Chapter Twenty Five

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Alecie P.o.v

I was upstairs sitting in the window chair; I was reading a book to calm myself down because it’s taking everything in me not to blow this fucking house up. I smirked at the idea of Mrs. Gradney running around here trying to save her wigs.

The door opened and I snapped my head at the person walking in, Anthony came in with a sheepish expression on his face.

“I have to tell you something and when I do you can’t get mad okay?” I smiled at him, what else could make me any madder than his mother wearing white to my wedding.

“Oh sure go ahead and tell me something that’s worse than you mother wearing white to the wedding” I said putting the book down on my side and leaning in closer to him.

“Okay, uh-um you see- my mom kind of invited Jae to the wedding” he had whispering the last part.

I blinked a couple of times and then I smiled, I got up from where I was sitting and I walked to the closet. I got out a bat and I starting heading towards the door.

Anthony caught up with me and grabbed the bat from me, “What are you doing?”

“What do you think? I’m going to go knock the fucking shit out of Jae and then I’m going to hit your mom a couple of times with the bat to knock the crazy out of her!” I yelled, not carrying if either of them bitches heard me.

“Alecie, she is still my mom”

“And I’m your finance, the one you going to be marrying in almost two weeks!”

“I know that Alecie, but that is the person who gave me birth” I put my hand on his shoulder in considerate way, “And I’m sorry for that; but she isn’t mine!” I yelled.

“Alecie please just calm the fuck down, this is not about her. This is about us, we are getting married and if she doesn’t like that then she doesn’t have to be in our life but please just calm down.”

“Fuck that Anthony! This is your fault too; if you didn’t cheat on me with that slut then she wouldn’t be down there right now!” I yelled this shit is really getting old.

He slumped his shoulder and looked guilty, “I thought you forgave me for that….”

“How can I when shit like this keeps happening!” I said.

“Don’t keep bringing this shit up Alecie, those two in their don’t matter. What matter is this…” he said gesturing in-between us.

I sighed, and calm down some.

He grabbed me by the waist and I rested my head in his chest. He kissed my forehead and started rubbing soothing circle in my back.

“Can we just stay at an hotel because I really don’t want to stay here anymore it making me sick” I felt him nodded, “Yeah we can go grab you stuff” he said pulling away from the embrace we shared. It felt nice and I missed it, so I brought him back into the embrace and he chuckled.

“Can’t get enough of me I see…”  I lifted my head up and nodded, “You know it” I said back.

He smirked and kissed me on the lips, I pulled away and went and grabbed my stuff.

“Are you going to act civilized when we go out there?” I bit my bottom lip and nodded anyway, I’ll try at least but if one of them crosses a line ill sock them out.

We walked out with him holding my hand and me standing close behind him, we walked downstairs and everyone was still standing at the bottom.

Anthony P.o.v

We walked down with Alecie standing close behind me, she was staying quiet and I was grateful for that the quicker I get her out this place the better.

“Anthony darling where are you going?” my mom asked when she saw us heading towards the door.

“We’re going to be staying at an hotel for a little while-” Alecie hit my back and I corrected myself

“Until the wedding”

“That non-sense Anthony, YOU can stay here as long as YOU need” Alecie growled behind my back and I wanted to chuckle but I know that wouldn’t be good on my part.

“No mom, I AND Alecie are going to stay there...”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, “Is she making you do this?”

“No, I just don’t want to stay here with her staying two rooms down” I said referring to Jae who was sitting on the couch.

“Well why doesn’t your little bitch come from behind you and say what she said upstairs?” my mom said, I was about to open my mouth.

Alecie came from behind me, about to charge but I caught her.

“You better be glad bitch, because ill fuck the both of you up” she yelled as I dragged her out the house.

“Fuck you bitch I’ll be damn if you think you marrying my son anytime soon!” my mom yelled, I walked Alecie to the car and then I groaned this shit is getting real old and I’m sick of it

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