Part 10

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No One's POV
"Jungkook, what the hell?" Jungkook made no response and stared at Hoseok bluntly.
You could say he was burning holes into his hyung's head, if that didn't sound creepy for a fetus like him.

"Jungkook." Daon repeated sternly, trying to pull his hand off of her waist. But he wouldn't budge.
"So, you're going to take her out on a date?" He asked. Hoseok opened his mouth to speak as he exchanged quick glances with Daon, but was cut off.
"Yah, are you crazy? Kookie, it's just lunch-"
"Can you shut up?! Hoseok, who gave you the right to do this? Take her out and hang out, just by yourselves? She's my girlfriend!"

By this time, both boys were pissed off. "Yah yah yah, I'm your hyung! And you talk to me like this?!" Hoseok yelled, stepping close and bumping chests with the youngest.

"Stop, don't fight-" Jungkook shoved the other, and before it got intense, the rest of the boys came, separating each other. "You two! What the actual, fighting? You're better than that!" Jaebum scolded, hitting each of them in the head.

Hoseok rubbed his head in annoyance while Jungkook scoffed. Daon rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "Okay, you two are absolutely stupid. Hoseok, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, we can go out and eat another day. As for you, Jungkook," she grabbed his hand and walked towards the deserted hallway.

Second Person POV
As you both continued walking, Jungkook squeezed your hand. "Well, sweetie. I guess you really wanted to hold my hand." You looked down, blushing at the contact and let go, smacking his chest purposely as you rushed in front of him.

"Sorry." He said laughing. You stared at him shocked. "What the actual fuck, Jeon Jungkook!"

Shoving him against the wall, he groaned in pain. "Why did you do that to your own friend, huh? Boy, he's your hyung!"
Jungkook rolled his eyes, "He won't be my friend if he keeps continuing this."
"Mwo? What 'this'?"
"He likes you!" You stood there shocked.

"Ok, what? Are you being serious?!"
"Yes I am, Daon! I know because I can see it!" Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest annoyed. "And so what if he likes me? Hmm? It's not like you really like me either. Now stop being so immature." You stepped back, ready to walk off when he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him.

He smashed his lips onto yours, not letting go of you.

Daon's POV
Jungkook pulled me into a kiss, putting his other hand around my waist as the other was still on my hand. I tried pushing him off but it was obvious he wouldn't let go.

I finally gave in and wrapped my arms around his neck, letting the kiss last for a while. Butterflies flew in my stomach, and I didn't want to let go. At the same time, I felt guilty. And I honestly didn't know why.

I hit his chest lightly, pushing him away so he could let go. I turned away, looking like a complete mess from my burning cheeks to my tangled hair.

"Yah." Jungkook said, leaning in towards me. I turned around and saw him puckering his lips playfully. I slapped his face and rolled my eyes as he yelled in pain.

"You kissed me earlier, why can't you do it again?" He asked rather flirtatiously. I scoffed, "I won't anymore if your gonna be that desperate." Jungkook laughed and slung an arm around me, pecking my cheek before walking out to the courtyard.

"We'll talk about it later." I said, laughing as he pumped his fist in the air, waiting for me to kiss him again soon.


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