Part 2

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Dean's Office, Daon's POV.
"Alright," Mr. Lee said once we sat down across from each other. "Explain now, Mr. Jeon."

I stared shocked. He wasn't going to ask me, the one who actually had the problem?!

Under the table, Jungkook did a victory pump before giving me his mischievous smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked away, not wanting to see any more of him.

"Well, I was walking in for class, you know just like any other day. And then I greet everyone because that's the right thing to do, right? Well, when I greeted your daughter, she suddenly just pushes me away from her! I wasn't going to do anything! I'm just being a respectful student, seonsaengnim." He pointed an accusing finger at me, making my mouth open in horror. What a liar, he was making Chaewon uncomfortable earlier!

"Ok, how is trapping her on the wall 'respectful,' Jungkook? I saw what you were doing!" He only scoffed and looked at Mr. Lee, who was staring at the both of us argue.

"Listen to me, jerk," I continued, "Chaewon shouldn't have been touched in that way."
"Uh-uh-uh. I'm your oppa. Respect me."
"Why? Just because I'm younger by 7 months doesn't mean I have to call you 'oppa.' I don't want to either."

"Wow, and you say you're a respectful student." He turns to the dean. "Mr. Lee, how did she become president of student council? Look at her attitude towards her peers, such inappropriate tone and actions to me. Omo, I really thought the leader of this university is supposed to be worthy and good enough. Instead, it's with this girl."

I gritted my teeth. He's now insulting me in front of my best friend's dad? Does Jungkook even realize he himself isn't considered a good leader either?

Before I could fire back, Mr. Lee held up his hand and began to speak.

"You know what, I've had enough of this argument. I know you guys have probably argued consecutively, and it needs to terminate. Daon, I'm afraid I'll have to refrain you from doing your president position for now, and Chaewon will take over for the next week or so. What you said was not appropriate, and not a good example to all the younger students. As for you, Jungkook, respect women. Do you really think a girl would appreciate actions like those? That's not how I got my yeobo. It's considered abuse to invade women's space boy, and you could go to jail..." He tsked before telling us to leave.

My mind went blank, and I froze at his words. I felt like crying, he just held me back from doing my job! And all he told that pervert was to leave us girls alone? Is there equality in that, at all? Aigoo, no punishment whatsoever for Mr. Jeon?

I stormed out, pushing past Jungkook to go run to the restroom. I rushed to the sink area and stared at myself in the mirror, looking at my face. It was pretty, to be honest. Eyes, nose, lips, hair. Makeup done in a professional way, mimicking kpop girls's style. But it held a cold and dark expression, which ruined the amount of beauty on it.

"Stop frowning, you look ugly like that." said a voice behind me. I shut my eyes and shook at how close Jungkook's voice was to me, and sure enough, he was standing right behind me. I glared at him. "Yah, who gave you the right to say that?"

"Um, the American amendments?"
"Pabo, this is South Korea." I started my way off the other direction when he held onto my wrists.

"Wait." I turned around, eyebrows raised. "What now, pervert?"
"Omo, Miss Perfect is calling me a pervert? Goodness, Daon."
"What do you want?!"
"You." he said simply, tugging me towards him. I cringed and swiped his hands off my arm.

"Jeon Jungkook!" He only smirked and came closer to me, making me shiver when I felt his hot breath. "I know you like it Daon. It's obvious you like me."

"I don't. And if I did, I'd probably be kissing you right now." He laughed and rolled his eyes, making me get frustrated.

This player has crossed the line, and I've become so bothered by him. I can't even fight back properly, because deep inside I didn't even understand why I didn't mind him flirting with me in this way.

"Oh really? Why are you staring at me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my attention to somewhere other than his face, making him scoff.

"Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you and your perfect little world?"

The atmosphere felt tense as he looked down on me, making me feel pressured. I couldn't answer right away, it was too hard of a question. He did so much; I lost my job, probably my trust in Mr. Lee, and...he broke my heart again.

After a while, I finally spoke. "Everything, Jungkook. You ruined my life just now." I felt his eyes look at me intensely as I avoided eye contact.

"Well," he took my hand again and walked to the bulletin board, where all the schedules and events were placed. There on the board was a space at the upper right corner that was left vacant for the teachers to put the final's scores.

"Let's make a simple bet ok?" I looked curiously up at him, as he continued. "We have five finals this week. Math, science, reading, history, and language, right?" I nodded slowly, not understanding what his plan was.

"Well, let's see who can score the highest average. If you can beat my score, go tell on me. Make the dean finally know all the shit I've been doing with my life." I felt myself growing overly confident. That was easy, he may be smart but being the highest average student in Seoul University means being way smarter.

"And if I win, you have to go out with me." I felt my body tense up. Did he just say go out? I turned away from him, my face turning red. "Is it a deal, Daon?"

"Mwoya, Jungkook...of all things, why do I have to go out with you?"
"Because why not? I want you to." He went up to me and held out his hand.
After some hesitation, I finally gave in.

a/n: halluuu chingus! I apologize for the wait, I've been focusing on a lot of school and crazy stuff. Coincidently, I have finals too! If only Jungkook went to my school...*tear* jkjk:P...anywho I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, please read 'Our Bittersweet Marriage,' as well as my friend, cookieslostworld and her stories! Kamsamnida, have a great day/night^^

[lmao im cringing looking back at my own author's notes.]

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