Chapter 1

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Never in my 15 years of life, other than that one time in kindergarten, has a boy actually want to talk to me. Even after I accidentally caused him to spill his drink all over himself. Jeez I've never been so speechless around a boy before that I forgot my own name, then again I never talk to attractive guys. Sometimes my older brother brings his friends over to the house and they're pretty cute but they're also 2 years older than me so they never pay any attention to me unless I bring them food. My brother Jace and I go to the same school together, Bogan Shire, but he's much more popular than me. At least once a week there's a girl at my house for Jace. I don't see what they see in him but if he thinks he's happy... I'm not sure if my parents know about Jace since they always seem to be gone on a different business trip and we never see them. We get on just fine though I guess. Mmh I just can't get my mind off that Alex boy...


My alarm blares off its regular tune at an annoyingly high volume. Im my groggy state, I reach out with a heavy arm to turn it off before it goes to snooze. I hate waking up early. I force myself to crawl out of bed and stumble to the bathroom.

"Hey!" I yell at him.

"why can't you be like normal sister's and not jump on my to wake me up?"  He asks in his groggy sleeping voice.

"Because that is what normal sister's do! Now wake up. We have to go to school." I replied to him as I left his room. 

I get dressed in skinny jeans and a baggy sweat shirt and put my hair in a messy bun. I head back to the bathroom hoping I beat Jace to a spot in there. When I see he isn't in there I brush my teeth and wash my face off, I'm not a girl to wear make up like it's an everyday thing. I leave the bathroom to go downstairs to see Jace is already down there stuffing his face with pop tarts. I just have to laugh as parts of them fall out of his mouth. We finish getting ready and then we get into his car and he drives us to school.

When we pull into the parking lot he walks me to my locker and then has to go to class. He is a Junior so he has to go to the second level of the building while I have to go to the first level. My friend Ava leaps onto my arm with her usual excitement. "Did you hear we got a new freshman?" she asked me. "No, is he cute though? We really need some new guys here" I reply to her. " Well he has Brown hair, he isn't really my type so I couldn't really tell you or not. But there is a chance that you could find him hot." Ava explained to me. We walked to first period together until she had to leave for Algebra 2 and I go to honors English. I'm okay at math but I'm not near as smart as Ava, and I'm better than her in English so we even each other out. I walk into the class and I stop in my place as I see the new student. He looked so much like the boy from McDonalds, I take a closer look and its not him. But they look so much alike.

We sit in class and write creative writing stories until Mr. Long tells us we have a class project to do and we are going to be picking partners. All of the girls either go to their best friend or to their boyfriend while the boys go to their friends. All who is left is the new kid, who I found out his name is Andy Clu, and me. He makes eye contact with me and then awkwardly makes his way across the classroom over to me and shyly says hi.

"My name is Emmah." I reply to him. He just nods his head and then we turn to Mr. Long. 

He tells us that we have to Pick a school appropriate movie, choose a scene and then reenact it to the class. Great.

I turn to Andy and ask, "do you have a movie that you would like do?".

"Uhm, I don't know. What's an easy movie to play?". He asks me.

"This is probably childish but we can play Finding Nemo? That's the most recent 'school appropriate' movie I've seen." I suggest.

"Uh, yeah sure. We can do that. Do you want to work at school, or at one of our houses?" Andy asks.

"The school won't let us work after hours so we have to go to a house, can we go to yours? My brother wouldn't leave us alone, if we are at mine." I explain to Andy.

"okay, I guess we can go to mine. But I don't have a ride home..." He tells me.

" Yeah, my brother can drive us there.".

The bell rings and we head to our next classes. My day goes fairly slow after first period until lunch when a fight breaks out between the popular group. A guy thought his best friend hooked up with his girlfriend so he yelled at him until his girlfriend got annoyed and said that she cheated on him. I almost felt bad for the guy until I remembered that he is a major player. 

My day goes normal until I have to go to p.e. and I got to the locker room. My friend Taylor says hi to me as I walk in and put my stuff down. She says that we have to do team work today and we don't get to choose our partners. Why do teachers never want us to pick our own partners! ugh. We walk out and the p.e. teacher tells us about the partners and I realize that Andy is in this class too. With my great luck today, I get partnered up with him and we have to do wheelbarrow races..... He looks at me shyly and says that he can hold my legs since he's bigger than me. I don't object to this plan since I probably couldn't lift him so I awkwardly drop down to the ground and he grabs my legs. This is an extremely weird position for me for for a few reasons, one, a guy is touching me, two a guy is in between my legs and three, I half to walk without kicking him too much. Once we get to the end if the course he grabs higher up my legs to get a better hold of me and I'm about as red as a fire truck at this point. I keep kicking him whenever we go on a turn so he just holds onto my feet tighter and I keep apologizing to him. The teacher blows his whistle, letting us know that we have to run back in to Change into normal clothes. Andy sets my legs down and offers his hand to help me up. We walk back together until we go to the separate locker rooms. Taylor comes up to me with this big creepy smile plastered on her face.

"what's up with you?" I ask her questionably.

"You totally like Andy don't you!? I saw the way you two act around each other!" she screamed.

" what!? I do not like Andy. I mean he's kinda cute but I don't act any different around him? What gives you the idea that I like him?" I say back to Taylor.

"I don't know, you say you don't like him now but just wait till you get to know each other better. Oh and by the way, he was totally checking your butt out the whole time." She exclaimed.

"No he wasn't, now let me go so I can change." I said as I walked away. 

At the end of the day I met up with Jace by the car and then I remembered that I needed to get Andy too.

"hold on, can you give me and another person a ride to their house?" I asked Jace.

"Yeah sure, who is this 'another person?'" He asked me.

" I need to go to this guy Andy's house for a school project and," I start to say.

."wait, is this Andy a boy?" He asked me.

"Well duh he's a boy, but we need to work on our project together" I retorted. Before Jace could reply I saw Andy and ran over to meet him. "Hey, come on. Are we still going to your house?" I asked. His cheeks blushed and he nodded his head 'yes'. I walked him over to a angry looking Jace by his car. "Come on Jace, please." I gave home my best puppy dog eyes that always get him.

"fine" was all he grumbled as he got into the car.

"Sorry, about my brother, Jace. He gets really protective sometimes." I explained to Andy. We got into separate sides of the car and then Jace drove off. Andy's house is about 10 minutes from the school and that was the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. Nobody talked the whole time, except Jace grumbling rude things at Andy. Once we got there Jace got out of the car with us and walked to Andy.

"If you try to pull anything that you wouldn't do if I was there then i will come and.."

"Jace!! Stop it!" I cut him off before he said anything much worse to a scared looking Andy. I walked over and said thank you to Jace while giving him a hug good bye, and pulled Andy away from Jace's icy glares. Andy opened the door and we walk inside his house. It was a simple house, we walk into a living room with a big couch and Tv and then stairs on the other side. What caught my eye was who was sitting on the couch. " Oh Emmah, this is my brother, Alex." gesturing to the boy sitting on the couch.  

It was the guy from McDonalds.

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