Chapter 35

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Kalee's POV

Damn Jace. Even when he's sick in the hospital he still looks hotter than ever. It was a nice little show for me though when we walked in and saw Jace over half naked laying on his bed. Emmah was a little bit grossed out but that's pretty much understandable. But how could any girl deny him, he's got the looks, the body, the muscles, and he's the sweetest guy you'll ever know. My birthday is coming up fairly soon and he started telling me some of the plans he's been making and I'm not sure whether to be scared or excited. Oh well though, I'll just have to wait and find out.

I was still cuddling on the bed with Jace, letting him lay kisses across my neck and collar bone. I kicked Emmah and Alex out of the room so they could try talking stuff out and so me and Jace could be together. I may sound crazy to think that Emmah should give Alex another chance but I do have my reasons to believe that.

"Hey baby, how ya feeling?" I whisper to Jace quietly, but enough so that he can hear me.

He stops kissing my neck to wrap his arms around me and lean his head in my shoulder. "Well a whole lot better now that I can spend a little bit of alone time with you babe." He tells me. I can't see his face but I already know he's smiling as he says this, and I have to smile too.

"Well as cheesy as that was I have to say that it was very sweet, and that's one of the many reasons to why I love you Jace."

"And I love you too,  by the way, have I told you yet that you look quite sexy today?" He asks me.

"So am I only sexy today and none of the other days? And you don't look too bad yourself." I tease back to him with th a playful glint in my eye.

"No babe, you look hot everyday. It's just I haven't seen you much today and you looked like an angel when you walked through that doors, the room just lit up. I don't know if I could get through all of this without you and Emmah."

He always knows just what to say to me to make me smile, always. I don't know how he does it though. Him and Emmah just lost their parents and have gone through so much, he is always trying to make other people feel good. I sure as hell know that I wouldn't be this happy if I went through all of the stuff they did. But I did have Annabelle to help me get through some of this before I met Emmah and Jace.

"Thanks Jace." I turn by body so my front is pressed up against him instead of my side and kiss his lips. His lips are perfect. He is perfect. When we kiss, it's as if everything else in the world just disappears around us and its just me and him. It sounds totally clique but that is the closest I think I'll be able to come to describe it when we kiss.

I knew this moment wouldn't last very long but it was wonderful for the time we did have it. Eventually we would have to go back to the real world and face the fact that Jace is sick and needs to get better.

A knock on the door doesn't even stop our mini make out session we were having. The person just opened up the door even though we didn't answer their knock, the person turned out to be the doctor.

He stands there awkwardly by the side of the bed, perhaps in hopes that we would stop so he could talk to us. But we continued looking deep into each other's eyes until he cleared his throat. We seem to come out of our phase and look at the doctor. I don't know about Jace but I sure was blushing a nice shade of red when the doctor gave us interesting looks when we finally stopped.

Within his cocky self, Jace decides to give the doctor a big and proud smile and ask the doctor if he needed something.

The doctor looks annoyed for a second but it disappears from his face quickly. "So we are going to move you into a different room in a little bit, Jace. To prepare for the surgery."

"Oh", Jace's face falls a little when he hears this but, not wanting to darken the mood, puts a smile really guy back on us face again, "sooner I move the sooner I can leave this hell hole!"

I giggle at his outburst, "fuck yeah bitches!" I join in with him, forgetting the doctor was still standing right there. "shit, sorry"

The doctor waves it off and half smiles, "it's always good to look on the bright side of things I suppose. Now I have to go assist to other patients so I'll leave you two alone for a little while, a nurse will come later to move you to your new room." And with that, he leaves the room.

"Holy shit, that's the nicest adult I've ever talked to before, usually they try slapping me if I cuss in front of them." Jace says amazed.

"I know right! Wait, why do adults slap you?" I ask back confused.

"I don't know, they kinda just slap my arm or the back of my head, mostly the back if my head." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh babe, your so weird. But that's why I love you."

"I love you too kalee." Then he leans forward and kisses my nose.

A/N: So short chapter but I haven't updated in a while and I'm gonna try and update later today, no promises. But this was kinda of a cute filler chapter to help kalee and Jace on their relationship. :/  ...and I just apologize in advance because I only know a little bit about what goes on for treatment for having cancer so if I'm wrong, don't hate me.

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