Chapter 39

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Emmah's POV

I grab Jace's hand gently with both of my hands and give it a small squeeze.

After we celebrated that Jace was ok and he was moved back into his room on the recovery floor we were able to finally see him, it's been a couple hours now. He looked a little paler than usual but other than that he looked just fine and like his normal self.

I was sitting on Alex's lap next to Jace's bed since there were only two chairs in the room and kalee was in the other. He leans forward, so he's against my back and gives me a hug from behind, I move my hands from Jace's and place my hands over Alex's instead, enjoying him being so close.

"You should get some sleep babe, you've been awake for a while now, you won't be much use to Jace if your grumpy and tired." Alex suggests to me.

"I need to be awake for when he wakes up though, and anyways I'm not even tired really, and I don't get grumpy." I lie, I'm actually really tired right now and Alex can probably see it.

"I promise that I'll wake you up if Jace even looks like he's gonna wake up, ok?" Alex bargains again.


"No Emmah, just lean back and try and sleep ok?"

I'm too tired to try and fight with him about sleeping so I quietly nod my head and lean back into him and curl up against him. I rest my head on his shoulder ans use him as a pillow. I feel his hand slowly move up my leg to my ass but I don't mind so I don't even try stopping him. I just know that he's probably smirking to himself right now because I'm letting him do that, what a guy.

I take a deep breath and softly sigh, "Are you wearing cologne?"

"Uhm, is it a good smell like I should start wearing it or is it bad like I need to go take a shower right now to get it off?" He asks me, not directly answering my question.

"Well if you are wearing cologne then I like it, it smells really good on you." I take another sniff of his shirt and giggle.

"Oh then yes I am wearing cologne, I was worried you wouldn't like it though." He says, sounding relieved, "Now get some sleep Emmah, so that means stop smelling me."

I snuggle back into him and slowly fall asleep...


"Emmah wake up, Jace is starting to wake up now." Alex lightly rocks me in his arms to wake me up.

"What time is is?" I mumble.

"It's about 9am, you've only been asleep for 3 hours."

I lift my head up and start looking around the room. I look down at myself and see Alex put his coat on my so I could use it as a blanket, he's so sweet.

I look up at Alex's face, he's already looking down at me, "I love you, you know that right?" I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"Awe come on, that's all I get? A small little kiss on the cheek?" He smiles so I know he's joking. "But I do know you love me and I love you too." He kisses my forehead.

"So I come out of surgery, that I could have died from, am knocked out for hours, and then I'm stuck waking up to see my baby sister and her boyfriend making out in the chair next to my bed. Yeah, that's really what I wanted to wake up to, not." Jace states.

I turn around quickly, full of excitement, and see Jace is awake now. I can still feel my cheeks turning a little bit red though because Jace saw Alex and I.

"Your awake!" I squeal as I stand up to hug him, being careful to not hug him too hard.

"Well no shit I'm awake, I'm sitting right hear with my eyes open and talking to you."  Jace retorts back as he hugs my back.

"You know you were a lot less of a smart ass before the surgery, and you were nicer to your baby sister too." I flatly tell Jace.

That received laughs from both Jace and Alex, Jace feigning hurt and putting his hand over his heart, "You know Emmah, I'm hurt that you would ever call me a smart ass." He laughs again after that, I join him in it.

Once Jace stops laughing he starts looking around the room for something.

"Kalee had to go home really quick to watch Annabelle while her mom had a job interview, she should be back anytime now. If that's what you were looking for." Alex says.

"Yeah I was just wondering where she was that's all. So am I all good now, did everything go as they planned  in the surgery?" Jace asks us.

"Yes you are all good now and yes everything went good and they said all the cancers gone, or at least what they can tell right now." I answer him with the good news.

"Well that's great isn't it? Means I can stick around for you Emmah." Jace says with a half smile.

My face falls a little bit when he mentions that he could've not made it possibly. I tried hiding that bit of emotion before either of the boys could notice but I was too slow and they already did. Alex grabs my hand and gives it a small reassuring squeeze.

"Emmah I didn't mean to say that, just forget I said it altogether, I'm ok now though aren't I? I mean there's no way that can happen now right? I just mean..." Jace tries making up for his comment to make me feel better but it is true what he said, he is all better now so it's ok.

I give him a small smile, then I curl back up into Alex's lap, I feel safe in his arms.

"So how do you feel?" Alex asks Jace.

"Well I don't feel much different actually, just a little tired and maybe a little sore where they cut me open, that's all. Do I look different or something."

"You don't really look that different, but if you tired just go to sleep for a little while, we can all talk later." I tell Jace.

"Are you sure? I mean I know I just woke up from sleeping for a while but I am actually tired from all that, just wake me up when kalee gets back ok?"

"Ok just gets some sleep so you can get better for me."  I can barely finish talking before Jace is asleep again.

"So I see where you get your stubbornness to fall asleep when your tired came from." Alex comments.

"Oh shut up we are nothing alike. But did you really just sit hear for a while when I slept in your lap and kalee was gone? Now I feel really bad, why didn't you wake me up when kalee left so you could have somebody to talk to?" I ask Alex.

"It's not a big deal really, and it wasn't that long Emmah. And you and Jace are so much alike so don't deny it, even I can notice you guys are alike, and that's coming from me, and I don't notice shit."

"Well you got that right." I mumble under my breath.

Before Alex could respond kalee bursts into the room in a big huff.

"Hey kalee what's wrong?" I ask her when she slumps into her chair with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What did you do?" I ask, this is kalee we're talking about, she could have done a number of things.

"Well I stopped by school for a little bit and now I'm suspended... Yeah I might have done something bad..." She bites her lip looking guilty.

I narrow my eyes at her, "Kalee, tell me what you did at school that your suspended now."

"I might've beaten up Michelle, Andy, and that other chick..."

A/N: So before you guys kill me for not updating in fooorrevverrr I have a reason for that...actually no, I have no good reason other than being lazy and having school/homework. :) But I did finally update so that's kind of a plus I guess. So maybe like one or two chapters left and then thus book is done! Then I'm going to start editing the chapters slowly..ugh

Well I hope you liked the update, if not then eh, don't read the story. As always, I love you guys :*

Song of the chapter: 'Comin' in Hot' by Hollywood Undead

Thanks guys!


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