Part 11

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Chaewon's POV
"Sorry Chae, I'm with...Jimin."
"Ah it's alright. I guess I'll walk home alone." You could tell from the other end he was pouting, since he was making the weird whimpering noises he did when he was sorry. "Stop it, I'm fine Tae. Have fun with Jiminie."
"Okay, I'll hang up now. Byebye." The line went dead and I sighed, walking out of the courtyard towards the hallway.

And then I saw them. Right there. They kissed.

Taehyung and my questions have been answered. They really are dating.
Dating. It hurt to think that the boy I've been crushing on since I was a Freshman was dating my best friend. I watched as Daon wrapped her arms around Jungkook's neck. I closed my eyes, painfully taking in everything going on. I stepped back onto the crack of a sidewalk and almost fell. Thankfully, someone caught me.

"Hey, are you okay-Chaewon." Yoongi held me up and cupped my cheek comfortingly, staring at the tears that were threatening to fall down from my eyes. "Yah, what's wrong?" I hugged him, burying my face into his neck. He put his arms around me and patted my back, telling me to let go. I nodded and took his hand as we walked towards the piano lab.

He locked the door before pulling up his recording tabs on the computer. I stared at him amazed as he edited a beat to a song before kneeling down in front of me.
"Okay, what's wrong?"
I sighed, "Jungkook and Daon really are dating, right?" He stared at me blankly, not answering.

"Just tell me!"
He nodded, and I felt a tear come out of my eye. "Aigoo, you really weren't kidding when you said you liked him."
He smiled sadly before putting my head on his shoulder. "Why does he like her? I love him Yoongi oppa, but he can't see that."
"Oh please. He's just too blind and dumb. I don't understand why you like that troublemaker. He practically sees Appa more than we do." We laughed before he brought up something else.

"What about that Taehyung guy?"
I gasped, "You ship me with that idiot?"
"But he's cute. That's the point."
"Ew, you give horrible advice." Yoongi let out a laugh before staring at me, who was wiping my eyes from the tears that were still falling.

"Aigoo, your mascara! it looks like you're crying octopus pee!" He opened my backpack and helped wipe off the black stains before giving me another hug. I gave him a little push, "So all you care about is my makeup, huh?"
"I guess. I mean, you need to look good in front of that Taehyung guy."
"Oppa!" I shook my head as he began chuckling some more, showing off his gummy smile. "Okay, anyways, I don't want you hurting this way. Why can't you get over Jungkook?"

"One, you hang out with him too much. You practically are his grandpa."
"Two, it's not that easy. I've been crushing on him ever since Freshman year."
"Jinjja? I never knew that."  Yoongi is my half brother. He moved in with us two years ago, so the first few moments of me crushing on Jeon Jungkook wasn't really exposed to him until now. We haven't told anyone that we're related, at least not yet. I mean, who expects this crazy rapper to be the older brother of me? a simple girl.

"Well now you do." I sighed and pouted. Yoongi frowned as well and put his fingers on the tips of my lips and lifted it, forcing a smile onto my face. I rolled my eyes and gave him a fake smile, making him whine. "Smile Chae, you look super ugly." I slapped his arm away from my face before taking his headphones.

"Anyways, we'll figure out what to do with him later. What song did you compose today?"
He grabbed the headset before I could put it on. "I can't let you listen to it. Wait until Agust D has made more songs." I giggled, walking towards the piano when the bell rang.

Yoongi grabbed my bag and started putting away the stereo. "C'mon, let's go before they see us." He pulled my arm and we rushed out the door. Before parting ways, he gave me a quick hug and ruffled my hair, "See you later." I nodded and we walked away from each other.

Taehyung's POV
"Who were talking to? And who's...Jimin?" Eunha asked me. I waved my hand in the air, "It's my friend. And Jimin's my hyung." She nodded and swung her legs, because she couldn't reach the floor.

Yes, we were hanging out at my place. My parents were going to come home from their trip out of country, and they wanted to meet 'my new friend'. It was weird though, this business trip was rushed, and was a surprise to all of us. I wonder why...

"Yah," she snapped in my face. I looked at her, "What?"
"I don't know. You're spacing out. Is that your way of communicating to your alien friends?" She said laughing, as I pouted. "When will you ever stop teasing me."
"Whatever, let's watch a kdrama."

She nodded and jumped excitedly as we flipped through Drama Fever, trying to find a show we both enjoyed. After about an hour, my eyes began to droop. Eunha was too engrossed in the leading man, and didn't get fazed. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, scaring us both. We both ran up to get it, and was surprised to see my parents.

"Appa! Eomma!" I yelled, throwing my arms around them for a hug. The three of us made a whole family group hug before I let go and turned around to show Eunha.
"This is Eunha. Eunha, my parents." She bowed and smiled sweetly, and greeted them inside. They seemed happy with her appearance and manners, but my mother whispered into my ear, "Taehyung-ah. Can you excuse your friend? Your appa and I need to talk with you privately."

I nodded slowly, walking up to Eunha. "Hey, can you go out for a bit? They wanna talk to me."
"Sure." She waved goodbye before petting my head (it was a usual thing we did whenever we said goodbye). The door shut and the three of us gathered together.

"Okay, Taehyung. Promise me you won't get mad." Eomma said.
Umm...promise? Mad? Is this something serious?
"We're leaving to America. And you will continue your studies there as well." Appa said quietly.

Everything was said so quickly, I had to hear the words again to believe it.
"We're leaving." Appa repeated. I closed my eyes, not wanting to let out my anger.

" long will we have here?"

"Three days."

Soooo chaewon and yoongi are relatedXD and OMF TAEHYUNGAH YOURE GOING TO AMURICA TO MEET KayKooKTwerks lolololol im joking....
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