Part 15

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Daon's POV
"Yah, talk to me. Please." Jungkook said, as if begging me.

I looked up at his eyes, "About what?"
"Do you want to...?"
"Want to what?"
"Break up..." I tore my eyes off of him and looked somewhere else, sighing. "No. I don't."

His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at me, "Really?"
My cheeks heated up, "Yah, don't get any ideas! It's just that, five months h-hasn't p-passed yet." He nodded, obviously upset. Deep inside, that wasn't the reason, I really want to be with you, I wanted to say to him. But of course I was too shy and scared to say something.

"Why, do you?" I asked.
"Nope." He shook his head like a little kid, popping the P as he said it. I felt my lips curve up into a smile. I didn't really know why I was smiling like this, looking like an idiot in love.

Maybe that's just what's going on, I thought. Maybe I really am crazy in love.

"Umm, Earth to Daon~" Jungkook poked my cheek and I snapped out of my thoughts. He chuckled as I backed off, surprised at how close we were. "You were staring at me. You're just that into me I see."

My face heated up, "Wait what? No, of course not, you wish." I said, standing up. He pulled my hand back down, "Stop, don't leave me." Jungkook plopped my down, sitting me next to him.

We sat there silently, but the silence wasn't as tense at the first time. This time, it was rather calming. I stole glances at him from time to time, and whenever I felt his eyes on me, I couldn't help but blush.

"I have another question."
"Ask away." I said, waving a hand in the air.
"Am I a bad person?" My eyes widened in shock as I stared at him. Eyeing his from his head to his toes, I frowned. Is this what he thinks of himself?

"No, of course not! You're just stubborn, stupid, sometimes annoying, did I mention stupid-"
"Yah!" Jungkook exclaimed, pushing me slightly as I giggled.
"It's true."
"Jinjja? I'm that bad?" He said, pouting. I rolled my eyes and squished his cheeks.
"Nah, don't worry. You'll get mature."

"Mature? I am! I'm a man~" he said, flexing his muscled, toned arms. I blushed and stared at them in surprise.

"Aigoo, look at you. And you said I'm immature. You can't even look at my arms, ahh what a baby." Jungkook said smirking.
I punched his chest lightly, "Yah!" Before I could raise my hand to hit him again as he stuck his tongue out, he grabbed my wrists to pull me closer to him.
"I was kidding, Daon."

"Yeah right. 'Ahh what a baby." I said, mimicking his tone.
"You are! You're my baby." I felt myself cringe and feel excited inside. "How cheesy." I muttered, earning a snort from him.

As we kept teasing each other, it got to the point where he began tickling me.
"Never! You said I'm a fetus!"
"Because you are one! You're like, 5 years old!"
He poked my sides as I laughed till tears came out of my eyes. I fell onto him, and he wrapped his arms around me. We stared at each other silently, him breathing loudly.

Jungkook cupped my face with his hand and leaned in. I knew it was about to happen. He was about to kiss me again. Oh gosh, what if this turns into some makeout session? Or...does he have protection? What am I talking about he's practically 5. He probably doesn't even know how or what to do. I squeezed my eyes shut as his lips got closer to mine. As I felt his soft, plump lips barely touching mine-


I jumped off of him and scooted to the opposite wall, and Jungkook ruffled his messy hair. The door opened and in came Jaebum and Hoseok who seemed lost.
"What the hell, this is Yoongi's recording studio? Why are these two in here?!" Hoseok said, obviously weirded out by me and Jungkook's appearance.

"Uhhhohohoho I see you two," Jaebum said, wriggling his eyebrows. "Jungkook, please tell me you know what you're doing."
"I don't even know what you're talking about." He said almost innocently, I cracked a smile believing he really was a fetus.

"Oh come on, you international playboy," Jaebum said, pulling me up. "I ship you two so hard, I hope you know that."
"Hope." Hoseok muttered, ruffling his hair before stepping out of the room. I stared off at his direction. "What's wrong with him?"

"Who knows, man period I guess." Jaebum said, grabbing Yoongi's headphones before stepping out of the room. As he closed the door, he glared at us playfully. "There's cameras here, children. Y'all can't make babies in here."

"Ew!" We both yelled, earning a loud laugh from the eldest. The three of us stepped out of the piano lab and walked towards the courtyard with me and Jungkook trailing behind Jaebum, hands intertwined.

I am so happy rn bcuz holy shiet my grade in honors lab biology is a 90. As in I HAVE A LEGIT A- ITS BETTER THAN A FREKIN B OR SOMETHING.
This chapter sucks im so sorry.
But anyways dont forget to comment share and vote^^

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