Chapter 40

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Emmah's POV

"You did not." I gasp at kalee

Alex can't do anything but burst into a fit of heavy laughter and clap his hands together, he looks kinda like a walrus.

She guiltily slumps down into her seat but can't help suppressing her mischievous smile. "Well I did. Look on the bright side, I won't have school for two weeks so that means I can help Jace through recovery with you"

"Oh my God I can't believe you actually did it though! I mean I was almost expecting you to do something back to them but definitely not this." I giggle. I mean come on, it's kalee.

Alex finally pipes up after he can talk again, "Wait so you beat up Andy? I mean I know he was always a pussy but really? I mean like how did you do it though?"

Oh my God I didn't even put two and two together to realize that kalee beat up two chicks and Andy. Now I'm the one laughing so hard I can't talk, Alex joins in with me again.

"Well he kinda tried fighting back by guarding himself a bit but I figured that since he just wasn't hitting back that I could take advantage of that, I could take him if he did fight back but it's easier he didn't." Kalee proudly tells us.

"But why did you do it? Did you go to school just so you could beat them up or did they provoke it? And I though Andy was suspended from school, how did you get to him?" I ask confused.

"Well when I walked into school some people were asking when my baby was due and some shit like that so that was clearly pissing me off a lot," she stops and laughs to herself for a moment, " I told them all I'm on my period and asked if they wanted to see the proof."

"Ew, kalee, that's a bit too much information that I would want to know, why would you tell them that? Couldn't you think of something maybe a little bit better than that?" Alex's comments, clearly very grossed out by kalee right now.

I laugh and lean back into Alex, giving him a playful hug, "Oh baby, your such a guy."

"But me saying that and most people being scared of me, they stopped asking stupid questions. So I was walking down the hall when Michelle and what's-her-face stopped me. This is my favorite part. Well they stared whispering stuff to each other like right in front of me and that really pissed me off so I asked them what they wanted. Michelle did this snoughty type of snort at me and gave me this little bitch look."

This story is already good so far and nothing has really happened yet, I want it to be the fight scene now. I lean onto Alex and put my hand on his chest but make sure I'm still looking at kalee so I can listen to the story, Alex puts his hand on my butt again...

"Once she gave me that look though I kinda just blew up so I just punched Michelle right in the nose! Oh you should've seen hers and what's-her-faces face when I did that! So they both got all mad at me and started trying to hit me back but they had these little prissy slaps that weren't helping  much. I jumped on top of the one girl and started punching her, then I went to Michelle and just looked at her and she ran away. Funniest. Thing. Ever."

"On my God you just out right started beating them up!? So what happened after that?" I ask eagerly.

"I'm getting there. So I didn't want to deal with the principal so I just left school after that, the halls parted like the red sea for me. I scared everybody ha! So I drove to the store to actually pick up some stuff for Jace when he woke up and Andy was in the parking lot. He spotted me and ran over towards me, he said Michelle already called and told him about what I did so he was pretty pissed at me. I told him to go away yeah I'm banned from the Safeway in town now."

"Well it's a good thing we don't go to Safeway that often I guess, but what happened next?" I shrugged. I wanna know how she beat up Andy, he's like twice her size.

"Well I just walked around him because I needed to hurry up and get back here, he pulled a bad move next. He grabbed my arm to stop me."

Oh shit that was a really bad move, nobody touches kalee, especially when she's really pissed off already.

"I didn't even think about it and I just whipped around and punched him right in the gut without a second thought, he let go of me right away. I started like hitting him as I was yelling at him for touching my arm and he just held his arms up to protect himself. Like I said earlier, I just took advantage of that. I was hitting him harder and then a security guard came up and stopped me! The nerve! They ordered that I leave the premise immediately or they would call the cops on my so I hopped in my car and hauled ass here." She finishes in a huff.

Damn kalee. Beat the shit out of three people in about an hour. Neither Alex or me talk for a second as we left the story process and all we do is start laughing hysterically again.

"What's so funny." I tired Jace asks. He looks around and his eyes land on kalee, "hey your here! What are you guys laughing about though?"

We all look to each other and telepathically decide we can just tell Jace about it later when he's a little more awake, "Oh nothing just something I told them. How are you feeling though?" Kalee answers him.

"I'm still a little tired but other than that I'm feeling just fine." He says through a yawn.

"Well as long as your ok, that's all that matters." Kalee climbs into the bed next to Jace and cozie's nice and close with him but making sure not to hurt him.

I curl into Alex and kiss him, "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more though."


All of the people in this room mean so much to me that I don't know what I would do without them. I've been through so much with them and they've all stuck with me, even if there was a couple bumps in between, we all ended up friends.

I think Jace will be able to recovery from all of this, besides, he has to. He's my big brother. Even if he is annoying and and idiot sometimes I love him and couldn't bare to lose him. We stick together.

Kalee and me will be friends for a very long time I think, we started off kinda hating each other and look at us now, we are best friends. I know she'll always have my back on things and help me have some girl talk after I've been with the boys for too long.

With Alex though, I really do love him, a lot. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that I would have such and amazing, sweet, caring, hot, loving boyfriend like Alex. I know Jace likes him again, kalee and him made up so I think he's staying for a while. I need him and he needs me.

We made our own family together, always looking out for each other and making sure we don't do anything too least not alone. This is our family.

A/N: Oh my God I really think I could cry right now :( this was the last chapter!! This story has kinda been my thing for a while now and it feels weird that it's coming to an end. I promise I'll have an epilogue posted to finish any problems and give y'all some closure on the story. I would like to thank whoever read this story and kept up with me from the start and offered me some support throughout it, it was really helpful.

Don't worry too much though because I have a few other stories already up on wattpad! Yeah and you can read those too!

I love you all so much, thank you!


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