Chapter 7

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Emmah's POV

It's about 11:30 and its dark and raining by the time we finally get to the hospital. Once we arrive, we run into the hospital and go strait to the front desk to ask where are parents rooms are. We run strait there and are met by a doctor and nurse with glum expressions on their faces. My heart instantly sinks just knowing that something really bad happened. "I think you guys should sit down." the nurse says to us. Me and Jace sit down in the chairs in the hallway and wait to get bad news. "your father did not make it to the hospital and your mother is on life support. I'm terribly sorry." the doctors tells us slowly. Jace stands up and walks farther down the hallway until he slumps up against the wall and begins to cry. I start sobbing to myself and walk towards Jace to cry yo him. I huddle up next to him and he takes me in his arms ans we both mourn with each other thinking we will never see our dad alive again.

The nurse comes up to us and asks gently "would you like to see your mother?" I nod my head yes and me and Jace stand up together. She leads us down the hallway to a door to my mother's room. I don't really know what I was expecting to see but I was still scared when I saw my mom lying unconscious on a hospital bed. I break apart from Jace walk up to my mother's side and take her hand. She has a bandage wrapped around her head with blood stains and scratches all over her body. She was paralyzed from the waist down and broke several bones in each arm and broke her neck too. Some scrap metal came and punctured one of her lungs so she has a breathing tube hooked up to her. I broke down crying when I saw her looking so banged up. I see Jace walk over to the other side of mom and we sit there, sobbing for at least an hour until the doctor comes back in. He begins to start talking very slowly, and gently. "We need to cut life her life support, she won't make it. I'm sorry, you can say your last goodbyes now." He explains. This just makes me sob harder and latch onto my mom's arm, hoping to never let go of her. I feel somebody year me away from my mother's side and they give me a sad embrace."I love you mom." I whisper my last words to mother as I hear her heart line go flat. I leave the room with Jace and cry myself to sleep in the hallway.

It's around 5am when I wake up, hoping all what happened last night was just a terrible nightmare. But, it was. I look around the hallway hoping to find a nurse or something but nobody is down the hall except me and Jace. I sit back down next to Jace and stare at the opposite wall with an expressionless mind. I must have sat there for a long time because a nurse came and told me and Jace we had to leave the hallway. The doctor told us to just go home so we can get some quiet time to mourn. So we go home. My phone keeps making noise, signalling I got a text, but I don't respond to any of them, I eventually just turn off my phone. It's almost noon when we pull into our driveway, our lives changed forever. I walk inside and go straight to my room and cry myself to sleep again. Jace comes in and holds me in his arms, "we need to eat something, I know you don't feel like it but we have to keep going." He says blankly. I walk downstairs, grab a box of cereal and go back to my room.

I sit in my room for a day, with Jace coming in to comfort each other most of the time.


This goes on for about a week, I'm not eating much or talking very much to anybody except Jace, until he says we have to go back to school. I have been dreading this day since we left the hospital. He said that we should probably go tomorrow so I just go up to bed at 7:30.

I wake up my normal time and glumly get ready alongside Jace hoping I don't break down in the middle of class. We drive to school and sit in the parking lot for a few minutes. "if it's to hard for you, just leave class and come find me. I'll take us right home and we can try to go back another time. Ok?" Jace tells me. "Ok" is all I can say. We walk up to the school together, getting apologetic looks from people we walk past. I go to my locker, receiving many hugs from people I don't even know. Alex walks up to me and says nothing but just gives me a hug. He pulls back and looks at me, "im so sorry. I wish I could have done something to help." I start to sob into his shirt until the bell rings and I pull back." I'll walk you to class" he says as he holds my hand. I lay my head against his, still crying, leaving a big tear stained spot on his shirt. "I'm sorry." I say to him. "why would you be sorry to me?" He asks clearly confused. "I left tears on your shirt." I say between tears. He lets out a half hearted laugh and says," it's alright, my shirt will dry. Just try to be strong today, I'm here if you need me." He tells me. As he says this, I just realize that we are at my class now and Alex has to leave. "bye." We say to each other. I slowly walk into class, not making eye contact with anybody in the room. I sit down in my seat and don't say anything. I came back into the worst day. We had to read a story about the unsolved plane crashes of the past. I quietly cried to myself the whole time in class, while Andy took some notes for me. Once class gets out, I grab my stuff and walk outside the classroom into Alex's arms. I probably look like death itself, my face is puffy from crying and I just wore sweats and didn't even bother to brush my hair today. "have you been eating since? You're so much smaller now." He asks me with concern in his voice. I look down on myself and think about it for a second. I guess I hadn't thought about eating much because I am Clearly Skinner than before, and I've only ate a little bit of cereal everyday. "No." is all I say to him. "I'm worried about you, you still need to take care if yourself Emmah." He tells me. We walk to my next couple classes together, I think I'm all cried out because I haven't cried very much since 1st period. It's lunch time now and I did t pack a lunch so I sit down alone at a table, waiting for Alex. He comes up from behind me and sits down and takes me into a long embrace. The tears come flowing back again as we hug each other. He tries getting me to eating some of his lunch but I just eat one or two chips, thinking that I'll never get to eat dinner with my parents again. "I'm never going to see them again. Not at my birthdays. Not at my graduation. Not at my wedding. Nothing. I will never see them again." I cry to Alex. He just strokes me hair and says gentle words to try to help me, but nothing helps. The bell rings and I don't want to finish the school day. But, I do t want to worry Jace or Alex so I try to stay strong for them. I don't hear anything my classes talk about at all, except for when we are released.

The end of the day finally comes and I just want to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep. Jace meets me by the gym once I come out of the locker room. "are you going to practice today?" I ask him. "If your okay with it then I guess I can go to practice." Ok, go change, I'll meet you at the field." I tell him. "actually, Alex is already changed so he's gonna walk with you down there." Jace tells me as he walks away. Alex puts his strap from his back over his chest and then picks me up bridal style and starts walking away. "what are you doing Alex?" I ask him confused. "Walking you out to the field, what else would I be doing." I don't object to him carrying me so I just lay my head on his shoulder and let him carry me out. I sit on the bleachers and watch the practice, not crying, just sitting there. You always think that things like this happen to other people, but never you, so you have no way to prepare for it. I try accepting that they are gone and I can't do anything about it.

What's done is done.

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