Chapter 21

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Emmah's POV

I wake up from what seems like a five minute nap because I had a raging migraine in my head. If that girl gave me a freaking concussion from all of that, ohh she's gonna get it. One weird thing about that girl beating me was, I don't even know who she is, or why she was mad at me in the first place. I'll just worry about that later, I think to myself. I pull the blanket covering my body over my eyes so the light doesn't hurt as much, in that process, my good hand hurts now. Great. Now I'll have one broken hand and another hurt. I peak my head out from the blanket and see its dark outside, did I really sleep all day? I groan and pull the blanket off me figuring that I should move around to see if she did much damage to me. I throw my legs over the couch and push myself up, my ribs hurt less than I thought they would be. I turn on the lamp on the coffee table so I can see, and walk to the bathroom. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror at myself. Well I have a black eye and my cheek and nose are bruised pretty bad but not much other than that done. I go about searching for Alex and find him sleeping in the loft down the hallway. He's so peaceful when he's asleep, I think to myself. Quietly, I creep over to the couch and lay down next to him and snuggle into his chest. He wakes up, surprisingly, and wraps bis arms around my small body. "how are you feeling, beautiful?" He asks me in a half awake voice. "Well pretty good considering I just got the crap beaten out of me." I reply. He chuckles at my remark and kisses my forehead, after that, there is a long silence between us,. I figured he just fell back to sleep so I don't say anything to him. "Emmah..." He finally says to me. "Yeah?" I ask. "I love you." He whispers. I jerk my head up so I can see his face but all I see is a shadow of him and his eyes glowing in the dark. "I love you too, Alex.". He smiles and kisses me on the lips. We kiss for what seems like forever, and he finally breaks it and says, "you should get some rest so you can get better.". I nod my head slightly and curl into his chest again, I fall asleep in his arms.

When I wake up again in the morning, I have a smile on my face. Alex is still laying next to me, but now he's lying on his back with his arm under me. I make a small yawn and look up so I can see Alex's face better and look to see if he's awake. As expected, he's still sound asleep. Just then, Jace bounds into the loft and says in a cheery voice, "well if you two love birds would care to break apart from each other, I made some food if you guys want some.". I smile at his offer but before I could reply Alex says, "yeah well be down in a second, Jace,". Jace gives Alex a look and then walks out of the room and leaves to what I think is downstairs. "morning babe." Alex says to me and smiles. His hand that was on my back, I just realized, is now on my butt. "I can't wait till I get these casts off, you know I can do so much more without them..." I say while sitting up. "like what?" He says almost excitedly. "Oh, you know, you'll just have to wait and find out.". He smirks and stands up from the couch with me, jerking me closer to him. "would if I don't want to wait and find out?". "Well that's up to you weather or not you want you want it bad enough, isn't it?" I counter back. I bat my eyelashes at him and squirm away from his grasp. I run away from him and make a dash for the kitchen downstairs, I know he could easily catch me, especially since I'm still hurt, but he lets me win anyways.

I run into the kitchen and run into Jace when I turn the corner, spilling his drink all over his shirt. "oops, sorry Jace." I apologize making the best puppy dog face I have so he'll forgive me. "Your lucky it was just water in this cup, Emmah." He says back. I giggle and sit down at the counter stool. Shortly after, Alex walks into the room, looks at Jace, then a me. "did I miss something? Why is your shirt wet Jace?". "Oh I would ask your girlfriend that question." Jace says, then he turns and sticks his tongue out at me. "Your such a baby Jace. I ran into him and he spilt his water all over his shirt." I explain to Alex, and then spit my tongue back at Jace. "And I'm the baby. Whatever." Jace mumbles back. I laugh and shake my head at my brother and then remember he promised us food. "You said you make food." I state. "I actually have no food, I just didn't want you two upstairs alone, that's all." He replies and shrugs his shoulders. Alex slaps his hands on his chest and hangs his mouth open, "you don't trust me with your sister? That's cold man.". I burst into giggles before Jace even could reply because Alex looked so stupid with that expression on his face. Jace's narrows his eyes at Alex, "no". "Oh just shut up Jace and make us food." I say before they try starting a fight between each other. Jace turns and walks away to the pantry, hopefully to make food. Alex rushes over to me and picks me up at my side's and places me down on the counter. "I have a question for you. Since our prom got pretty jacked up and all, and we technically haven't gone on an official date. Will you go out with me?".

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