Part 17

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Daon's POV
"Wait, you're dating him?!" Jimin shrieked, staring at me with wide eyes. I nodded, "Wae, you hate him that much?"

He fumbled with his fingers before raising his hands to his face. "Aniyo~ I just thought he was bad. You now, Taehyungie told me a lot of things."

"Stop with the aegyo, you look constipated."

"Yah!" He pushed me as I laughed wholeheartedly off the bed. Jimin crossed his arms and glared at me. "Whatever. Did that bunny faced boy ask Eomma and Appa for permission?"

"Yeah, we sent them a video last night." Jimin nodded before holding out his hand, pulling me up from the ground. I walked to the bathroom to get ready for school when there was a knock at the door.

I ran out the bathroom, "I'll get it!"

"Oh no, I'll do it!" Jimin hollered, chasing after me as I rushed down the stepped. The two of us were fighting for the handle of the door and soon enough, I got it myself after booty-bumping him away from me into the wall. He groaned as I smiled victoriously and opened the door.

"Hey-" I was cut off by a peck on the lips. Jungkook backed away before smiling, "Hey, jagiya." I began blushing and was about to say something when Jimin's hand was on my shoulder.

"Yah yah yah, don't be all lovey dovey in front of me, it's disgusting."

"You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend." I said, earning a snort from the older.
"The only thing I'm jealous of is this boy's height. Anyways, I'm gonna go and sleep. Don't do anything stupid." He muttered, and walked upstairs.

Once he was out of our sight, Jungkook wrapped his arms around me and gave me a back hug. "Hey,"

"You said hey when I opened the door."

"Don't ruin the moment." He said, putting his head on my shoulder. I turned around and faced him, putting my hands in his. "Why don't we go to school?" He nodded before stepping out of the house.

"Wah, Jungkookie hyung and Daon together? What happened, has the lord finally calmed these two?" Sanha said, staring at us as Jaebum tied his shoes. The boys were all sitting together, but Yoongi wasn't there. I didn't pay much attention to it, only because Jungkook was about to announce our relationship.

"Guys, listen." He looked at me before taking me hand, intertwining our fingers. I felt their pair of eyes staring at us intently.

"I have realized...if it wasn't for this stupid bet, I wouldn't have recognized this girl. Park Daon, I hope you know I love you so much. Without you, I'd still be the bad boy everyone practically hated. And now that they know, we'll just make it real. She's now my official girlfriend!"

The boys cheered for us as I exchanged laughed with them. Jungkook put his arm around me as we all began talking about how much they shipped us. I felt a poke on my back.

"Daon-ah, can we talk real quick? As private?" Hoseok said. I nodded and walked away from him as we headed away towards the courtyard away from them.

Jhope's POV
"...She's now my official girlfriend!"

I stared at them and forced a smile on my face. I felt my heart hurting, and I honestly didn't know why. Jaebum patted my back, "Gwenchana?"

I nodded, turning back to Daon and giving her thumbs up. Jungkook had his arms around her and they were laughing. She had a glow and her smile was wide with pure happiness.

Something I probably couldn't give her.

"You aren't okay." Jaebum whispered in my ear. I shook him off, "Stop, let's be happy for them."

"So that's what's wrong."
"It's them, isn't it?" I gave no response and sighed, looking at Jaebum. He gave me a reassuring smile. "Just because they're together doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It'll go away."

"But I'm afraid, what if he doesn't treat her right in the future?"
"Isn't that why you're here? You can always help her." I nodded before touching her back.

"Daon-ah,  can we talk real quick? As private?" She nodded before standing up. We walked towards a nearby bench.

"I hope you're happy." I said quietly.
"I am." She said, giving a small laugh. I turned to her and flashed a sad smile. " are so beautiful when you smile, you know?"

She raised her eyebrow, "Hello? Is this the Hoseok I know? Are you okay-"
I shut her up with a hug. I felt my eyes getting watery but I refused to let them fall. "If ever you need anything, as in anything, I'll be here for you."

Daon nodded, obviously not getting what I meant, and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for being my best friend." She said, squeezing my hands before giving me one last hug. I took in her smell and closed my eyes, finally knowing what's it's like to be heartbroken.

"Let's go back?" She suggested. I nodded.

Daon's POV
After talking, Jhope and I walked towards the group of boys, who were crowded for some reason. We rushed towards them to see Yoongi in the center, tears streaming down his face.

"Yoongi oppa!" I yelled, squeezing myself into the crowd. Yoongi's eyes turned to me and he let out a shaky breath, stepping towards me. The tears wouldn't stop coming down his face, and I began to get worried.

Yoongi squeezed my hands before letting out a plead.

"Please help m-me. Chaewon's up at the rooftop, about to commit suicide!"

It was so good but GURL CHAE U GOTTA RUIN IT-.-
Anyways sry for slow updates! This book is actually ending soon:'D ill be adding some plus chapters for KayKooKTwerks tho LMAOOO
Plz comment, share and vote! Ily all<333

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