Chapter 20

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Emmah's POV

I'm yanked out of the doorway from my English class with a forceful hand and shoved to the ground. "ow! What the hell?!" I yell at my attacker. I was thrown down on my stomach so I push my body up and flip around to see what's going on, I seemed to have attracted quite the crowd over here already. The attacker steps on my good hand with their foot and twists. "ahhh!" I scream. "Oh shut up you bitch, it didn't hurt that bad." a female voice I didn't recognize sneers at me. I look up at her trying to rub my hurt hand but I had a cast still on the other hand so it didn't work out too well. The girl had long, blonde, and shiny hair that was let down with a headband holding it away from her face. I look at her with a confused expression because I don't know why she was doing this, and, I didn't recognize her. "what did I do to you? I don't even know you?" I ask her sternly. "You stole Alex from me you whore!" and with that, she kicked me in the ribs forcing me to the ground. I scream out in pain as I fall to the ground and hold my ribs. The pain is so excruciating that I start seeing black spots cloud my vision. Various people from the crowd we had surrounding us started to yell, 'fight' over and over again. The girl smiles and kicks me in the side, then she gets on top of me and punches me in the face. I think I'm bleeding on my face because when she pulled her fist back, it was covered in blood. I try and hit her back with my casted arm but she easily stops my blow and laughs at my pathetic attempt of fighting back. At this point, black outlines my vision and I feel myself on the verge of passing out. When the girl looks away to receive praise from her friends I reach up and yank down on a chunk of her blonde hair. She squeals a high pitch scream that but hurts my ears. She tries to tug my hand out of her hair but I just pull harder th more she tries. I think she gave up with making me let go so she punches me in the runs again, this makes me release my grip on her hair. I start to cough up blood now, this isn't good. I see her load for another blow so I turn my head trying to brace myself for it, but it never comes.

"Oh shit!" somebody in the audience says before some of them flee away. Alex breaks through the crowd and his eyes instantly land on me looking all bloody and banged up. "what the fuck is going on here!?" He yells as he yanks the girl off me. She looks scared as soon as she saw him and now she looks terrified. He shoots her a deathly glare and turns his head to me. He kneels next to me on the ground and carefully picks my head off the ground. I hear loud yelling and bounding foot steps but I don't really care who it is. All if a sudden, Jace bursts through the crowd. He looks angry as hell when he sees what i look like. His eyes turn to the guilty looking girl and bounds over to her. With that, she bursts into tears and holds her hands up for mercy. "Your not even worth it, you coward." He says with a distinct hate in his voice. She jumps up and runs away crying with a few if her friends trailing behind her. After she left, Jace drops down to my other side. "I'm going to take her to the hospital, she looks really beaten up." Jace says worridely to Alex. "no, just take me home. I don't want to go back to the hospital again." I manage to croak out. Alex and Jace look to each other and exchange glances as if deciding I was well enough to skip the hospital. "fine, but we are taking you home right away." He says softly.

Jace excuses himself to the office to tell them what happened and to say he's taking us home with Alex. Alex insisted that he stay with me and take me out to the car, with a small argument between the two, Alex wins. He carefully lifts me off the ground trying his best not to hurt me even more. I couldn't keep my thoughts together because all I was thinking about is that I'm getting blood and tears all over Alex's nice shirt. I try apologizing to him but he laughs and tells me it's alright, that he can just clean it up later. By the time we walked through the halls and out the main entrance of the building, Jace already pulled the car up to the front and held the door open for us. In the car, Alex attempts to keep me awake because they think I could have a concussion from hitting my head on the ground. If I wasn't so tired and in so much pain, I would have found his attempts really sweet. He turned to me and sang my favorite songs to the best of his ability and would do a small dance with them. He doesn't have an amazing singing voice, I'll tell you that, but the gesture is still very sweet. We arrive home and both Jace and Alex help me inside to the kitchen to get cleaned up. As gently as they can, they dab the blood and tears off my face, but I got blood all over my shirt too. "Well we need to take off her shirt so we can change it out so..." Alex says almost excitedly. "Ok, you go grab her some clothes then." Jace replies simply. Alex darts up the stairs and is down right away with a big t-shirt and sweats in his hands. If only I was a little mire conscious of what was going on, I think I would have enjoyed this a little bit. Alex carefully helps me slip off my shirt and waits a moment to put a new one on, now my pants, I think to myself. I almost think I see a hint of a smile on Alex's face but I couldn't be exactly sure about that. He slowly slides off my pants and I instinctively blush, feeling completely naked. "Hey! Don't look, just put her clothes on!" Jace yells at Alex. He seems to snap back to reality and jumps to grab my sweats. He puts my pants on and then helps me walk to the living room couch. He sets me up with a pillow and blanket, kisses my forehead, and then leaves to go back to the kitchen. I don't even need to be told to get some rest, I fall asleep almost instantly as soon as I lay my head back.

A/N: hey! sorry if your offended by some if the language in this chapter but I felt it was needed, haha. If you have any ideas for the next chapter, it would help if you left some ideas in the comments, thanks! -Becca

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