Chapter 25

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A/N: So I'm really really really sorry that I took this long to update but I had homework and sports to do first. Please forgive me but I hope you like this chapter. -Becca

Emmah's POV

Well this is going to be interesting. "Jace, don't even say anything about it." I say calmly as I stand in front of Alex. "I don't even want to know what happened between you two." Jace says covering his ears like a little kid. I laugh at his immature act and walk to the bar stool and take a seat. "So how did it go with you and Kalee?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows. He turns his head to me but just gives me a mysterious smile. "Oh my God you slept with Kalee didn't you?!" I ask loudly. "You don't need to know that. And why would I tell you if I did?". Do I want to know if they did it or not? "Because I'm your favorite sister and you tell me everything." I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "I don't know about favorite but...we might have, me and Kalee." He trails off saying. "awe, my big brother hooked up with somebody." I say adoringly. "How is that cute?" He asked me. Now that I think of it, that is kinda weird for me to be saying that about my brother. "I don't know but I'm happy you finally got with a girl.". Jace shakes his head at me laughing, then walks past me to the stairs. "So, where were we?" Alex asks after Jace is out of hearing range. "Nowhere since Jace is home now.". Alex lets out a small sigh and pouts his lower lip out. "Oh, suck it up. You got enough last night you baby. Alex laughs, "well as fun as that was, I still want a little more.". I narrow my eyes at him, if he wants sex as a regular thing I'm not sure if I can do that yet. "I'm just joking Emmah." He says with a glint in his eye. "Good.". Alex looks at his phone and does something in it, then looks up at me sadly. "My mom wants me home now, she wants me to keep and eye on Andy while they leave fir their trip.". That's right, Andy's sick. "Ah dang it, well if you need any help with that just call me and Jace will give me a ride over.". We walk into the living room, grabbing all if Alex's stuff along the way. "k, see you on Monday babe." Alex says before he kisses me. "bye". I watch him walk out the door and to his car, and also as he drives off.

Well now I don't know what to do, Jace is upstairs and all of my friends are busy. Since I have been dating Alex, I have gotten a lot more friends and I have also gotten a lot more girls that hate my guts, funny how that works isn't it. I decide that I should finish my homework because I want to try and go to school tomorrow, even if that girl is there again. If any girl even tried to beat me up again, hopefully nobody does, I have Jace and Alex and almost everybody else at the school I'm friends with. I walk up to my room and close the door behind me. I play some Pandora while I work, singing softly to some of the songs. Jeez I had a lot of homework, at least two pages for each class. The rest of my day is consumed by all of j us homework that I hadn't done yet, eating, and sleeping. So pretty much my normal day. I only come downstairs again for when Jace calls me down for the pizza he ordered. Finally when it's around 10o'clock, I call it quits and go to bed.

--next morning--

I wake up with a great yawn and smack my alarm clock to make it shut up for once. I do my normal routine to get ready, go to the bathroom, wake up Jace, and then finish getting ready. Jace starts the car and starts driving us to school. I should really start learning how to drive it at least take some drivers ed, Jace won't always be my chauffeur and drive me everywhere. "I want to learn how to drive." I announce. Jace almost stops the car after he hears me," you want to what?". "You heard me, I want to learn how to drive." I repeat myself. "I don't know if I want you driving yet. We can talk about this later when we get home again." He says ending this discussion. Ugh, I just want to drive, not like fly to India. We finally turn off the car in the school parking lot and me and Jace walk to my locker. I search the crowd of people for Alex but I can't find him so I just assume he isn't here yet, he tends to be late a lot.

Jace says he has to go because his friends are calling him over. After he leaves I find my friend Taylor by her locker and walk over to her. We greet each other with our normal hug and scream thing. Such a white girl thing to do right? "Have you seen Alex yet today?" I ask after we talk for a little bit. She searches the crowds of people and she focuses on something and her face turns angry. "What's wrong?" I ask, trying to follow her gaze. "Don't look, you don't want to see it." She says while moving her eyes quickly. But I catch what she was looking at before she turned her gaze. It was Alex alright, and she was right, I didn't want to see it. He was pushing a girl up against the lockers making out with her intently.

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