Part 9

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Taehyung's POV
I rushed out, deciding to run to school alone. I already knew Chaewon wasn't there, she usually waited for Daon and I at that table under the tree.

Oh yeah, that tree. The one where I almost confessed to Daon. Guess that won't be happening. I sighed, knowing that all I'll probably ever be is her best friend. Her 'big brother' besides Jimin. Kicking a nearby rock, I let out a sigh. Why Jungkook? Why...not me?

There was a schoolgirl that passed by me, wiping her eyes. I looked back and saw she was crying softly. I patted her back, "Umm, are you okay?" She sniffled and nodded, and I smiled lightly, handing her the handkerchief in my pocket. The girl bowed slightly before taking it, drying up her teared face. I pulled her hand to the nearby bench, not caring that school was starting in a few minutes.

"I'm okay n-now, you can go to class." She muttered, looking away from me. I patted her shoulder, "Why were you crying?"
"M-my crush likes s-someone else. He likes m-my best f-friend." I stared at her in pity. Her eyes teared up again as she continued. "He confessed right in front of the two of us yesterday, and I just can't face them today. I don't know how to feel." The girl covered her face as another tear fell. I gave her a sad smile before pulling her into hug.

"I know how you feel. Actually, a lot of us feel that way. But we can overcome it. You can be strong right? At least for me. Smile and be happy, one day he'll realize how he missed such a pretty girl." We let go of each other and she stared into my eyes. Her long lashes still wet from her previous tears; her big, brown eyes that were almost addicting to stare at; her plump pink lips; she was cute. I was about to raise my hand and pull the one loose strand of hair from her face when she broke eye contact.

"Uh, why were you staring at me?"
"You were too. Don't tell me you have a crush on me too."
She laughed, sounding like a beautiful melody in my ears. "Ani, I wouldn't want to date someone who seems like such an...alien."
I chuckled, standing up and pulling her up with me. "Yah, you never told me your name."
"EunHa. Bae Eunha." I flashed her my rectangle grin and held out my hand. "Kim Taehyung."
"Nice to meet you, Taehyung-ssi."

We smiled at each other before she began blushing madly, looking down and realizing we haven't let go of each others hands. I let go and patted her head, "I hope you felt better. I have to go, you should too!" Eunha nodded and held out a pen. "Can I have your number?" I chuckled as she pointed to her wrist, where I wrote my name and number. After she wrote hers on mine and waved each other goodbye, we walked opposite directions to school.

Daon's POV
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Jungkook, go to class."
"But what if that Sarang comes-"
"Shut up, will you? She's suspended, I doubt she could hurt me. You're actually paying attention this time." I shot back, staring at Jungkook who had his arms crossed over his chest, not satisfied at the fact that I was about to go to class by myself.

We were literally standing 15 feet across from the door. What is this, I'll fall into a hole when I go towards it?

"Jeon Jungkook!"
"Jeon-I mean, Park Daon!" I turned a slight shade a pink, he just said 'Jeon' Daon?
I turned around, putting my hand on the door knob when he put his on my backpack. "Yah, I'm telling you-"
"Aish! Hoseokie is in there! I'm fine Jungkook." He pouted before letting go, nodding. "Okay fine. But before you go in."
"Call me oppa." I stared at him with disbelief. "Bye ahjussi."
"Yah!" He groaned as I walked in, waving goodbye as the door made him smaller and smaller in my view.

As I turned around, I was greeted by a happy smiling Hoseok. "Hi Hoseok!" I said, flashing an eye smile as he came up to me, wrapping his arms around me into a huge bear hug. "Daon-ah, I told you to call me Hobi! I'm your hope, your angel, their J-Hope, and only YOUR Hobi remember~?" I giggled as he winked.

He turned around to his desk, and looked around for something. I watched as he dug through his backpack and looked under the table. "Omo, I forgot my water bottle. Can we go get it? I don't wanna waste money on another one." I nodded and we walked out (after getting permission of course), hand in hand.As we walked outside, he acted like himself. The bubbly J-Hope who made my day 10000 times better. It made me smile knowing I was so comfortable around him, almost like a brother.

"Ah, there it is." He said, gratefully taking it from the table and running back to me. As we were walking back towards the classroom, he spoke up. "Are you free during lunch?"
"I mean, will you be with your friends? Because I kinda wanted to..."
"Wanted to?" I stopped swinging our arms and turned to him. Wait...was he blushing?
"I wanted to eat lunch with you." I smiled, tiptoeing to pinch his cheeks.
"Aigoo, how cute. Of course-"

"Not!" said a voice behind me. I felt a hand snake around my waist as Hoseok stood there, staring at his friend. I wanted to slap the boy, why is he even here?
"Jungkook, what the hell?"

a/n: HI GUYS...
So this chapter was a little short, sryyy. If you're wondering why I haven't been updating the other one as fast, it's bcuz that one takes a little more time and stuff to fix. Anyways, how was the chapter? Eunha...what will she be doing here in this book? Who's still shipping Daon and Hobi? Jungkook and Daon? Welp, find out soon LOL IDK WHAT TO WRITE ILL JUST GO NOW BYEEE<33

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