Part 3

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Chaewon's POV
The day seemed to go really slow as I kept worrying about the incident earlier. I felt guilty for not being able to stand up for myself and let them know Jungkook didn't do anything serious.

Once it was passing period, I darted off and went to the west side of the university, where all the head administrators had their personal rooms.

"Appa!" I ran to him as he exited his office, his expression rather calm. He turned and smiled when he saw me, greeting me and asking how my day was. I frowned, "I thought you knew it already. Jungkook went up to me."

"Oh yes, I already gave him his punishment-"
"Appa! Don't do anything to him! He didn't hurt me, believe me." He raised an eyebrow. "Really? I saw the way you were uncomfortable earlier. Don't lie to me, Chaewon Lee."

"Jinjja! Aish, I just said! Jungkook. Did. Not. Hurt. Me. Or. Touch. Me."
I emphasized every word making my dad laugh lightly at my stubbornness. "Don't worry, I didn't give him serious discipline." I sighed in relief before giving him a hug and excusing myself to go to my next class.

When I pass by the hallway I saw Jungkook and Daon standing close. Very close. I walked a little closer, trying to hear what they said.

I couldn't make out what they were saying, but what bursted my bubble was when he pulled her towards him. They aren't dating, right? Daon hates him, and he doesn't like her either...unless it's all an act. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of them before texting Taehyung.

Me: Yah! Where r u~><

Seconds later, he answered.

Stupid oppa😜: In school, duh. What do u need?
Me: A lot of things rlly:3...just kidding.
Stupid oppa😜: Make this quick! Imma get in trouble bc of uT^T
Me: Fine. Do u know if Daon likes Jungkook?

There was no response. I smiled knowing he left his class to talk to me face-to-face. Sure enough, he rushed out and ran to me, his hair flying everywhere.

"Brat! You're kidding right? Why would they-" Before he could finish in his loud voice, I covered his mouth with the best of my ability (he was so tall compared to me, I had to tiptoe to reach his face) and pointed across the hall, where Jungkook was pointing to the bulletin board. His eyes widened as he looked at them, then back at me, who had a sour expression on.

We watched as he grabbed her hand and she looked up at him, shaking it off. Then they parted ways, Daon coming our direction.

I tugged on Taehyung's collar before scurrying away, our loud steps echoing everywhere. She probably saw us, making me curse under my breath. I was so slow, and Tae grabbed my hand and pulled me away into the Piano room, which was the closest place that didn't have any classes inside.

He slipped his hand off of mine and then told me to sit down. I looked nervously at him as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Jungkook. One word. Bitch."
"Stop that oppa. He is not."
"You're defending that guy?" He glared at me as I rolled my eyes. 'Aigoo, this baby...' I thought to myself.

"Yah! I'm not defending him. Don't call him a bitch. If he was, you're twice as bitchy." He scoffed and waved his hand in the air. "Fine, I take it back. Anyways, why was he holding hands with Daon?"

"That's why I wanted to talk. You and him are in the same basketball team, does he say anything to Suga on the court?" Taehyung rested his head on his arm and thought for a little before shaking his head. I sighed exasperatedly, "What the crap does he want with her?!"

"Why are you asking me? Ask him then!" My eyes widened as I suddenly panicked.

"You crazy? Why would me, the girl who made him get in trouble, ask about what he's planning to do to another girl? Taehyung you are absolutely insane. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend yet." He scoffed at my comment before making a face at me.

I felt absolutely confused. Daon and Jungkook never talk and never want to talk or be around each other, but what happened today? They suddenly began to be so close...were they hiding something from us? From me?

Taehyung saw me deep in thought and clapped in my face, making me whine in protest. He only laughed at me before going silent again, immersed in his own thoughts. After a while, he went up close and squished my cheeks.

"What if," he said carefully as I squinted my eyes. "He's just going to use her? Maybe try and get her to do something, I dunno do his and the Silver Clan's schoolwork! Wah, jinjja, only she can do my homework~" I laughed at his childish attitude before thinking through what he said. Jungkook using Daon for grades? No, he was smarter than that.

"He could be using her, I think that is what's going on. But let's not tell her. Let's see if she'll talk to us about it." He nodded before pulling me up and slinging my backpack around his shoulder. We walked out of the room and ran into Suga, who seemed shocked to see us there.

"Ah...Taehyung." he awkwardly nodded to us and glanced at me weirdly before walking into the room, locking it. Me and Tae exchanged glances, why'd he lock the door? Before I could start thinking again, I got a text from my father.

Appa: Mwoya? Why aren't you in class? It's been almost 20 minutes and Mrs. Jong said you weren't there in Science. Aigoo my daughter has been causing trouble hmm?

I nervously laughed and gave him a quick reply, explaining where I was. He then excused both me and Taehyung from being late, using the excuse we were 'busy studying and didn't see the time.'

Thank Jisoos, he approved and liked Tae oppa, him and my mom even shipped us together which was so embarrassing. We rushed to our classes and planned to meet again later on.

However in class, I really couldn't focus. Thoughts of Jungkook and Daon bothered me a lot, and I just wished I never saw them together...

[i invite you to cringe with me as i look back at my workXDDDD]

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