Bonus Chapter - 4

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Taehyung's POV
Once we arrived at the apartment complex, Kaylia took off her seat belt and was about to open the door when I locked it. Her eyes widened as she blinked at me, "Let me out."

"And why should I do that?"
"I need to go home and wash up. Plus, you have no shirt on."
"But I need you to give me food again."
She sighed, "It's only 7pm. I'm sure you can order pizza or something. Now let me out."

Before she could reach for the handle again, I grabbed her wrist so she was facing me again. "No, I want you to stay with me." Kaylia rolled her eyes, "Make me."

I leaned in, our faces only inches apart. I used my free hand to move the strands of hair from her face. She had a scared and almost excited look on her face, making me smirk.

"What are you expecting?" I whispered huskily. Kaylia pushed me away as I began laughing. "I swear you are such a pervert."

"Only for you."
"Shut up or I won't come into your apartment." I grinned in victory and unlocked the door so she could get out. I stepped out the car too and grabbed our bags from the trunk, throwing the keys to her.

"Open the door, please."
"I'm not a servant idiot."
"You're mine, so do what I say." I said, stepping into the apartment once she unlocked it. Kaylia's eyes scanned the room in amazement.

"Wow your apartment is so fancy-looking. I see our Taehyungie is a very spoiled boy."
"I'm a prince, remember?"
"A perverted one." She muttered, laughing and turning to me before covering her eyes. "Yah! You...go take a shower!" I peered down, once again forgetting I had no shirt on.

Laughing, I patted her cheek, "Stay here and get food. I'll go take a shower." Kaylia nodded before turning away from me. "You're disgusting." I heard her say, making me chuckle. But you still put up with me anyways, princess.


Months Later

I finished wiping the counter and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I can't believe it's been months since I arrived from Korea. I got a small part time job at the cafe I met Kaylia in during the weekdays, which helped me earn a bit of money for the meantime.

As for Kaylia, we still met everyday and hung out. She became my best friend, and I came to admire her a lot. From touring me around the state to teaching me English, she was always there for me. I was thankful for that.

Beep, beep.

I looked down at my phone, and saw my father's caller ID.

"Adul! How have you been?" My father greeted me. I smiled hearing my parents' voices, we usually didn't see each other because of my work and their consecutive meetings.

"I've been good, how have you guys been?"
"Just as swell as you. Taehyung-ah, do you like the States so far?"
I raised my brow, "It's okay I guess. Wae?"

"Well, I'm giving you this choice before I change my mind. There is a business deal that is required in Korea. You can go back and continue the business there. However, you don't have to. You can stay here and continue working. It's your choice."

I bit my lip nervously. Go back? I just got settled here, and everything was going alright. Plus, Kaylia is here...

"Taehyung, are you still there?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes, appa. I am."
"Don't get too pressured, son. It's not urgent either, I'll give you a week or so to decide." I nodded, "Umm, okay. I got to go, my break is over." Ending the call, I sighed. This was one of the hardest decisions ever.

"Yah, can you make me coffee?" Said a voice. I looked up and saw Kaylia happily smiling, her hands on the table. I nodded, trying to keep a straight face to cover my guilty expression.

It seems she noticed, and she reached over and lifted the ends of my mouth to make me smile. "Aigoo, what's wrong with the little pervert?"

I glared at her playfully and walked with her to an open table at the side. "Nothing."
"Nothing? I've known you for a couple months, Taetae. I practically know when you're lying."

I sighed, "I might be going back to Korea." Kaylia's smile fell, and she avoided looking into my eyes. "Oh, really? That's cool!" It was obvious she was upset, and I patted her cheek guiltily.

"Don't be sad." I said, as the other barista came and handed Kaylia her coffee. She sipped quietly before looking at me with a sad smile. "You know, you were the best company here." I said.

"You were too." I wrapped my arms around her suddenly, wanting to hug her. She was stiff and confused, but hugged back after a bit. Then an idea hit me.

"Wait, what if I go there and see what the company's like? I can judge whether or not I'll stay, and you can come with me there!"

Her eyes widened, "I come with you? But Tae, those plane tickets are hella expensive-"
I shook my head, "It's fine, I can pay for it. After all, the prince has to bring his servants with him everywhere right?"

She pouted, "You need to stop, I'm not a sevant~"
"I'm kidding," I said, pinching her cheeks. "You're...a princess. My princess." Kaylia blushed at my words.

"Cheesy much."
"Perverted and cheesy, what else will you describe me as? Handsome?"

She rolled her eyes and punched my arm, "I'll think about it, okay?"
"Okay!" I flashed a smile again before taking the coffee from her hands and taking a sip.

"Kim Taehyung! That's mine!"
"Not anymore."


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