Part 5

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Taehyung's POV
As Jungkook began seducing my poor Daon, me and Chaewon sat here. Awkwardly. Yugyeom began humming dark emo songs while Sanha and Hoseok began playing with Chae's hair. This chaos was so frustrating, I stood up and decided to walk off to the bathroom. As I looked back, I realized only four of the six idiots were there. I curiously walked off, wondering where Jaebum and Yoongi went.

The restroom was really quiet, so as I went to do my business, all the echoing kinda made the atmosphere eerie. After washing my hands and getting out, I spotted the oldest boys sitting next to the restroom opening. I stepped back in and leaned against the wall, eavesdropping to what they were saying.

"Well I'm worried about that girl." I heard JaeBum say.
"Don't be, Yoongi. He already talked to me about it and he's pretty serious about it."
"But then you already know about my sister..."
"Yeah, she'll just have to stay strong about it." I heard them stand up and their footsteps coming closer to me. I ran out of the bathroom and casually passed by them, hoping they didn't think I was there listening to their conversation. As I got further away, my curiosity grew. Who's the girl?? Suga has a sister?! What is this? Please throw a brick at me, I'm so confused.

Soon enough, I somehow ended up standing with Chaewon and saying goodbye to Daon. She was watching us with frightened eyes as Jungkook hooked his arm around hers. I fought every urge to run up to her and go get her away from that little pervert. Once they were gone, Chaewon plopped herself on the floor, and I sat next to her.
"Yah, this is so unfair. Why did she get a namchin before me? I mean, I'm not that ugly right? Or am I...aigoo Taetae oppa!" I flicked her forehead and rolled my eyes as she continued whining.

It wasn't long until I was deep in thought, thinking about Daon. Chaewon was right. How did she get that guy so fast? The flashback of me almost confessing made me feel sick and useless. Either way, I can't beat Jungkook. But I guess I can try.

Daon's POV
"Mwoya...where are we going?!" Jungkook only smirked and continued walking as the Silver Clan tailed behind them. "The movies."
"W-wae?! School isn't over-"
"You little good good," Yugyeom teased, pinching my cheecks, "Who cares if we aren't in class? Come on noona~"
"Back it up, Kyum. You don't want Jungkook hyung to beat you up." Sanha said, laughing with the others as Yugyeom glared at the boy. I rolled my eyes at the boys. It was cute, to be honest, having them as company doesn't seem bad.

But then there was Jungkook, this other shit. He watched me interact with the boys and walked faster, pulling me away from the group. Once we made it to the two sports cars, Yugyeom, Sanha, and Yoongi went into the blue one while JaeBum, Hoseok, Jungkook and I went to the white one. The eldest hyung jumped in and so did Jungkook, but J-hope stayed put behind me as I stood there. "Why aren't you going in? Do you wanna go to the other car instead?"
"Aniya, I'm just waiting."
"W-waiting?" The two boys in the car noticed I haven't entered the car either and had their eyebrows raised. "Yup. What is this? I'm supposed to just step in the car, that's it? Wow, what gentlemen. I expected my own boyfriend to open the door for me and show a little respect. Ugh." (Alright, I get it. I may be a little too extreme but this boy needs to learn his damn lesson. If we're actually taking this seriously and I'm gonna be his girlfriend, he better treat me right or I'll break his pretty self.)

I made a face as I put my hand on the handle and was about to open the door when another was on top of mine. I felt breathing close to my neck as I turned and saw Hoseok opening it for me. I smiled sweetly and was about to mention he shouldn't be the one doing it for me, but it seemed like Jungkook got the message. He smacked Hoseok's hand away from mine and opened it for me. "Yah, get in." he ordered, telling Hoseok to drive. Jungkook and I sat awkwardly in the back as Jaebum started the car. I closed my eyes, feeling my cheeks burn up whenever I felt Jungkook's eyes on me.

"Jungkook," I said finally, getting the courage to take a peek at him. He looked at me with an innocent face, and I found it super attractive. Wait, what?!
"Why are you looking at me?" I asked.
"First of all, it's Jungkook oppa. Or Kookie oppa. Or Kookie. Whatever! Second, who cares if I'm looking at you? Is there a problem? Are my eyes raping your face?" I glared at him and turned away, feeling really embarrassed at the boy. Rude little shit.

"Jungkook-ah. Be nice." JaeBum said softly, but loud enough for us to hear in the back. The boy nodded and ruffled his hair before becoming surprisingly quiet. I looked at him through my peripheral vision and saw he still had his eyes on me. My head turned and I found myself looking at him too, while he glanced away. I fought the urge to smile seeing his cheeks slightly blushed. Turning away, I kept my eye out the window and relaxed my shoulders. I hope I can get used to this.
"A horror movie?!" Jungkook flashed a cheeky smile and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the theater room. "Yah! I didn't agree to this!"
"But you have to agree to whatever I say." Kookie said simply. "Mwo? What kind of boyfriend does that?"
"Me." We sat at an empty row next to each other as the other boys came filing in after. I found myself sitting in between Hoseok and Jungkook, which wasn't bad I guess. Hoseok flashed me a smile before offering some popcorn which of course I accepted. I mean, who doesn't love food?

The movie started soon. I already felt myself getting scared at the first 10 seconds. "It's all fake, calm yourself Daon." I kept repeating to myself out loud, slapping my cheek lightly. Hoseok stared at me amusingly and stopped me as I raised my hand once more. My cheeks turned pink as he held my hands. "If you're afraid, just squeeze my hand or just come closer to me." I nodded and said a quiet thanks before facing the screen again.

The fake blood and props honestly didn't freak me out, the only scary thing was the jump scares. A girl's scream echoed and I found myself leaning onto Hoseok, who was awkwardly patting my head and comforting me. I covered my ears as I buried my face into J-hope's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and we stayed that way until the movie ended. After the last 30 minutes of the movie ended, I was asleep in Hoseok's arms.

Jungkook's POV
The lights turned on as everyone got up and left the theater room. The boys and I began teasing Sanha and Yoongi's loud girly screams. "Yah! Even Daon's scream was better than yours!" Yugyeom laughed pointing at the eldest boy. Suga only rolled his eyes and kept denying that he was scared.

JaeBum glanced down next to me. "Come on Hoseok, kaja." I looked at them and saw him with a finger over his mouth as he pointed at Daon, who was asleep. She was curled up in a ball, lying close to him. I felt myself having the urge to beat him up. Why is she with that horse?! I'm her boyfriend!
"Omo," JaeBum said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced at him and saw him peering at me laughing. "Someone's jealous."
"Aniya! What are you talking about? I-I'm not j-jealous! Let her be with Hoseok hyung." I pouted and walked off with the other boys as Hoseok picked up Daon and brought her outside. She woke up a few minutes later, surprised to be in his arms. They laughed and exchanged grins before he put her down.

Ok fine. I'll admit. I am so jealous. It should be me she's smiling at! They don't even look good together. Ugh, please tell me she's not falling for him.

Okok so school is tomorrow. So i'm trying my best to update for now so that yall dont wait 2-3 weeks or was it? Baby kookie is jealous AHAHAHA...dont forget to comment, vote, and share! Thx for reading!<3333

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