Bonus Chapter - 2

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Taehyung's POV

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around, adjusting to the new atmosphere I was in. I checked my phone and groaned, it was 3 am. "Damn it, jet lag." Standing up, I walked to the kitchen to go find food.

I opened it and groaned. There was nothing. "You manage to bring the table and TV, but you can't put kimchi in the fridge?" I said out loud.

Next time I see Appa and Eomma, they better give me a good explanation.

I ruffled my hair, trying to think of what can satisfy my rumbling stomach. It was around 7 in the evening there in Korea, which explains why I'm so hungry. I decided to text Daon.

Me: im hungryyyyyyyy><

Seconds later, she replied.

AreumDAON: *feeds you food* better?

I chuckled, Me: no...i wish you were here to cook me food. its 3 in teh morning and im hungry.

AreumDAON: awww the little child is hungry. go to the store.

Me: do you srsly think korean restaurants are open at 3 in the morning?

AreumDAON: umm i dont know..ill be right back, im going on a date with kookie.

I sighed, of course she'd be with Jungkook. I wonder how they are...

My stomach grumbled again, and I patted it, whining to myself.

Then an idea hit me. I knew it probably wouldn't work, it was early in the morning anyways.

After 6 calls, the girl answered.

"Yah, did you not realize what the time is?" Kaylia said sleepily. I bit my lip guiltily, "But I'm hungry." I heard the bed sheets move and an audible sigh, "Fine, come to my place. You know where it is right?"

"I'm not stupid."
"You're stupid enough to call me at 3 in the morning and not realize I was dreaming about beautiful Korean men."
I held back a laugh, "Am I included in those beautiful men?"
She scoffed, "No. Hurry before I fall asleep again."

I ended the call and headed out, pulling on a navy green jacket. I knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for her to open it. After what seemed like forever, Kaylia opened the door.

She was in her pajamas, long, fuzzy Pororo designed pants with a solid colored top. She didn't have her glasses on, making her bare face look different. A good different. Her hair was all messy, and I leaned in pinching her cheeks.

"Awww gwiyeowo~" I cooed, as she rolled her eyes. "Shut up and go get your food." We walked into her apartment, which was about as big as mine. It was simple, yet cute. Just like her.

Once we were at the kitchen, she walked off. I called after her, "Kaylia, aren't you gonna help?"

She turned around, "No, I'm gonna sleep."
"But what? Don't tell me you can't cook."
"I can! I just need supervision." Kaylia let out a laugh before pulling me into the kitchen. We decided to cook something simple, ramyun. As I cooked, she made sure I wouldn't hurt myself turning on the burner.

In a few minutes, it was finished. I smiled happily knowing my hunger would finally go away. Kaylia handed me some chopsticks and sat across from me as I began to devour all the noodles.

As I chewed, I glanced at Kaylia, who had her head laying on her hand. Her eyes were closing, but she'd open them and shake her head to stay awake. I found it extremely cute and chuckled, "Hey, you can sleep if you want. I'll wash the dishes." She nodded and gave me a small smile before closing her eyes once again.

She rested her head on the table and began sleeping quietly, and I laughed quietly. Once I finished the noodles, I walked to the sink and washed the bowl as well as my cup. I walked towards her and took a picture before picking her up bridal style towards the couch.

I put her down so she was comfortable and brushed the hair off her face. I checked the time. It was 4:39. I felt myself get tired and laid next to her. My eyes got droopy as I put my arm around her, like how I usually did with Daon and Eunha.

"Good night Kaylia."

"YAH BYUNTAE?!!!" I felt myself falling onto the hard floor, face first. I grumbled and got up, rubbing my nose. "Ouch."

Kaylia stared at me in disbelief with her arms over her chest. I looked at her in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"You-you...had your arms around me. We...didn't do anything earlier right?" My mouth opened in realization and I began laughing. The girl slapped my arm, "Byuntae! I knew it! You just wanted to touch me, didn't you?! Get out!" Kaylia grabbed my arm and began pushing me out the doorway, while I was still laughing like some psycho person.

"Stop-ow!-I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Look it's a habit! I hold either something or someone when I sleep. I was like that in Korea..." The girl looked at me, sighing.

"Okay, fine. But next time, warn me about your weird habits."

I nodded before letting out a laugh again, "You were so scared."
"Because we only met yesterday! Who knows you could be a rapist!"

I rolled my eyes, "Your thoughts are disgusting. But anyways, thanks for the food."

"Your welcome."

"Are you busy today?"


"I wanna hang out."

"You're already at my place."

"No, you tour me around here. California looks nice." She laughed, "It is. Well, I guess we can. Go wash up, and after we can go somewhere." I nodded excitedly and patted her head before leaving her apartment.

I felt my heart racing, but I didn't know why. Am I falling for her already?

a/n: this one is so dkafhlcalmacdlmfh cringyyyy sry lol let ur halmeoni sleep im tired KayKooKTwerks

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