Part 7

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Daon's POV
"I'd rather she not."
The girls and I turned around, all of us shocked to hear someone's voice. A very familiar voice. My eyes widened at the sight of Hoseok right in front of me, suddenly pulling me up and brushing the dirt off my skirt. My cheeks were so pink, I put my hands over them to try and cool them. I almost forgot about Sarang and her squad behind us until she coughed.

"Yah, J-Hopie! What are you doing here?"
"Yeah, Hoseok. What are you doing here?" I loudly whispered, and he rolled his eyes, putting his arm around me protectively and facing the other girl. "First of all, why are you talking informally to me? Second, why did you shove her?"
"Because-because she took away Kookie from me!" she whined, and I felt Hoseok's fist ball up.
"Can you quit it? I'm sure Kookie wouldn't want to date sluts like yourself." I tugged on his shirt, "Yah, please don't start a fight...let's just go." And with that I pushed him off and we walked opposite of their direction.

Well I guess Hoseok walked. After a couple steps my legs started to hurt again. I lost balance and tripped over my shoe lace, falling onto the floor once again. I groaned and tied it up while Hoseok was leaning down, helping me with the other shoe and examining the purple bruise on my ankle. "Aish, you dummy. Look at this, you're hurt." I shook my head and tried to get up again, but ended up falling onto him.

I blushed hard as he held onto my shoulders to help me stay up. I sighed exasperatedly, "I'm fine. I just need-" Before I could finish, he picked me up bridal style and carried me out the hallway. "Yah!" I yelped, hitting his chest lightly, "Put me down! I'm not even bleeding!"
"But you have a huge bruise. Let's go to the nurse." I didn't argue back and stayed silent, trying to ignore all the stares we got.

It wasn't a coincidence that we bumped into Sanha and the rest of the Silver Clan. "Oh, what the...why are you carrying Daon?" The boy asked in a surprised tone, leaning in to look at me. I awkwardly waved at him. "She got hurt over there by Sarang and her little group. Come on, we gotta take her to the nurse." The boys followed and we walked passed the classrooms to the nurse's office. As we were walking, the boys were fooling around behind us. I looked back and saw Jungkook, who was strangely quiet. He was also looking at me, and we kept our eye contact until Hoseok adjusted me in his arms and put me on his back.

"We're here now." he said, and we walking into the tiny room. Ms. Min was already greeting us and smiled warmly at me. "So, Daon-ssi. What happened?"
"Uhh..." I turned to Hoseok, sending him the signal that I didn't really wanna say what happened. But of course, he ignored and told her.
"Sarang Gu and her friends were bullying her and then she tripped." Ms. Min nodded and tapped my leg. "Alright, I'll just bandage you up and you'll be good. Jung Hoseok, shouldn't you be in class?"
"Ne, saeng. But I was helping her."
"Geurae. Stay here then if she still needs assistance later."
"Ne!" He saluted cutely and the nurse laughed before walking off, getting the gauge. I turned to Hoseok. "Gomawo."
"It's nothing. I'll always be here for you." We exchanged grins before the nurse came in again and began fixing my ankle.

Jungkook's POV
"It's nothing. I'll always be here for you." said Hoseok. I clenched my fist and looked away from the pair once the nurse came in. I sighed, why couldn't I be the one to save her? Why is Hoseok the one who always makes it first?! It's not fair. I'm her boyfriend! What is he, her side hoe?!

"Jungkookie. Are you okay?" asked Jaebum, who was poking my cheek. I pushed his hand away and began slapping his arm. "Yah~ what are you doing?!"
"Jaebum hyung! She got hurt, and I wasn't there, what am I supposed to do? What does a boyfriend do? Aish ottoke?!" He laughed and ruffled my hair, putting his head on my shoulder.

"You're really cute, you know that right?"
I backed away, "Yah! Are you gay?!"
"No, you punk! I mean this whole situation! I can't believe you're putting this much effort in this relationship." I bit my lip and looked up at him, "I just...I don't know."
He sighed, "Do you really like her? As in you're digging her?"
"What kind of, 'digging'? Are you this old?"
"Stop judging me, you're just jealous of how fabulous I am. Anyways, answer the question!" I turned around and peeked into the nurse's office, where Daon was swinging her legs and laughing at a story J-Hope was telling her. I sighed, feeling the jealousy come into me again.

"Yes, I am."
By this time, the other boys crowded around us. "Mwo?! Wahhhhh" said Yugyeom and JaeBum said in unison. I covered my face in embarrassment. It was honestly hard for me to express my feelings, I mean I just can't get it out without looking like a fool or some jerk.

Before the rest of the teasing starts, Hoseok walks out and taps my shoulder. "Umm, Ms. Min wants Daon to go home so she can get her leg rested. Can you take her home? I don't know her address."
"I can just give it-"
"Aniya! Do it Jungkook!" JaeBum practically yelled, making me send a death stare. "Fine," I reluctantly stood up and walked into the office, where Daon was already trying to get off the bed. I ran up to her quickly, "U-uhh, do you need h-help?"

"Well yeah, I can't really walk." she mumbled, reaching out for my hand. Rather than taking it, I picked her up and let her piggy back ride. She rested her head on my shoulder and we walked out of the nurse's and into her neighborhood.  It was a silent and pretty awkward ride, the only time we really talked was when I sneezed and almost dropped her. After a few minutes, I felt light breathing on my neck. I turned to see her asleep, snuggling her head onto my side. I smiled and kept walking.

We made it to Daon's house in about 15 minutes, and I rung the doorbell continuously, just like I did the first time I arrived. The door opened, and there in front of me was her weird ass brother, Jimin. He looked different this time, he had blonde hair instead of his normal black one.

"Uhh, annyeong." I said, pushing him inside and entering the room. I set Daon down and as I was walking off, Jimin grabbed my shoulder. "Yah! Explain this shit to me!"
"I didn't do it-"
"Well no shit Sherlock of course you wouldn't do that! At least I don't think you would...anyways, what happened? Did you not protect her? You little-"
I rolled my eyes. Overprotective is right. "Listen shortie. I didn't even know where she was because she was heading into class. She apparently tripped so my friend helped her. Calm your man-tits."

He protectively put his hands over his chest. "Excuse me now? You know what, all this stress is going to put some lines and wrinkles on my perfect skin, which I CANNOT afford. As in CANNOT. C-A-N-N-O-T-"
"I can spell, Jimin! Aish, I'm leaving. You got no jams." and with that, I left the room, praying the next time I step into that house, that boy won't nag me like an old ahjumma again.

Im bery sleepy. Honestly school got me stressed, (I FEEL U JIMIN)
How was the chapter? Who ships Daon and Hoseok? Or Daon and Kookie?
Plz comment, vote and share! Thx love you all^^

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