Bonus Chapter - 6 (End)

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Taehyung's POV
"Are you ready?"

"Almost." I heard Kaylia call from the bathroom. It was our last day in Korea, and we were getting ready to leave and head to America again. I sighed, it was great to be back to my native country, and the feeling of leaving it hurt just like the first time.

"Okay, I'm ready." She said, passing her bag to me. I caught it and laughed, "Little girl, I'm not going to carry all these."
"Yes you will, today you're my servant." Kaylia declared, and I pinched her cheek. "Whatever. Let's go, before we miss the flight like how we did last time."

"That was all your fault, if you didn't take too long to go take a piss-"
"At least I ran to the terminal."
"With your fly open." I rolled my eyes and opened the door. "Shut up, let's just go."


"I can't sit there." I said, pointing at the window seat. Kaylia laughed, "Mwo? Are you scared?"
"No, I just don't want to."
"You are such a baby," She muttered, crawling into the seat. I put our bags at the cubby on top before plopping down next to her.

As the plane was about to take off, her grip on my hand got tighter. I chuckled in amusement, mocking her voice. "'Mwo? Are you scared? You are such a baby,'" Kaylia smacked my arm before wrapping hers around mine. "Yah, I forgot to buy gum. My ears will get plugged."

"Swallow, hold your breath, do something-" She cut me off with a yelp as the plane left the ground. I let out a laugh as she laid her head on my shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Yah, we're in the air." Kaylia opened an eye and looked up at me still scared. I leaned in and pecked her lips before pointing out the window. "Look at the clouds."

She turned around and gasped, "It looks so freaking fluffy."
"I thought you were going to say pretty, I was about to say 'like you.'" Kaylia laughed, "Sure, I'm definitely fluffy."

She held onto my hand as we stared at the sky. It was beautiful and perfect, being with the one you truly loved.

After taking a few pictures, I put my head on hers, and closed my eyes. "I'm going to sleep."
"Go for it."
"I'll meet you in my dreams."
"That's hella cheesy, stop it." I laughed before patting her cheek. "Good night."


"Ireona." I heard Kaylia's voice, as something hit my head. I opened my eyes groggily to see her throwing a pillow at me. I groaned, "Stop~"

"We're the only ones in the plane, idiot! Wake up!" She unfastened my seat belt before pulling my arm. I looked around, and sure enough all the seats were empty except for ours. I reached for our bags and then left the plane, apologizing to the stewardesses that were looking at us.

Once we were at the airport, I got a call. It was my father.

"So, how was the flight?"
"It was good, Kaylia and I arrived safely."
"Good to hear. Have you made your decision?"

"Decision?" My mouth made an o shape in realization. "If I'm staying or not."
"Yeah, so will you go back there?"

I turned to Kaylia, who was stretching and texting all her friends, saying she was back in America. I couldn't leave her, she was so important to me. I can't leave someone who I loved again.

"Nope, I'm happy where I am now."

a/n: OK ITS DONE! Everything's finished and all gucci nowXD
Ok, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who read this book. Honestly, this book was just for fun and dedicated to my friend cookieslostworld and now KayKooKTwerks LOL

I hope you guys enjoyed it till the end, ill be posting a new story soon once my Kyungsoo story is over;) anyways thanks again, ily all<333333

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