The macca's boy

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Running down the road on my normal daily run, I figure I should use a bathroom somewhere since I'm halfway done with my run. I ran through town till I got to the McDonald's and walked inside. Breathing heavy I breifly look around for the bathroom in here. There was a group of 12 year old girls sitting at a table right next to the bathroom that glared at me the entire time i walked by them and even till after I walked in. I quickly go and then when I go to the mirror to wash my hands I mistakenly look in the mirror at my reflection. I look bad. My baggy sweatshirt and neon green spandex shorts don't exaclty help my look very much. And my face is a s red as a tomato. All I can do is sigh and walk out of the bathroom,  preparing myself for the glares of the judgemental 12 year old girls. And as expected as soon as I walk out they are already back to their glares as if they haven't moved since I went into the bathroom. But something I didn't expect was the brunette one in the back flipping me off with a smirk on her face.

Jeez, what did I do

I'm not exaclty sure why I wanted to piss them off, though they already were mad enough for some reason, but I decided to cut my run a little short today and stay.  I just spit my tongue out at them as I walked up to the cash register.

I was too busy having a silent battle with the girls that i didnt even notice a boy standing right in front of me until I bumped into him.

I didn't realize what was happend until I was on my butt looking stupid in front of the boy.

I hear the girls laughing hysterically at me as I sit there in pain.

"I'm so sorry oh my god I didn't even see you standing there-" I stopped mid sentence when I looked up at him for the first time.

Holy crap he's hot af

My face-if it was even possible- got even more red from embarrassment.

I hear his deep laugh as he looks down at his shirt and I see i spilt his drink all over his shirt.

"I'm so sorry oh my god I can buy you another drink if you want!"

He laughs again making me even more embarressed.

He finally looks up so I can see his whole face, brown hair, brown eyes, perfectly tan. Mmh he probably has a nice body under his 49er's jersey and sweatshirt.

I was too caught up in my imagination to realize that he had his hand outstretched towards me to help me up.

I gently grab his hand and he pulls me up without a problem.

"Hi I'm Alex."

His voice is so cute

I stand there with a stupid look on my face trying to remember my name to tell him.

"Its... its.... my name is Emmah. I'm really sorry about that, I didn't even see you standing there..."

He laughs again, im beginning to get even more embarressed cause im acting so stupid.

"Nah you're fine I wasn't paying attention either, its just as much my fault."

"Are you sure you don't want me to buy you another drink?"

"Nah it was my friends drink anyway and he doesn't need it."

" well I'm really sorry again."

"It's okay really. Are you ok? You took a pretty bad fall right there."

"Yeah I'm fine it wasn't that bad. But I've really gotta go and finish my run so...bye? Again I'm really sorry."

I turn to walk away and I can hear the girls in the corner laughing as hard as ever. This is beyond embarrassing.

"Hey wait!" Alex yells before I walk out the door.

I turn around confused.

"I hope I can see you again sometime."

The Macca's BoyWhere stories live. Discover now