Part 19 - Ending

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Time Skip, Daon's POV
I sat down, tapping my foot anxiously. Every student was in the auditorium, getting ready for the ceremony to start. Jungkook bent down in front of me so he was eye level and fixed my graduation cap, smiling at me sweetly.

"Jagiya, are you ready?" I nodded, and he returned it before planting a small kiss on my hand.

"I can't believe we're already graduating. The year went by so fast." Hoseok said dreamily, looking at all of us. Jaebum nodded, "We are still going to keep in touch, though. I'll make sure of it." Yugyeom laughed before furrowing his eyebrows at Sanha.

We looked at him curiously, "Yah Sanha, you aren't going insane are you? What are you looking at?" He pointed behind me and began laughing, "Isn't that-"


I jumped out of my seat and stretched my hands out to him. Taehyung gave his infamous smile and embraced me tightly, spinning me around. When he let go, he began greeting the rest of the boys. "Omo omo omo, I can't believe it's been 7 months since I left to America. How are you all?"

He pinched my cheeks as I put my arm around him, "It's been so different without you here."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. I've been stuck with these idiots."

"Yah!" The boys said in unison, as the two of us chuckled.

"How's Jungkook treating you?" Taehyung whispered into my ear. I felt my cheeks heat up as he brought up my boyfriend's name.

"We're good."
"That's good, because I won't hesitate to kick his-"
I clamped my hand over his mouth, eyes widening. Even though you were in America, you were still the same alien.

"Taetae?!" Yelled a voice from behind us. All of us, including the boys, turned to see Chaewon running towards us along with Namjoon.
Taehyung's smile widened as he ran to her and hugged her tightly. I smiled at the two childish kids, looking like girls seeing each other at a slumber party.

"Wah," Chaewon said, staring at him in awe. "How was the States? Can you talk in English now?"
Taehyung made a face, and stuttered in English, "Pardon?"

We all laughed before we heard Namjoon cough. Taehyung looked over Chae's shoulder to see Namjoon standing there awkwardly. "Oh, annyeong. Are you a foreigner? Your hair's blonde."

Namjoon gave him a look of confusion. "I'm Korean." Taehyung nodded before holding his hand out. "Hey, I'm Kim Taehyung KIm."
The other shook his hand and put an arm around Chae.
"You know my girlfriend?"

Taehyung practically choked on air, "M-mwo?! Girlfriend? Chaewon, you did not tell me this!"

She giggled before shrugging, "You missed a lot. Your little aegi became a woman."

"That's weird." Yugyeom muttered, and the boys exchanged grins.

Suddenly, Chaewon's dad popped out of nowhere and tapped Yoongi's shoulder. "It's time for the valedictorian speech, Yoongi." He nodded before turning to us.

"I'll see you all after." We took our places as the graduation began.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Min Yoongi. It's a pleasure to be up on stage, with the honor of being valedictorian. During these four years together, us students have watched each other grow and mature. Now that we'll be walking our own paths and choosing what to do with our lives, we'll never forget the memories we made here. Thank you to the teachers for pushing us and challenging us, even if sometimes it was too troublesome. Thank you to my appa, to my friends, and to my sister. I hope we all stick together in the future. Here's to the graduates of 2016!"

We all cheered and threw our caps, relieved that high school was finished. Jungkook pulled me into an embrace in the midst of the chaos. The Silver Clan awed and grinned at us before congratulating Yoongi, who was walking towards us. Taehyung had also invited a girl, who he said was from the States.

"Hey," I said, welcoming her into our group of guys. "It's good to see a girl here. What's your name?"
"My name is Kaylia. I'm sorry, I'm not that fluent."


Hoseok smiled at her and winked at her before getting slapped on the arm by Taehyung. "Mine." The other groaned, "You player, what happened to Eunha?"

"She's focusing on school, but who knows. She graduated today also, maybe you can visit her for me." Hoseok scoffed before rolling his eyes. "Can I go to America and find a girl as pretty as her?" He said quietly, making Kaylia blush slightly.

Jungkook leaned in, his breath tickling my ear. "Daon-ah, can you come with me somewhere?"

I nodded and he took my hand, walking away from the auditorium. We walked past the hallways and ended up at the piano lab Yoongi stayed at. "Why are we here?"

"Just because~" he said, pulling me into the room. We sat on the floor, his hands still on mine. The two of us were silent before he took out something from his pocket.

My eyes widened as he opened up the small box, where a small simple ring was laying.

"Jungkook, you know we're still too young-"

He shook his head and laughed, "Aniya, I won't do that yet. This is a promise ring." Jungkook lifted my ring finger and slid the ring onto it. "We're done with high school, and now we'll be busy with college. Promise me that we'll still be together. And that we'll forever stay how we are we are right now. Crazy in love."

I smiled and looked at him, wiping the tears that were already forming on my face.

"I promise."


a/n: OMGOMGOMG HI EVERYONE AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA I CANT BELIEVE I FINISHED A STORY. Thanks to all those who stuck with this book to its end:) and sorry if the ending's really bad

It's finished! Wow, im so happy because this story is just...cute af. It was dedicated just for my best friend cookieslostworld and AH IM SORRY IF IT WAS TOO WEIRD/CRINGY/HORRIBLE but yeaahhhhh enjoy!

I'll be adding 6 additional chapters for Taehyung, because some of you might be wondering what happened to him in america right? So yeah those will come out:) anyways thanks again, i hope you all keep supporting the upcoming stories i planned!

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