Chapter 32

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Emmah's POV

"Um...Well" kalee says hesitantly while biting her lower lip. This is really awkward now, Jace wasn't even supposed to be awake right now. He had like the worst timing to wake up and see kalee beat up Michelle.

"Was that just Michelle that you just beat the shit out of? And why am I in the hospital?" Jace questions us, clearly confused. He examines the room and his hospital gown, seeming not to remember what happened.

"Yeah that was Michelle. But we got home from getting Annabelle and found you bleeding from your head on the ground so I called an ambulance. Do you not remember any of that?" I explain to him quietly. This is bad, he doesn't even remember the stuff that happened.

He sits there quietly, looking down at his hands trying to think. I try explaining a little more of what happened to jog his memory a little bit but I don't know much as it is. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"I got suspended from school so I was at home waiting for you guys to get back to the house and then you did. And the last thing I remember is that after you guys came home you left to get Annabelle and u had to stay to make dinner." He recalls.

Well at least he hasn't forgotten that much, maybe if we talk about it a little more he can remember it.

"We should tell the doctors that he's awake now Emmah." Kalee finally pipes up.

"Oh right, I totally forgot about that. I'll go tell them, you and Jace can be alone for a second." I offer back to her. After Kalee happily agrees and walks next to Jace's bed, I leave the room in search of the doctor. I walk down the empty hallway towards the reception desk at the end of the hall. I see who is manning it now and it's still that bitch that wouldn't help me. I mutter some vulgar words towards the lady under my breath as I walk closer to her.

"Oh, it's you again. What do you need now." She says rudely yet again.

"I should report you," I threaten as I glare at her, "but my brother woke up and we need to find the doctors to tell them."

She snorts at me and laughs.

What the hell is wrong with this lady? How did she even get this job if she's a bitch to everybody? My face turns red with anger, "You know what?! Can I have somebody else help me with this? Because you can't seem to understand what I'm saying." I practically scream at her.

Another receptionist must have heard me yell and she hurriedly walks over to us. She's young, probably in her late twenties or so and has long brown hair that goes to her mid back. Pretty, hopefully mire helpful than this bitch that I was talking to. "How may I help you? I hear you've been having troubles." She asks sweetly.

"Thank you, well I need to find the doctor because my brother just woke up." I explain to her a little more calmly than I did the other lady.

"Oh yeah just follow me and I can help you find him, come on." She offers kindly. I already like her better than I did the other lady. She starts walking past me but before I follow her I shoot one last glare at the other lady and then give her a smug smile. She snorts again at me, I have to hold back the urge to either flip her off or just attack her but I refrain from doing so.

"Sorry about Sonja, she's never very nice to people and gets a lot of complaints towards her." The lady tells me.

"I know, she was completely no help to me either time I came to her for help." I grumble.

The girl laughs at my comment, "Well I'm sorry, I'm Jennifer though, you can just call me Jenny though."

"Well hi Jenny, I'm Emmah. Where is this doctor though?" I ask.

"I don't know, he might be with another patient right now so you'll probably have to wait. Why don't you go back to your room and I can just send him there when he's done, alright?" She offers kindly.

"Ok, thanks Jenny, bye." I tell her, she says goodbye to me to then we walk off into our separate directions.


Jenny set the doctor down to our room and after they did a check up thing in Jace they took him off to get X-rays and a few other tests. Kalee and I sat in his room waiting for him to get back, not really talking about anything important. We talked about our favorite music genres, hot celebrities, school, and food, yeah not much worth mentioning. We did find out though that both of us are really hungry and want food, then we decided to get food after Jace got back.

The tests only took about half an hour and Jace was back in the room again. He just looks tired now but he seems fine now.

"So what did they do while you were gone?" Kalee asks excitedly.

Jace chuckles a little, "Well I got a couple X-rays, and MRI, and a few other tests, nothing very exciting."

Kalees face falls a little bit, "I was hoping they did something fun, like a huge shot or something."

Jace laughs again, "your so cute when your sad, your bottom lip sticks out. But I'm sorry I didn't get a big shot kalee."

Kalee opens her mouth to object to Jace's comment but the door opens from the doctor. He looks disappointed and kinda anxious.

"So everything's ok right?" Jace asks first.

"I'm sorry. I really don't want to be the bearer of this news but we found something in one if your tests." The doctor says quietly.

"Well what is it then, just spit it out!" I say loudly, unable to hold in my nervousness.

"You have cancer."

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