Part 6

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Next Day, Daon's POV
My alarm buzzed, waking me up instantly.
Well I guess it was my alarm.
I lazily yawned and looked out my window, wondering who was ringing the doorbell at 5 in the morning. To my surprise, it was Jungkook.

I opened the window and yelled out at him, "Yah! What are you doing here? How do you even know my address?!" He flashed a mischievous grin before shouting back, "Secret~ anyways, get ready for school! Are you this lazy?" I rolled my eyes before shutting the window, ignoring the rest of his complains. Wow, stalker and pervert. What a great boyfriend.

As I ruffled my bedhead hair and grabbed my uniform from the closet, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I said absentmindedly as Jimin came into my room. He had his arms crossed over his chest, "Aish, who is this delinquent outside?! You didn't tell me you have a namchin! Mwo, your own brother doesn't even know this! Does Eomma and Appa know?!" (a/n: btw, theyre parents are living in a different house due to their work, but they still keep in contact and visit them often:)) I laughed nervously, slightly pushing Jimin away from the doorstep. Yes, Jimin is my older brother. By 2 years.

"Oppa stop. It's nothing okay?"
"Nothing? He woke me from my beauty sleep! How am I supposed to go to the cafe and act like a flower boy with eye bags under my eyes?! Aigoo, Seokjin hyung will kill me..." As he continued whining, I laughed and poked his muscular arms, "Yah, you're fine and still look perfectly handsome. Now move, I need to shower." He nodded, flopping onto my bed and closing his eyes once more. I walked off, but before I could lock the door to the restroom-

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Are you kidding me Jeon Jungkook?!

"Get it oppa!" I yelled, ignoring the next 16 ongoing rings. I heard the boy groan as he got out of my room, kicking the door before heading downstairs. I chuckled lightly, then rolled my eyes. He is so annoying...but why is my heart fluttering whenever I think of him?!

Jimin's POV
I opened the door to see a boy with a cute face. His hair was ruffled because of the wind and he was biting his lip nervously with his little bunny teeth. I welcomed him in, (well not really welcome, more like grab his collar and pull him inside the house) and told him to sit down. He eyed me carefully as I did to him, and we sat there, across from each other intensely before I spoke up.

"Jeon Jungkook."
"Holy Jisoos young did you meet her?"
"Her? Y-you mean D-daon?"
"No, the mother of the next door's neighbor."
"Um..." This was going nowhere. I facepalmed and yelled, "Yes Daon! When did you two become some kind of thing?"
Jungkook was about to open his mouth to open before frowning, "Wait, why should you care? What are you, her appa?"

I made a face, do I look old...? THIS DAMN BOY, if only I slept more I probably would look even better than I do right now! "I'm Park Jimin, her brother." His face lit with realization as he played with his fingers in nervousness. Yes boy, get nervous. Imma bite your head off if you mess with my baby dongsaeng.

Before I could continue asking him questions, Daon popped up behind me with a tank top and her hair up in a towel, giving the attention to her. We turned to her and I stared wide eyed at how she was dressed. "Yah! There's a boy here! Cover your...aish! Get out!" I pulled Jungkook up and pushed him out the front door and locked it, leaving me and Daon alone here inside.

Jungkook's POV
"Yah! There's a boy here! Cover your...aish! Get out!" The Jimin guy said to me. I got up and ran out the door as he shoved me out. After slamming the door in my face, I ended up listening through the door to what they were saying.

"Yah, who is that?!" said the guy.
"Uhh...Jungkook's my friend-"
"Friend? Oh no no. He's more than that I know. Aigoo, next time please tell me first when he's picking you up for school! Or whenever I have to see his face. And also, wear your school uniform! Exposing your cleavage in front of him?! Mm-mm hun."
"Quit nagging me oppa! You aren't Eomma."

I chuckled as I heard footsteps coming my way. I backed off the door and looked down, acting like I was kicking a rock. The door opened and out came Daon, fully dressed with her hair down. Jimin was right behind her, glaring at me. "Umm, we'll get going." Daon said, pulling my arm out of the driveway.
", Jeon kid." I turned around, gulping. "I'm warning you right now, do something and my fist is gonna end up all over you. We'll talk next time." I nodded and quickened our pace, wanting to leave that weird kid. Wow, is he protective.

Daon's POV
As we walked to school, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I sighed, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Mianhae..." I took a quick glance at him quickly before looking back at the ground. "For what?" Jungkook asked quietly.
"Jimin oppa is just overprotective."
"Yeah I can see that.." I chewed the inside of my cheeks and tried releasing all the tension in my body. And it didn't go away when we bumped into Chaewon.

"Oh, hi Daon! How are-" she stopped and stared at Jungkook surprised. He looked at her then at me before intertwining our fingers, locking our hands together. She watched him before turning her gaze back at us.
"Annyeong Chaewon." She nodded, as if testing us. "So, you guys are really doing this."
"This?" He lifted our hands. "Oh our relationship? Hell yeah, it's real. Why? Do you have a problem with us being together?"
"Aniya. Just...never mind. I'll see you in class, Daon." And with that she left us, me feeling so confused. Why didn't she just drag me away with her like she always did? Why did she just stare at Jungkook like I was holding hands with the devil?

"Yah," Jungkook, using his free hand, touched my chin and made me shut my mouth, which was apparently still hanging from that scene. "Your mouth was still open, who knows a fly could've made a family in there." He chuckled, and I covered my face in embarrassment. He pulled me into the campus, laughing and dragging me to the Silver Clan, who was waiting for us. I greeted each of them and exchanged grins with Hoseok. As we began talking, the 5 minute bell rang, so I bid goodbye with them before walking off to class.

I took the long way, mainly because I really didn't wanna go to class. As I passed by the classrooms and hallways, there was a group of girls at the corner. Obviously the gossip bitches. I ignored them as I passed by, only to get grabbed by the backpack.

"Omo, it is her."
"That's the one?"
"What kind of taste..."
"The one who took my Jungkook oppa."
"She's pathetic."
I raised a brow and stared at the girls in front of me. There was 8 of them, with Sarang in the front. I'm assuming she's the leader, considering the fact that she was the one who grabbed my bag.

"Alright, so we're seriously gonna have an argument over Jungkook? Listen, he isn't mine. He isn't yours either. Can you all just-"
"Aniyo! You stole him from us!" Sarang stepped up in my space and shoved me, and I fell on the floor. I honestly didn't care about the pain, I knew this would happen knowing he's the most popular idiot here. I glared at her, as her group of friends surrounded me.
"How weak," she muttered. I stood up, only to get pushed down again. What is this? A stand-up sit-down game? The girls laughed, ringing through my ears. I began feeling dizzy as Sarang took another step at me. "Get up Daon! C'mon, let's fight."

"I'd rather she not."

a/n: hey errbody.
Anyways how was the chapter? I made 1/4 of this while I was in geometry lel so if ur wondering why the quick update there ye goXD
Jiminie is some kind of bro lmao protective little shit😂
Plz comment, share, and vote! Thx chingus love you all!<33333

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