Chapter Twenty Two

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Alecie P.o.v

My phone kept ringing while I was asleep I groaned and answered it, “Hello?”

I said not looking at the caller I.D, “ALECIEEE!!!” I heard three high pitched screams. I pulled the phone away from my ear, I sighed.

“You guys could have warned me that you were going to do that!” I said sitting up leaning against the headboard.

“We didn’t because we knew that you would have probably been sleeping” Angel said.

Nee-Nee and Kay agreed, “And plus we wouldn’t have to if you would have just called and told us you were in Atlanta” Kay said.

I sighed, “I know I was just so tired and all I wanted was to sleep…”

“That just great I get married and moved back to Boston and you’re engaged and moved to Atlanta”

Again I let out a sigh, “I know are you guys coming to the wedding?”

The all chuckled and said in unison, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Uh Alecie I know you probably don’t want to hear this but Angel has something to tell you.” Kay said.

“What I thought we agreed to tell her together, man yall ain’t no real niggas” I chuckled.

“What are you two arguing about?”

They stayed quiet so NeeNee spoke up, “Lil Maurice is having a girl….”

My heart stopped, so it real….. He is having a boy. Taylor wasn’t lying she is having his baby which on means that he is probably happy and he has move on from what we had…

“T-that’s uh great, uh tell him I said congratulations…. Uh I have to go I have to do a lot more planning before the wedding  Love you guys bye” I said hanging up the phone, I sat there staring at the phone. A tear slipped out of my eye but I wiped it away quickly.

“What wrong boo?” I looked up and saw Marie, on the inside I rolled my eyes but on the out I smiled.

“Nothing I just heard some bad news, but it not enough to ruin my mood.”

“That great, so I know you want to go dress shopping tomorrow so we can do that tomorrow.”

I smiled, this bitch is so fake she know she doesn’t like me and I don’t really care for her either;  but I guess were going to be sister-in-laws so we should get use to each other.

“Sure Hun, that would be great it only two o’clock now so how about we go and pick out some flower and I want to check up on the reception hall” she nodded.

“Okay ill got get ready and then we can go, Anthony left he wanted to go see mommy. He said to meet him at her house when were finished doing and I quote ‘Things that us women do...” she said, I chuckled yeah that sounds like Anthony.

“Okay, I’ll take a shower and then we can go” she nodded and walked out the room. I stood up and looked in the mirror, okay that’s the last that I hear about Chris. For now on I’m going to be all about the wedding, beside its two weeks away and I still haven’t found my wedding dress.

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