Part 4

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End of Final's Week, Daon's POV
It's been exactly a week since Jungkook and I made that stupid bet. Flashbacks of it always made me feel uneasy. The thought of having me be his girlfriend sounded horrifying, but at the same time it was a little flattering...

I shook my head. No, I shouldn't feel that way. He'll ruin my image, and probably my streak of not going to Mr. Lee's office. I walked into the homeroom class, where everyone was in their seats getting ready to see their Final scores. I shuffled my feet nervously as I glanced at Jungkook, who was already smirking and talking to his group. Chaewon sat next to me, braiding her hair while talking about dyeing it red.

Finally, Mrs. Jong came into the room with a stack of papers, terrifying me a lot. Those grades depend on me living or dying. She glided across the room, handing each student their tests, and soon enough she walked to me. I shut my eyes tightly and quickly murmured a prayer before flipping over the packet.

Science: 87%
Math: 93%
History: 96%
Language: 90%
Literature: 82%
Average: 92%

I bit my lip as I looked at all my missed questions, hoping I could find a mistake to boost up my grade just by a little. Chaewon glanced at me worriedly, "Gwenchana?"
"Yeah, I guess." I got out of my seat ignoring her and went straight to Jungkook, who was leaning back with his chair. "Ah, Ms. Heo." I glared at him before holding my hand out, wanting to see his score. He handed it to me with a bland look before looking at everyone else, who was wondering why I was here next to him. I took a look, and my eyes widened.

Average: 93%

"Mwoya?!? One percent?" I sighed exasperatedly as Jungkook stared amused, looking more annoying than ever. "Jungkook please..."
"You're backing out? Wow, a deal is a deal Daon. Where's your loyalty and sportsmanship, hmm?" I broke down internally. Aigoo, why did I have to be so overconfident? Jungkook stared at me with his eyebrows raised and I decided to give in. I nodded to him and lowered my head as he ran to me and wrapped his arms around my waist for a hug. I felt really uncomfortable but at the same time, it felt really different, almost comforting. "Don't worry, Jagi. It's just a bet, not the real deal." he whispered into my ear, his breath tingling on my neck. I shook him off and glared at him before walking away to Chaewon, who was staring at me from afar. But of course, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. "Yah-" he covered my lips with his huge hands and turned to his Silver Clan.

"This is my new girlfriend, Daon Park." They all stared wide-eyed, just as confused as I was. "It was a bet, geez. Relax guys." Each of them had their own surprised look. Jaebum looked very shocked, and so did Suga. They both didn't think I'd be his target after all of my 'innocent roles.' Yugyeom seemed fine with it, Sanha was barely paying attention...the only one who seemed uncomfortable was Hoseok. He looked down and played with his fingers as Jungkook kept talking.

"For five or so months, I'm going to be dating her. She'll be happy to help you out with anything." He emphasized everything, making me gulp of nervousness. What kind of everything does he mean?! Finally, he removed his hands from my waist and mouth and said I could go, so I rushed over to my seat. Chaewon looked at me curiously, "Daon-ah, is there anything wrong?"
"A-aniyo..I just-"
"Just tell me if you have problems, I can help you." She looked really upset, maybe she knew about me and Jungkook. I didn't want to tell her because she might tell her dad, or even worse spill it to Taehyung.
"I don't have any! I'm okay, stop asking!"
"Ara..." she nodded and turned away, disappointment obvious on her face. I felt bad not having the courage to tell her, but it was safer that way...

At around lunchtime, I got my packed lunch and walked with Chaewon, arms linked. Soon, Taehyung joined us and the three of us walked towards the courtyard like usual. But when we got there, our spot was filled with people. With boys.

It was the Silver Clan, with of course, Jungkook sitting on the table top throwing food into Yugyeom's mouth. I stared wide-eyed and tried to act like nothing happened between me and that pervert. Before I could say anything, Taehyung and Chaewon charged to the group.
"Yah! This is our table!"

"Oh really? Is your name on it?" Jaebum asked sarcastically. Chaewon scoffed before looking at me, who was staring from a farther distance. "Ahh, Daon. There you are." Jungkook said as he walked towards me casually before swinging an arm around my shoulder. I tried my best not to look bothered and shuffled my feet. He seemed to notice me and said, "Yah, don't be so stiff. You're not a statue." Taehyung had his eyebrows raised and stared at me and Jungkook, making me feel guilty. I knew he liked me before, but maybe this is affecting him. He is like an older brother to me, and that of course means I'm one of his priorities. I wondered if he still had feelings for me...

Jungkook snapped in my face. "Earth to Daon?" I made brief eye contact with him before removing his hands from me and getting my sacked lunch. "Chaewon, let's eat now." Her and Taehyung took their seats in the far end of the table and opened my bag, which had an apple, smoothie, and a sandwich. I was about to take a bite when Jungkook grabs it and eats it.

"You're eating just this? Wow, no wonder you're so skinny." He replied in between munches. I looked down at my body and gulped, suddenly feeling uncomfortable at what he said. Hoseok walked over to me and gave me his Bento box, with a soft voice saying, "Eat this, okay?"
"But Hoseok, your food-"
"I'm not that hungry. Eat." I obeyed him and ate his food silently. Chaewon and Taehyung were awkwardly watching the other boys, who were trying to communicate with them. I felt so bad for them, they had to suffer this bet with me..Aish! Stupid Jungkook! I looked over at him, where he was making bubbles in my smoothie.
Ugh, what an immature douche.

a/n: hi guys! I'm so sorry, I'm being so slow with the updates now>< my time has been really small, our school is prepping me for the graduation tomorrow and I've been stressing on a lot, so mianhe! The next chapter will come out as soon as I can start writing, hopefully in 2-3 days? Maybe sooner...anyways hope you liked the chapter! Ttyl~

[a/n: loling bcuz my a/n's are LONG AF. LIKE MY CAPTIONS ON INSTAGRAM XDDD]

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