Part 16

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Daon's POV
Time passed by quickly, and soon enough, it was two weeks until five months will be over. Five months of me and Jungkook's fake relationship. I honestly didn't want it to end, ever since he came into my life, I found myself being a completely different person.

Chaewon and I got even farther away from each other. It got to the point where I almost forgot we were even best friends. On the other hand, Taehyung and I kept talking. Jungkook did get jealous at times, but it was just a small misunderstanding. Who would get jealous of a little alien?

Today had a happy vibe. Hoseok and I walked to school together because Jungkook was apparently busy. Jhope was bouncing around like his usual self while I hummed random songs that played on my shuffle.

"Daon-ah." Jhope said randomly, I turned to him. "Ye?"
"How are you?"

I gave him a weird look, "We started the day together, you should know how I am."
"No, I mean...with Jungkook. As your boyfriend."

"With Kookie?" He nodded and fidgeted with his fingers. "We're...good." I looked down at my feet. How were Jungkook and I? "I'm happy with him. But I mean, it's almost over."

"That's good. As long as your happy, I am too." He said, flashing a wide smile before linking his arm with mine. I was curious wondering why he was asking. Is something wrong with him?

After School
"Yah, Yoongi oppa. Where is Jungkook?" The boys shrugged and walked off, leaving me curious and alone.

"Aish, you said you'd walk me home." I mumbled, trudging off. As I passed by the gate, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. I smelt the familiar cologne and turned around, looking at Jungkook who had a foolish smile on his face.

"Where were you?" I asked sternly, hitting his chest. He pulled my hands into his and swung them as we walked down the street. "I was out doing something. Do you want to eat out today?"

I said yes excitedly, but frowned. "Kookie, I'm still in my uniform."

"Go change then. We'll meet in the park in 20 minutes. Deal?" I nodded and we parted ways.

I decided to wear a simple floral designed dress with a light blue cardigan on top. I had my white shoes on and my hair flowing down to my shoulders. After applying the smallest amount of makeup, I headed out.

I walked towards the park, looking around in search for the boy

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I walked towards the park, looking around in search for the boy. There he was, changed into skinny jeans with a light blue sweater. I smiled and headed to his direction, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh, hey." He said, ruffling my hair before standing up. "Let's go?" I nodded and let him lead the way.

We went to a small restaurant nearby the river. It was small but perfect; the dim lights and soft music in the background with just the two of us. It was like an actual date. As we ate, I wiped the corner of my mouth and looked down, smiling. We're actually having a date. During those 5 months, we've never done this.

"Jin hyung!" Jungkook yelled suddenly, and I looked up to see a waiter walking up towards our table. "Hi Jungkookie. Hello, beautiful. I'm Jin, Kookie's old neighbor." He extended his hand and I shook it lightly, watching in the corner of my eye and Kookie glared.

"This restaurant is so pretty." I said, looking around at the couples walking in and out.
"Just like you." Jin said, laughing at how jealous Jungkook was getting. I held in my laughter as Jin began teasing the younger, laughing like the sound of a window getting wiped.

"Hmm, hyung. We need some space. Thanks for visiting our table." Jungkook said finally, giving the elder a hard stare. Jin smiled before giving me a high five and leaving. I rested my hand on the table and stared at Kookie amusingly. "Someone's jealous."

"Me? What? Of course I'm not." Jungkook said, blushing. "It's just that, I have to protect what's mine."

I rolled my eyes. "What kind of-" we both began laughing and he showed off his bunny teeth.

Oh god you're so attractive... I slapped myself internally and told myself to stop.

Silence took over again and I ate my noodles silently. Jungkook took the opportunity to speak up.


"We've been 'together' for five months. It's almost over..." I nodded.

"Yeah, time really does go by fast." I gave a slight chuckle, but he stayed quiet. I noticed the upset fixed look on his face and tried to ignore it.

"Daon..." He said again.
"Yes Jungkookie, is there something wrong?"

"Did you ever have feelings for me during those five months?" He blurted out, and I choked on my noodles. The boy ran up to me and handed me his glass of water as I hit my chest repeatedly.

I calmed down a bit and told him to sit down again. He did what I told him and asked again, "Did you?"

I had my head down as I felt his fingertips brush onto mine. My cheeks began to heat up as I tried thinking of what to say.

"Me and Jaebum hyung have been watching you. I can tell you really do like him." Taehyung said.
My eyes widened as I blushed.
"Yah, I don't!!"
"Liar, I could even tell you liked me before. Don't hide it, Daon. It'll just make it harder."

It was like I heard Taehyung's true voice next to me. I gulped and looked up, gazing at Jungkook's hopeful eyes.

"Yes, I did."
"Jinjja?!" He said a little too loud, shaking the table as he slammed his hands onto it in excitement. I felt pairs of eyes on us and let out a laugh.

"Why don't we go outside?" I suggested, and he stood up, taking my  hand in his.

We walked along the quiet streets of Seoul, feeling the wind blow through our hair. We decided to sit at a nearby bench.

"So you did." He said, in an excited tone.

"Yes, I did." I replied, watching his smile drop. I laughed as he talked, "How about now?"

"Do you still like me?" It was beginning to get dark, and I hoped it was dark enough to hide my tomato colored face.

"Yes, I do still like you." He cupped my face in his big warm hands and smiled widely, and I smiled too. It felt like a huge weight leaving my chest once I said the truth.

Jungkook leaned in and kissed me, almost like how we did last time. Except this one was more passionate and full of love.

When he let go, we were both flushed and smiling like crazy. "I love you too."

The blush wouldn't leave my face as I giggled and pinched his cheeks. We hugged and he whispered,

"Why don't we make it official? I don't want to let you go." 

a/n: OKAY HI.
Anyways thanks for reading. Plz comment vote and share^^ ily all<33333

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