Part 13

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Daon's POV
"Daon-ah." Jimin whispered into my ear, shaking me lightly. "Ireona."
I opened my eyes and squinted, adjusting my vision to the dark. "What time is it?"
"Why the fu-" Realization hit me. I ran into the bathroom and washed my face, trying my best to look fresh and not like a mess like yesterday.

Today Taehyung was leaving.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later, which was Chaewon. She was already crying, her body shaking from all the tears pouring out her eyes. Jimin rubbed her back and tried calming her down, "Yah, Taehyung hasn't even left yet, yet you're already crying like someone died."

Chae rolled her eyes and shook her head, "I d-don't want-t him to g-go." The two comforted each other as I stared at the mirror, watching my eyes tear up at times. Taehyung texted a few minutes later, saying he was at the airport, and the three of us went into the car, heading there too.
"Where is 58B? We're at 58F, is this some typo he sent?"
"Pabo-yah, it's over there."
"Oh, I knew that."
"You're just too short to see the signs, oppa."
"Shut up before I hit you, Chae."

Chaewon and I ran towards the sitting area, where Taehyung had his eyes closed, laying comfortably. His head shot up once we came close to him, and he wrapped his arms around him. Chaewon's cries were already audible as she sniffled loudly.

"T-Taehyung-ah." She sobbed, not letting go of him as he pulled away from me. The boy chuckled and picked her up, spinning her in a circle before setting her down.

"Wah, Lee Chaewon. What a crybaby."
"Yah!" She slapped his chest, and we all laughed as he kept teasing her.
"Chaewon, when I come back I hope you aren't acting like a little kid anymore, arachi?" She nodded before wiping her eyes and running up to him once again, hugging him tightly before sitting next to Jimin.

That left me and him alone, standing together.
He studied my face, staring at my eyes and features before pulling me into a hug. The tears fell as I took in his scent.
"I'll miss you a lot, Daon."
"I will miss you so much, Taehyung." Our hug lasted for a while before he let go, wiping my tears like how he did at school. "Stop crying~ I miss possibly start crying too." He said, fake wiping tears. I rolled my eyes as he put an arm around me and we walked towards Jimin and Chaewon.

"So, this will be the last time I'll be here with you guys."
"Don't say that, boy. You aren't dying." Jimin said, smiling up at the younger boy. They exchanged grins before the flight attendant began talking.

"Flight 58B is about to take off."

I felt myself panic as he began grabbing his bags. "Taehyung!" He turned towards me, opening his arms as Chaewon, Jimin and I ran up to him, giving him one last hug. If only we could've stayed in that hug forever.

He put his hands down. "I got to go."
We nodded and he walked into the gate, waving back at us before the door closed, leaving us to stare at the wall that blocked us from the way towards the plane. I closed my eyes and let the tears stream down my face once more.

"Let's go get some rest before you two ladies have class. Kaja." Jimin said, putting an arm around the two of us affectionately as we exited the airport.

Jungkook's POV, Start of School
The first bell rang, which meant 5 minutes until class starts. I glanced around, is this a new thing she's doing or something? Why is she not here again? Hmm...even Chaewon and Taehyung.

I shrugged, trying my best to not get bothered and walked into class.
The only people in our table was Hoseok and I. It wasn't awkward, but it felt different. Daon wasn't there, so it felt almost empty.

The door suddenly bursted open, and in came Chaewon and Daon, along with her brother Jimin. I watched as Chaewon walked towards the back with a handkerchief over her mouth, sniffling quietly. Daon planted her self in between us two guys, and mumbled a 'hi' before keeping her head low. Jimin was talking to the teacher about excusing their tardy, and he left quickly.

"Oh, gwenchana?!" Hoseok said, looking at Daon sideways. She lifted her head and stared at him nodding before putting her head back down. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her chin.

"Yah, why are you crying?" I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she wiped her puffy, red eyes. "I'm f-fine. Just, don't worry about me." I nodded before looking behind me, glaring at Jaebum, who was kicking my chair.

"What's wrong with her?"
I gulped and shrugged, "I don't know."
He leaned in and smacked my head, "Pabo! She's your fucking girlfriend."
I turned to Daon before getting out of my seat, rushing over to Jaebum. "Wait, do you know why? Is it because of that period thing, or whatever it's called? Where they pee blood-"
"Jungkook, you're just too innocent. Or, I guess super stupid. Have you not notice the boy next to me isn't here?"

I glanced at the empty seat and finally realized. "Omo, Kim Taehyung fucking died?!"
Jaebum sighed and smacked my head once again before whispering, "Aniya! He's in America! He texted me when he was on the plane, they went to say goodbye to him."
"Oh..." I turned to her and saw as Hoseok was trying to make her smile with his cheesy and dumb jokes. I wanted to comfort her, "Hyung, I don't know what to do. I never even knew they were close with that boy."
Jaebum smiled, "Why don't you actual comfort her, rather than tease her." I nodded before sitting back in my seat. Time went by fast and the bell rang.

As Daon was packing her stuff, I waited for her. "Um, mwoya? Why are you waiting for me?"
"Why can't I? I'm your boyfriend."
She nodded before slinging her bag over her back and walking out, totally ignoring my presence. I sighed, "You left me."
"I know I did."

I grabbed her arm and stopped her. We were now face to face. I watched her eyes that looked pained and did something we both didn't expect.

I hugged her.

As I put my arms around her, her tense self seemed to relax. I smiled and patted her back, soothing her. "It'll be okay. Cry if you want. He'll be back, he'll be back." She nodded and soon enough started crying. Her tears made my shirt wet but I didn't care. All that mattered was this moment.

"Uhhh, I'm sorry for ruining this moment but, can I borrow Daon for a sec?" Said a voice behind us. We let go of each other before turning around, surprised to see Yoongi standing there.

"Okay." Daon said, letting go of my hand before walking side my side by Suga. What was going to happen?


I hope you all liked that chapter? Byebye Taehyung:( we'll see you soon with KayKooKTwerks tho XDDDDDD anyways dont forget to vote comment and share! Thx love you all<33333

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