Part 12

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No One's POV
The next day was time for the new semester passed by. The tense air was still there, but it was different. Daon and Jungkook got a lot more serious about their relationship after that day and although it was a bit hard, she accepted it. Hoseok on the other hand was officially her best friend, always protecting her whenever he can.

Because it was the next semester, it meant new classes and new students.  The Silver Clan as well as Daon, Chaewon, and Taehyung found themselves in the same class which was Math.

Taehyung's POV
"Okay," Mrs. Jung said, "I have a seating chart prepared for the class. When I call your name, please go to where I assign you."

I crossed my fingers in my pockets, hoping I'll be able to sit with Daon. Or least not with any strangers or Jungkook.

"Lee Chaewon." Mrs. Jung said, pointing to the back corner. The girl walked there as the teacher said the next name. "Min Yoongi."

Soon enough, my name was called. I sat two rows in front of Chae and Yoongi and prayed maybe Daon will sit with me.

"Im Jaebum." My hopes fell as he plopped down next to me, smiling at me. I returned it and fiddled with my fingers as I stared at the rest of the students standing.

"Finally Park Daon and Jung Hoseok will sit here." Mrs. Jung said. The two stood there awkwardly and made their way towards the front. Jungkook stared at them as he sat on the teacher's table.

"Seonsaengnim, did you forget I have no spot." He said laughing. The rest of the class started scooting in their spots and yelled out, "Let him sit with us! Jebal!"

I scoffed as Mrs. Jung scanned the room, trying to find a seat for him. "Oh, sit here in the front with Daon-ssi. Hoseok, please scoot down." I stared, biting the inside of my cheek as he sat down. He winked at her before opening up his notebook.

"Hmm." Jaebum said, laying his head on his arms as he stared curiously at the three in front of us. "Jaebum, are you okay?"
"You talk so formally to me," he chuckled, ruffling my hair. "Call me your hyung."
I smiled a bit and repeated what I asked. "Okay. Jaebum hyung, are you okay?"

"No." He said, pointing at Daon and the boys. "Look at them. It's an obvious love triangle." Jaebum went on and on, telling me the story of Hoseok always around Daon, and how jealous Jungkook would get. Also how Jungkook would be too protective over made me realize something.

I'm just making this harder for them.

I looked at Jaebum, thanking him quietly before getting back to work. My mind kept thinking about the three of them. Daon has them, why can't I let her go like how I was going to a long time ago?

The bell rang and I found myself pulling her out of the classroom into the courtyard. "Yah-what's going on?" I held her hand and told her to keep quiet as we walked towards the big tree.

Yes, that same old tree.

Once we were under it's shady branches, I let go of her. She stared at me, confused.
"Um, are you okay? Your face is really pale." She said, squishing my cheeks. I took her hands off and held them, closing my eyes.

"I...have to tell you something."
"Oh." I kept my head low as I continued talking. "Remember that one day? When I was about to tell you something at this exact tree?"
Daon nodded.

"Well, I'm here to tell you it. And to say something else."
Her eyes widened as I squeezed her hand.
"I like you. A lot. It might not even be 'like'," I said chuckling, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Taehyung I don't understand-"
"I was going to confess my love to you that one day...but I've realized I liked you the wrong time. Daon, you have so much to deal with right now. I can't let you stress about me anymore."
"What are you saying?"

"I'm leaving." I blurted out. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at me in shock. "M-mwo?! You're gonna leave just because me and Jungkook are dating?! Oppa-"

"No silly. I'm moving to the States. Appa has a job opportunity, and well, I have some business there too." I trailed off, feeling guilty as tears streamed down her face.

"But Taehyung stay! It's just your dad, stay with me! Stay with Halmeoni, or with your aunt, or with Jiminie-" I shook her shoulders lightly as she started crying uncontrollably.

"I don't want you to go..." she whispered shakily as I pulled her into a tight hug. My eyes felt watery too as I caressed her hair, loving the feeling of her with me right now.

"W-when will y-you co-come back?" she mumbled. I pulled away and wiped her tears with the back of my thumb. "About a year."

She remained silent and I flicked her forehead, "Yah! Don't worry. I can manage, hopefully. I mean, I can't survive not seeing your face for just 5 minutes." Daon rolled her eyes, "Cheesy little shit."

I wrapped my arms around her once again as she began to cry more, while I joined. We cried and held each other before I patted her back, "Hey."

She looked up, "Yeah?"
"Remember when we were younger, we called each other wifey and hubby? Well now you have someone else to say that too." We chuckled, remembering those days when we'd promise to marry each other in the future. She smiled sadly, "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. Don't ever think I left because of this. Promise?" I held out my long pinky, and she wiped her tears before sticking out her finger and wrapping it around mine.

"But seriously Daon. Me and Jaebum hyung have been watching you. I can tell you really do like him." Her eyes widened as she blushed.
"Yah, I don't!!"
"Liar, I could even tell you liked me before. Don't hide it, Daon. It'll just make it harder." She nodded before rubbing her now red, puffy eyes and gave me a peck on the cheek.

I felt a tear stream down my cheek, knowing I was about to leave the girl I've loved for so long. I picked her up and put her on my back, "Let's go home?"

She nodded, and we walked away from the tree.

a/n: HI OMG THIS TOOK FOREVER LOLOLOL sry for errors btw im abt to go clean so im going fast
sooooo taehyung is leaving tmr:( or ig whatever day it is in their fictional world. How do u all feel? I made it taehyungs pov cuz we wont rlly see him after a while;(

ANYWAYS dont forget to comment, vote, and share! Thx for reading 사랑해~~

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