Bonus Chapter - 5

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Taehyung's POV
"Wah, Korea is so much prettier when you're actually there." Kaylia awed, staring at all the streets. I took her hand and chuckled, "We can sight see tomorrow or something. For now, we gotta go to my old school."

"School? Wae?"
"It's my best friend's graduation."
"Ah," her smile slightly fell. "'Best friend.'" I raised my brows, "Omo, is the princess jealous?"

Kaylia hit my arm, "Aniya! I just got surprised." We walked in silence towards a taxi before she spoke again. "Is it a guy or girl?"

I laughed, "So you are jealous."
"I can't ask?!"
"Girl." She stayed silent, and faced away from me. I chuckled, you're so cute when you're jealous.

"I'm not jealous."
"Oh really? Why aren't you looking at me?" Kaylia turned around and cupped my face with her hands so she was squishing my cheeks. She was looking straight into my eyes, and smirked, "There, better?"

"You should just warn me before you do this stuff. I might as well kiss you." I said, taking her hands off my face. Blush grew on her cheeks as she looked at me. "I can't handle you."

"Yes you can, you did for months."
Before she could say something back, the ahjussi spoke up. "Sorry to break you're little conversation, but where are we going?"

We exchanged a nervous and awkward laugh before telling the direction. "Seoul University."


"You're school is huge." Kaylia said, taking out her phone to take pictures. I let out a laugh, "You can take pictures if you want here, I'll be right back." She nodded and watched as I walked into the auditorium entrance, where I saw Daon and all the boys.


"There you are!" I said, relieved to see Kaylia coming into the building. "The graduation is going to start."

"Sorry, everything's so pretty here. And also, there was a really cute guy." I gave her an annoyed look, "Ok, now you're staying with me."
Kaylia laughed, "And you were saying I'm jealous."
"I'm not jealous! I'm...protecting you from the perverts here."
"But you're one too."
"Shut up, princess." I put an arm around her and sat down, watching the ceremony begin.


"Okay, don't be nervous in front of them, they're hilarious. Just behave in front of them."
"I'm not five, stupid!" I held her hand and led her towards the Silver Clan and Daon, who were all throwing their caps.

Daon turned to us and smiled at Kaylia, "Hey, it's good to see a girl here. What's your name?"

"My name is Kaylia. I'm sorry, I'm not that fluent." The boys all greeted her, and Hoseok made his way to her, winking. I had the urge to punch him, but instead I slapped his arm. "Mine." I muttered.

"You player, what happened to Eunha?" I felt Kaylia's eye on me. Damn it Hoseok. I talked about her before, but I never really talked about how close we were. Eunha was practically my sister, nothing else.

"She's focusing on school, but who knows. She graduated today also, maybe you can visit her for me." Hoseok scoffed before rolling his eyes. "Can I go to America and find a girl as pretty as her?"

Kaylia blushed slightly, and I sighed again. What a flirt.

Daon and Jungkook suddenly left, and Kaylia and I watched them disappear from our view. She whispered into my ear, "Are they a thing or something? He's so cute."

"Yah!" I nudged her slightly.
"Wae, are you jealous again?"
"Aniyo." Kaylia nudged me and laughed, "Aigoo...sure, that boy is cute. But of course, my prince is cuter."

I bit my tongue to keep the straight face, "Jinjja? You really think that?"
"Of course I do, pabo."

"Omo, you two are so cute, are you guys dating?!" Sanha popped out of nowhere with Jaebum. I gulped and put an arm around her. Kaylia laughed awkwardly, "Ani-I mean, I don't know. We're good friends."

"We aren't dating, but it might happen soon." I said, looking down at her. Her eyes widened as I winked, and Sanha let out a squeal. "Wah, I ship this already!"

As we all talked for a bit longer, I excused the two of us. "Mianhe, but Kaylia and I have to go. We'll see you all soon!" We all exchanged goodbyes and then left.


We went straight to the hotel after. It was a strangely awkward and quiet ride back. Kaylia didn't look at me or make eye contact, and when I tried talking, she gave super short responses.

When we entered the room, she put her bags down at the corner before walking towards the bathroom. We bumped shoulders and she tensed up, making me curious. I grabbed her wrist before she could walk away from me.

"What's wrong?"
"Nothing?" I turned her around and sighed, so we were know facing each other, only inches apart. She avoided looking into my eye, and I lifted her chin with my finger so we were finally looking at each other.

Kaylia let out a shaky breath. I thought hard, what was going on with this girl? A thought hit me, and I laughed, taking her by surprise.

"I know now. Is it because of what I said earlier at the graduation? About us dating?"
"What?" I leaned in, "You like me don't you?"

She blushed again and tried backing away from me, "What are you talking about? We're friends-"

I kissed her.

I pressed my lips on hers and put my arms on her waist so she wouldn't walk off. It was our first kiss together, not indirectly. She cupped my face with her hands as I bit her bottom lip teasingly. I heard her whimper my name as I smiled into the kiss.

I pulled away for air, our foreheads touching. We were looking deep into each others eyes, and I smirked.

"Now add 'boy' and 'girl' in front of friends, because from now on, you're officially mine." She nodded before I pulled her into another kiss, this time more passionately. I picked her up and set her down on the bed, looking deep into her eyes before whispering huskily.

"I love you, princess."
"I love you too, my prince."



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