning and I feel so out of my element. As I pracrice on the lawn I feel paranoid and its about 8 AM. I breathe deeply and text Zayn for the next hour. He tell me about their fun time at the beach but how Louis stepped on something in the ocean. Worry runs through me as I'm told about how he's at the hospital. Zayn says they've been worrying all night but Lou just texted him, telling him he's on his way to Simons house now. Cher comes around to tell us it almost time at exactly 8:55. Zayn says his goodbyes, since he also has to perform with the boys.

I inhale deeply before standing up and walking with worry into the large house. Inside the living room is the camera crew along with all the female contestants. We stand in a half circle because Cher is going to talk to us. She begins by giving us a warm good morning and then goes straight into the order we will perform. Her guest judge is yet be revealed so we all begin to walk out of the room except Elly. She was chosen first because we're going in ABC order, I'll be next. As we wait outside om the patio no one speaks. I look around to see worry in each face I see. I sigh as try not to think about that anymore, I know I can do this. Minutes pass slowly but within five minutes Elly is back out and breathing deeply next to me and one of her friends.

"Becka, you're up." She smiles. I smile back and look to Cher who has a reassuring smile. I walk to the house and into the long hallway towards the living room.

"Hello Rebekah." Cher smiles. A tall man sits next to her by the name of I gasp at the sight and he chuckles lightly. I walk to center and face them.

"You begin whenever." She says. The small band to the side starts playing and I begin to sing the words on time. My voice is clear and hopfully it sounds nice. The confidence I felt yesterday rushes through me, my posture straighten and my eyes close with passion. The artist reminds me of Zayn and so happiness rushes through me. I silently dedicate this song to him. The guitar slowly comes to and end and the words stop. and Cher are both smiling and nodding.

"Okay, thank you Rebekah. Please send in the next girl." She smiles. I walk out as fast as I can so I can talk to other Cher.

"Becca!" Cher grins.

"How'd it go?" Her big eyes wide in excitement.

"Good, I hope. I'm sure you'll kill it!" I grin. On the opposite side of the patio Mini and he friends glare daggers at me. I look away from their vicious glare and face Ava who is shaking in her seat.

"Ava? Are you okay?" I ask with concern.

"M'fine. Nerves." she mumbles. I squeeze her shoulder and sit in silence for a while, clearing my thoughts. Girls go through the hallway quickly and finally we're all done. In about an hour we are all sitting outside while the two judges deliberate. I look around and see the worry back on everyones face. Cher walks put and asks Katie, one of the twins to come in. She walks in slowly and finally make it. I'm nervous for me, I'm nervous for her, I'm just all around nervous and this waiting is nerve wracking. She doesn't come out but Cher comes again and takes girl by girl. I look to my pgone in anticipation. I have three new texts. I open up the first from my aunt that's says "Good Luck" in caps and a smiling emoji. The next is from Zayn wishing me the best with a kissing emoji. Before I can open the next Cher is calling my name. I stand up quickly and push my phone into my pocket. I walk into the tiled hall and follow the clkcking and clacking of her high heels.

*click* *clack*

*click* *clack*

*click* *clack*

After a few of those we finally arrive in the living room. is fone and there are two small chairs facig each other. The coffee table in between then hold a box of tissue. I gulp and proceed to sit across fro, her.

"Rebekah, you're a great singer. You voice is great, you know when to sing and what fits your voice. I want to tell you that you've made. I think you will really be a great contestant. Congratulation!" she grins. I stand up as she does and lean in for a big hug. I still haven't made a sound because of the inital shock. I grin to her and thank her at least aa half dozen times.

"You're welcome, now go up into the lounge with the other girls." There, All the other girls she called before me sit. They sit there with happy expressions. This tells me that she hasn't told the ones who didn't make it. Ava walks through the door ten minutes later. There are only eight if us now; including myself, Ava, Alyssa, Cher and Elly. Two of the "Mean Girls" Remain along with one twin and the tall girl with dark hair and glasses.

"Ladies, I'm sorry to say we've had to say goodbye to Eva and Katie." Cher says as she comes in.

"Congratulations all! You're all going to the live shows." She says loudly because the camera men are behind her. We all cheer at our success. A loud ringing fills my ears as I realize that its my phone.

"Babe!" Zayn calls through the phone, there's cheering in the backround and the sound of Louis' voice.

"We did it! We did it!" He yells into the phone as I chuckle.

"Calm dowm Dora The Explora." I tease.

"I made it too." I grin.

"That's so amazing! I can't wait to see you so I can hugand kiss you!"

"Me neither." I grin wider even though he can't see me.

"Look babe, I have to go but I will see you soon." I say our usual goodbye and hang up. I realize I still have a text message and open it up.

Your going yo fail, because thats all you are a failure. Thats probably why Ryan stopped talking to you. Stupid slut.


My breathing quicken, whoever has been texting me is supposed to be friend. I only told three girls about that and they're all sitting next to me. I look to them amd they're all smiling and laughing. They all glance and give me warm smiles.

"Becca...are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Cher asks with concern.

"M'fine. I er, have to pee." I mumble and walk out the door and into the hall. Who can I trust? If anyone at all...


Hey! I'm sorry I take too long to update. Anyway, so the texter is back, any thoughts? if so please comment and tell me what you thing ^-^

Sorry it short .-.

Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!

Vote? Comment? Maybe? ♥

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