Part 18

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Daon's POV
Yoongi squeezed my hands before letting out a plead.

"Please help m-me. Chaewon's up at the rooftop, about to commit suicide!"

"What?!" The boys and I said in unison. Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, but only a sob came out. Jaebum motioned for me to go up and help the girl while they calm him down. I nodded and walked upstairs.


I pushed the door open and frantically glanced around trying to find her. There was a couple girls who pushed by me and walked towards a crowd, which I followed. As we got nearer, I heard her.

"No one loves me! I...can't do anything with my damn life anymore!! I'll die! No one cares! No one, even Yoongi oppa will be happy because I'm such a bother to everyone!" I ran up to her as she stuck out her foot, which was hanging at the edge of the building.

"Yah, Lee Chaewon!"  She turned to me, eyes puffy and red from her tears. I reached out to grab her arm, but she refused.

"What, you want me to live? Wae, why should I still be here? No one fucking loves me-"
"Shut up!" I screamed back at her, pulling her away from the edge.

She fought back, but I didn't let go of her. Chaewon's tears were already dampening my uniform, but it didn't matter.
"Stop fighting me." I said quietly, stroking her hair like how I did whenever she cried.

Her grip on me loosened and she ended up hugging me. I felt my own hot tears fall down as she was sniffling. We sat on the cold cement floor, facing each other.

I wiped her tears gently and put her hands in mine. "I'm sorry." She muttered, keeping her head low. "I...I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's okay. But seriously. Why'd you want to jump off the fucking building?! Are you insane?"
"Because I thought no one would care." Chaewon said, squeezing my shaking hands.

"Well, I do. Yoongi does. Even the boys. If no one did, there wouldn't be a whole group of people staring at you try and commit suicide." I flicked her forehead. "You really are an idiot. Imagine if Taehyung was here, what do you think he'd be feeling?"

She closed her eyes and muttered a sorry again before putting her arms around me. "You really are an amazing friend, Daon."
I smiled, "You are too."

We got up, getting ready to go back downstairs when someone ran up to us.

"Oh, hi Namjoon." I looked at the boy in surprise as he handed her a handkerchief and his coat. "I hope you'll feel better. If you need anything, I'm here, arachi?"

Chaewon blushed, thanking Namjoon as he smiled, showing off his deep dimples before walking away. I nudged her, "Ooh, Namjoon."

"Shut up. We had lunch together a few days ago. He's...nice." She looked down and turned pink.


The two of us walked together towards the Silver Clan, who was surrounded around Yoongi. Chaewon let out a laugh at his tear stained face and called his name.

"Yah, Yoongi-ah." His head shot up when he heard her voice, and he ran to her and embraced her tightly.

"Oh my god Chaewon! Do you know how scared I got?! Why did you even decide on doing that?!? I swear, I thought I'd never see you again after you told me not to help-"

She squished his cheeks so he'd stop talking, and she laughed at him. "Look, I'm here now, right? I wouldn't leave you, oppa. Never ever."

Yoongi's tears fell again as he kept his arms around her protectively, as though she'd disappear into dust in a second. Chaewon eyed me carefully before clearing her throat, "Umm, Jungkook."

He turned to her, surprised she called him. "Can we talk? The two of us?"

Jungkook shrugged before standing up, walking away with her. We all kept our eyes on them as they neared a tree and began talking. After a couple minutes, they exchanged a hug before returning back to us.

Jungkook's POV
"So what do we need to talk about?"

"It's about why I was about to jump.." Chaewon looked at me with guilty eyes. "It was because of you."

I furrowed my eyebrows confused, "What?"
"I was jealous. I thought because you were with Daon, I was never going to like you. We've known each other since elementary school, I'm surprised I still had feelings for you."

The words ran through my head, she liked me? Since when?!
"Oh," was the only thing I could say. Chaewon nodded before talking, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."
"No, it's not. What I did was useless. It's understandable if you want me away from your girlfriend."
"No! Don't say that." I patted her shoulder. "I'm sorry for not knowing how you felt all this time. You are an amazing and beautiful girl, and I'm sure someone will see that."

She nodded before slightly smiling and hugging me. I returned it, happy to know all our problems were solved.

As we walked back towards the group, Daon had her eyes on me. I stood next to her and whispered into her ear, "Hey jagiya."

"What'd you guys talk about?"
"Just...feelings." I smirked, "Wae? Are you jealous?"
"No!" She backed away, crossing her arms. "I was just asking."

"And I was answering." I took her hand and pulled her closer to me, so I had my arms around her.

"I'm happy everything's all better. Hopefully it'll stay this way." Daon said, looking at the group of boys joke around with Chaewon. I smiled and nodded, "I do too."

So i was busy sorry:(
this book will be finishing soon so u know GET READY LOL
but ill have bonus chapters for KayKooKTwerks so yeah lol u can read that if u wantXD
thanks for reading<3333

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