Part 8

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Daon's POV
My eyes fluttered open as I glanced around, wondering what I was doing in my room. Finally, the events of what happened hours ago replayed in my head.

"I fell, Hoseok saved me...Jungkook took me home and I fell asleep on his back...?" I mumbled, shaking my head to wake myself. Before I could get up to get my phone from my bag is pocket, my backpack fell off the bed, landing and making a loud thud noise onto the ground. I internally facepalmed, knowing what was about to happen.


The door bursts open and in comes Jimin, shirtless with his hair slightly ruffled.
"What was that noise? Aish, how long were you up? Are you okay?" He ran up to me, putting his palm over my forehead as I rolled my eyes. "Calm your man-tits oppa. I'm a-okay."

He raised an eyebrow. "That bunny faced fetus said that to me too earlier." Wait, who?! Jungkook?!!! I thought in my head.
"Yes, Jungkook." He muttered as if reading my thoughts, sitting down so my head was on his lap.

I sighed, "Oppa, what have you been saying to him?"
"Nothing. Just a background check."
I sat up. "Background check? Where are we, the airport? Does he need to show his passport too?!"
"Sure." Jimin said cheekily, putting my head back down on his lap.

We stayed like that for a bit, him playing with my hair and humming while I stared at his toned legs. (a/n: I know sounds creepyXD)
He finally spoke up, "Do you like him?"

"Do you like that boy? What's your actual relationship with him?"
I gulped nervously, turning myself so I was looking up at his adorable face. "I.."
"Please don't lie to me, Daon. I know you more than anyone." I honestly didn't know how to respond to him, knowing Jimin he'd try and either lecture me over the boy or ship us harder than normal fangirls would.

Before I opened my mouth, there was a knock at the door. Jimin and I exchanged glances before tiptoeing out, wondering who it was.

There was another knock, and someone who I recognized as Taehyung out yelled, "Yah, Daon! Let's go, we're almost late!" My eyes widened as I began slapping my brother's arms. "Omo!!!! Jimin you pabo! I have school?!!! I forgot it's FRIDAY!" I ran upstairs and went to go change into my uniform quickly.

"Mianhe dongsaeng! I thought it was Saturday-oh hey Taehyungie how are you?" Jimin yelled in a panicked voice. I gave a light laugh imagining how he probably opened the door and forgot he was still topless.

No One's POV
As Daon was getting ready for school, Jimin and Taehyung were downstairs, awkwardly having a conversation. It wasn't the first time Taehyung saw him without a shirt, it was just different. He tried his best to avoid looking at it as they talked, but every once in a while, he took a peek.

Jimin on the other hand, was totally fine. I mean, who doesn't like abs? He couldn't find his shirt anyways, being the awkward little shit he is, he decided it'd be best not to go look for it.

"Hey, Tae."
"Do you know Jungkook?"
"Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung repeated, shifting his feet uncomfortably. The older nodded and waited for his response.
"Ye, he's this bully at our school."
"Bully?!?" Tae nodded and scooted closer, flashing a picture of the Silver Clan. Jimin eyed each of them, staring closely at the boy with mint hair. He sighed, "All of them are bullies?" Even the one with mint hair?
"Umm...can you watch Daon? I know you've always been but, I want to make sure she's safe from bad influences. If you know what I mean."
Taehyung nodded before turning the attention to Daon, who ran into the scene.

"Ahh, what's the time...oh fuck, 7:28?! Was I that slow?"
"Yeah." The two boys laughed, each earning a kick on the leg. Daon reached for Taehyung's arm and pulled him up, "Kaja!"

Taehyung slumped down, whining, "Aniya~ I wanna skip school!"
"Oh my, oppa! Look at this alien!"
Jimin chuckled and threw a pillow at the two, "Get your flat asses out of here, you guys need to learn."

Taehyung and Daon got up and was about to head out the door when there was a ring at the door. Then another. Then another. No way. Daon groaned, opening the door to be greeted by him.

Jungkook's POV
I looked at Jaebum hyung's watch again. 7:08 am. Where is she? She's usually here by now. I glanced at the table where she normally sat, but it was only occupied by Chaewon. Hmm, even Taehyung isn't here. I frowned before turning to Yoongi.

"Umm, I'll be back."
I bit my lip and pointed towards Chaewon, who also had her eye on us. Yoongi opened his mouth, "Is it Daon?"
I nodded and he waved his hand in the air, "Fine, go. But we have class by 30, so don't think about doing some crazy shit." I smiled and took off, heading to her house.

After about 16 minutes, (I might've got lost a few times) I made it. I rushed towards the front steps and began furiously pounding on the doorbell, not really knowing what to expect.

The door opened, and inside were three people who I saw as Jimin, Daon and Taehyung. I froze up and stared at Daon, who had her eyes on me too. Her arms were linked to Taehyung's, and they both were standing as if heading out.

I think I was too late.

"Jungkook." Jimin and Daon said at the same time. Taehyung glanced at me before sliding his hands off of Daon's.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, and I went up to her. "Picking you up, duh. Isn't that what boyfriends do? C'mon." I felt the both boys's stares at me, and then Taehyung coughed.

"Umm, I think C-Chaewon's outside. I'll go now. Bye hyung, see you two in class." He stepped out, slinging his bag over his shoulder. That left the three of us together.

Jimin glared at me before pecking a kiss on Daon's temple. "Have a good day dongsaeng." He then shoved us out, shutting the door, leaving a very weird atmosphere in the air. I shut my eyes, breathing hard before pulling her closer and walking off to school.

a/n: heyo~ aight so im currently in this asian store waiting for my turn to cut my hairXD ill post another part later on if i can, i feel bad since this chapter sucks balls. Anyways did you guys like it? So much love problems my gawdXD thx for reading! Dont forget to comment, vote and share^^❤️ SRY I WAS ADDING A PICTURE LOL

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