Bonus Chapter - 3

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Taehyung's POV
"So we're going to the...beach?" I asked, careful for my English pronunciation. Kaylia nodded and jumped into the driver's seat, "Yup, beach."

"No, Taehyung! That's a bad word oh sounds like bleach without the l."

I opened my mouth and tried to say the word, "B-beach." She laughed and squished my cheeks. "There you go. Beach."

I smiled at her as she started the engine. We left the road of the apartment and were soon on the highway. I decided to play some kpop, because hey, who doesn't want to play music on a long trip?

Kaylia patted my cheek (it was a habit of hers to touch mine), "Yah, did you forget anything?"
"Ummm, I don't know."
"I have that."
"I have that."
"Of course!"
"Extra clothes?"

I gulped, searching the backpack I brought. "I..."
"You don't have it." She muttered, sighing. I let out a mischievous laugh, "Whoops. I swear I prepared it. Umm, we can just go back!"
"We're already on the road pabo!"

I checked my bag once more, hoping I at least had some article of clothing.
"You probably forgot it. It's alright, we'll have to buy something there." I nodded before turning to her, "Mianhe."

She rolled her eyes, "It's okay. But seriously, I don't know if stuff are different in Korea because in kdramas it's not, but it's not everyday you're with a super nice and attractive stranger."

I faked a sarcastic scoff, "Attractive? Since when?"
"Yah!" Kaylia said, flicking my forehead. I suppressed a chuckle and sat down again, opening up a box of Pepero that she had in the beach bag.


After about an hour passed by, we made it. I jumped out of the car in excitement, stretching my limbs from all the sitting. Kaylia stepped out also, the beach bag in her hands and my backpack on her shoulders.

I let out a laugh and poked her cheek, "You look like a slave right now. I can carry the bags, little girl." Before she could protest, I clamped my hand over her mouth and took the stuff.

We walked along the wet sand, Kaylia telling me a story of her coming here the first time with her friends and cousin. I nodded and listened to her voice, sounding almost like a melody in my ears.

"Oh!" I dropped the beach bag and ran towards the shore. "Yah! My camera was in there stupid!"

I ignored and ran towards the seaweed that were brought by the waves. Picking it up, I observed it looking at its slimy features.

"Ew." I heard her mutter from behind me. I swung it carelessly, aiming the water towards her. She yelped and ran, kicking me with sand.

We played in the water and ended up wet. "Let's play tag." She yelled, running into the waves. I went up to her and poked her sides, "You're it."

Kaylia turned to me and ran, trying to chase me. "Do you seriously think you can get me?" I felt her hands on my back and a loud pitched, "Tag!" behind me. I groaned and went after her, running into the water.

I put my arms around her and held her tight before she could run, "Guess what. You're it forever." Kaylia laughed before yelling my name.

"Tae...Taetae THERE'S A WA-"
Water showered us and we fell down, laughing as the wave collapsed on us. I pulled her up and chuckled at all the sand tangled in her hair.

The two of us ran towards the surface to dry up. It was already late in the afternoon, which was surprising. Time went by so fast.

"Okay, do you wanna get some food?" Kaylia asked, taking out her wallet. I nodded and we walked towards a nearby ice cream store. She got chocolate while I got mint chocolate chip.

"Yours looks yummy." I muttered, licking my lips as she poked her ice cream with the spoon. Kaylia raised an eyebrow, "Yah yah, let me eat. You have yours-Taehyung!"

I grabbed the spoon from her hand and licked the chocolate clean. She watched me, gulping. I smirked, "Why are you staring?"

"Because you stole my spoon."
I let out a laugh and scooped the ice cream from her cup, holding it to her mouth.

"Say ah."
"You're kidding."
"Say ah before I eat the rest of it!" I said exasperatedly. Kaylia rolled her eyes before opening her mouth.

"You know, that was basically an indirect kiss." I said, making her choke on her ice cream. As she coughed uncontrollably, I laughed, "Wae? You don't wanna kiss me?"

She rolled her eyes as I puckered my lips. "What a pervert."
"A handsome one."
"An annoying one too."

Once the sun was setting, we decided to go home. We took a few pictures before we left, which was cute.

Before I could step in the car, Kaylia held my wrists. "I'm going to change my clothes. You...wait there."

I looked down at my wet shirt and forgot, I didn't have clothes. The stores were already closing, and I mentally facepalmed.

"Okay." She crawled into the trunk of the car and began changing. I stood here awkwardly, trying to think of what to do.

There was only one solution.

"I'm done! Let's go-HOLY SHIT TAEHYUNG WHY ARE YOU WEARING NO SHIRT?" Kaylia said, covering her eyes immediately. I raised a brow, "I had no clothes remember?"

"But still, you didn't have to take off your shirt."
"I would've messed up your seat. Just leave it, Kaylia. Can I drive?" She nodded, and stepped into the passenger seat facing away from me.

I chuckled lightly and saw her eyes on me from the reflection of the window. "Who's the pervert now?"
"Shut up!"

a/n: i got too detailed fuckkkkk sorry child😂 KayKooKTwerks

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