Part 1

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Monday Morning, Daon's POV.
I was sitting down in the courtyard, doodling in my notebook. The time was passing by slowly, which was fine by me.

As I zoned out, I heard footsteps come my way. I already knew who it was, so I quickly put away my notebook and pulled out my hair brush. "Chaewon! You're early!"

She came panting and put her arm on the table. As I pulled out my pocket handkerchief and wiped her forehead, she began speaking. "Taehyung didn't do his math homework. Again." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my binder, handing her the Calculus worksheet. She tucked it away in her bag before giving me a tight hug. I laughed and returned the hug.

Chaewon always did the boy's orders, because she was not only afraid of that dork but also worried he'll fail the final coming up. I gave her my brush and she combed her blonde hair as she began talking about what are the latest news of the Silver clan.

The Silver Clan is the group of mischievous boys, always messing around with their lives. There was six of them: Yoongi, Hoseok, JaeBum, Yugyeom, Sanha, and Jungkook.

Yoongi was known for his beautiful yet horrible raps, with their complex rhythm sounding amazing yet the lyrics are sad and depressing.

Hoseok and Yugyeom were the ones known for being the best dancers, but being too arrogant about it.

Sanha was the youngest, who was a big player. JaeBum was the not-as-bad hyung from the group, the worst he did was skip school just because.

Lasty, Jeon Jungkook. He was the most terrible from all of them. He was so rude and slacked on everything, basically all of them combined. Jungkook's attitude towards everything was cold and bitter, which frustrated me the most. He was smart though, but he's used it the wrong way. All of them actually. They all make the most indescribable reasons as to why they lack what they lack, and don't get in trouble for it.

"...Then Sanha talked back to Mrs. Jong, and he had to visit Appa, which was bad I guess. He came out with such a sour face, so I'm assuming he finally got his punishment-"

Before she could finish, I tugged on her sleeve as the group of boys passed by us. They were talking loudly while they threw a basketball around. Jungkook made eye contact with me, winking before turning away, replying to something JaeBum said. I made a face of disgust and looked away, convincing myself he was just playing with me. I fell for that stupidly perfect smile, again. Why was it so hard for me to get over him...?

I looked over at Chaewon, who was also staring at him, but not in a furious way like she always had.

"Stupid Jungkook.." I muttered, picking up my bag and dragging Chaewon away in the soccer field, where Taehyung was teaching the Freshman kids how to pass the ball correctly.

When I called out to him, he flashed a rectangle smile and waved back, telling us to come forward. We ran and hugged him, making the Freshmen ask if we were related to him at all.

"Yah! That's his yeojachingu, so back off Mina," said one of the boys to one of the girls standing in the back. He had pointed to me and Taehyung, making me blush.

They always mistake us for a couple, and now we've both gotten used to it. I did have feelings for Tae once before, but I've accepted him as my best friend. After all, it wasn't like he liked me either.

"Umm..." Taehyung looked down at me, turning his childish, happy expression to a serious one. "Daon, we need to talk."

"Just come with me." I left Chaewon to be with the students as we walked out to a small shaded spot near the trees. He then turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Daon Park, I am going to confess. I really-"

The bell rang, and I couldn't make out the rest of what he said. Instead of asking what he said, I pulled his arm and we rushed inside the school. We looked around for Chaewon, who already left the field earlier. I frantically searched, she couldn't have left far unless...

"Yah!" I ran over to Jungkook, who had his arms on either side of the wall, blocking Chaewon from moving. He looked at me slyly before holding up his hands as in calling for surrender. I roughly pushed him aside and hugged Chaewon tightly. I overheard the other students "ooh" me, and so did the Silver Clan.

Jungkook was probably mad for not fighting back and getting teased about it, so he furiously yanked my hand and I shoved it off, yelling a "Get away from me and my friend!" at him. He only laughed sarcastically and as if on cue, the dean (aka Chaewon's dad) came in from the hallway, staring at me curiously.

I mentally face palmed myself and tried my best not to punch Jungkook. Mr. Lee told us to follow him to his office, and I trudged my way there as he tailed along, casually walking like this happened everyday.

My "Miss Park, may I ask what is going on?" Before I could say any words, Jungkook cut me off. "I'll tell you the whole story, seonsaengnim." Mr. Lee nodded before we entered the room, the air getting tense.

This pabo! I hate you so much, Jeon Jungkook. But at the same time...

a/n: omoooo hey guys! So, first chapter! This was really short and I feel so bad, but it's just a little sneak peek of Jungkook's madness and Daon's pure innocenceXD...well, I hope you guys liked it! I'll make Chapter 2 wayy more interesting, believe me some strange things will happen. Anyways, thanks for reading! Also, please read Our Bittersweet Marriage, my other fanfic! I've been working hard on both of these fanfics, and I'm planning to release one more before the school year ends;) until next time~

[well dayum that author's note was months ago...*seungkwan voice* i loser i loserXD anyways, I'll quickly edit the other published chapters and maybe post some? We'll see;) thx again for reading~]

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