Bonus Chapter - 1

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Taehyung's POV
"Yes, Daon. I made it already. It's called....Los Angeles. Go to class, pabo! I'm fine, go~" I smiled at her cuteness.

"Fine, but text me when you're at the apartment."

"Yes Mom." I ended the call before looking at the text my father sent me. It was the address to the apartment I was going to be staying at for the meantime. Unfortunately, my mother said they were at a meeting, so we couldn't meet at the moment.

I sighed, looking around at the foreign place. I missed Korea. Everything was in English, and I wasn't even that fluent.

It was a while before I found the exit, rode a taxi and found myself at a small cafe near the airport. I decided to eat there, so I ordered a caramel macchiato and some cake. As I sipped on the coffee and took in the American flavor, my eyes drifted onto someone sitting at the table in front of me.

The girl had earphones on, her long dark hair flowing down her shoulders. Her foot was tapping the floor as in to the rhythm of the song. She was drinking boba, her plump lips touching the straw. Her glasses and her features reminded me so much of Eunha...she's really pretty.

"Umm," I snapped out of my thoughts and was shocked to see that girl looking at me. "Why are you staring-"

"Are you Korean?" I blurted out, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "No, but I know a little bit. Are you?" She responded in Hangul. I nodded and walked up to her, sitting next to her.

She scooted away from me but didn't stop me from sitting. "Okay, so why did you sit next to me?" I gulped, she was talking to me in English. I stuttered a response, "B-because I...uh, l-lonely."

The girl let out a laugh, "You know, you can talk in Korean. It's fine."
I sighed in relief, "Thank lord, but please tell me if you don't understand." She nodded before tilting her head, looking at my face features.

"What's your name?"
"Taehyung. My friends call me Taetae."
"Well, I guess we're friends now, so Taetae it is. I'm Kaylia."
"Cute name." I laughed at her rosy cheeks as we continued talking.

We were together for what seemed like hours, and I got to know her a little better. She loved kpop like I did, and enjoyed many Korean things. I smiled, she really was like Eunha. Stop comparing her to Eunha, idiot. Who knows, she might be better.

Kaylia checked her watch and frowned, "Omo, I gotta go, my friend will be coming over to my place for a kdrama marathon."

I yawned and nodded, looking out the window. "Oh, I should go too find my apartment."
"'Find' your apartment? Do you not know where you live?"
"I just got here."
"Jinjja?! Well it must be overwhelming being here." I nodded before passing her my phone.

"Can I get your number?" Kaylia nodded before pressing her number in. She handed the phone back to me and stood up, pulling me up with her. I got my suitcase and headed out with her. It was surprising, she was walking.

"Do you live near here?"
"Yeah. I wonder if we're going the right way for you though."
"If it's wrong, I'll stay at your place."

Her eyes widened, "Pervert much?" I stuck out my tongue and chuckled as we walked to the neighborhood. It was a little awkward for me to walk around with a big heavy suitcase in my hand. Kaylia laughed at me struggling to go through the bumpy road.

Soon enough, we were at the apartment complex. I looked down at the address and gasped, "What the, this is my street!"

Kaylia looked at the address and smiled, "You live right next to me." I chuckled, knowing not only did I have a new friend, but a neighbor I knew.

I got out the keys and opened the door, turning around once more to say bye to her.
"Sleep well, Kaylia."

"You too, Taetae." I stepped into the apartment and glanced around. It already had the fancy furniture we had from Korea, as well as the rest of my stuff. I walked into the bedroom, tired from the trip.

As I collapsed on the bed, I sent Daon a message saying I made it before looking at my camera roll. I took a few pictures of Kaylia, but she didn't notice. I smiled, remembering our time today before closing my eyes, letting sleep take over my body.

a/n: okayyy so im releasing these stuff now so that we can finish this book up:)
KayKooKTwerks did you enjoy😂😂😂 im sorry if its weird, i had the most awkward time writing ur name.

Anyways plz comment, vote and share<333 ily all:)

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