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Alex woke up two minutes before her alarm clock went off, sighing as she stood up from her bed and made her way to the bathroom. She longed after a hot shower to wash her hair, she could feel the tangles in the back of her head driving her crazy.

When she was dressed and ready she slung her backpack over her shoulder, heading down to the kitchen. She spotted her father sitting at the table, paper in hand as he chewed on his egg sandwich. She went over to the old man, hugged him briefly, before sitting down across the table from him.

"Hey Alexandra," he said, smiling at the girl. She mentally rolled her eyes at the sound of her full name, before starting to nibble on her own sandwich. She observed the cover of the paper which was facing her, reading the headline saying something about animal attacks. It had been going on for a while, some kind of animal killing people all over town.

She quickly finished the sandwich, heading out through the door while yelling goodbye to her parents who replied happily. She began her walk towards school, picking out her headphones from her bag and put them in her ears. She hit shuffle on her favorite playlist, walking in the tempo of "Migraine" by twenty one pilots.

Twenty minutes later she walked into the parking lot of Forks high school, quickly being spotted by Emmett Cullen who was standing on the roof of his jeep - she didn't even question it, having realized that the boy did whatever he pleased more or less all the time. He smirked before running over to the redhead.

"Dexter, exactly who I was looking for," he said, slinging his heavy arm over her shoulders. He was wearing a white long-sleeved polo but even though the fabric she could feel the cold radiating from his pale skin.

"What is up with that nickname really?" she said while chuckling.

"Well, you're small, redheaded and you have a temper. Remember that you were going to stab me to death with a knife made of my mother's femoral neck? I also hear you have a brain for physics and chemistry" he said while laughing, the redhead quickly joining in with his chuckles. "How did it go yesterday?" he then said when he'd calmed down, looking down at her with genuine interest. Alex didn't want to admit it but she really liked being around the Cullens, and they made her feel appreciated.

"Okay I guess, but I don't think your brother likes me particularly much. He doesn't even laugh at my jokes. I mean, I'm hilarious, there's no reason not to laugh unless you dislike me." The girl said, laughing it off even though it stung a little bit knowing that he disliked her so quickly. SHe often came off as harsh and tough, but on the inside she was just a girl yearning for approval, like so many others. 

"Can't say anything about your humor..." Emmett said, making the girl slap his shoulder. He just laughed it off as if it was nothing, which it probably was to the giant man. "But I do know Jasper and it really seemed as if he enjoyed your company when we were there. Like I said, he has a tough time talking to people but I think it's good for him, you know - don't take it to heart, is all I'm saying. And onto the matter of the day - you should sit with us at lunch today. Alice talked a lot about you yesterday, and she really likes you. I think Rose does too, which means you made quite the impression." He said, chuckling at her facial expression.

"Maybe, we'll see." She said, smiling in his direction. In that moment she saw Tom, standing outside the building and releasing his cigarette before crushing it with his foot. He looked up and saw the girl together with Emmett, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. That's one sight he'd never imagined he'd see.

The girl excused herself from Emmett who threw her an air kiss, which she pretended to catch in her hand and throw on the ground, seeing Emmett pout before she began walking over to Tom. He opened his arms wide, and she went over and hugged the boy. He wasn't much taller than her, just hovering slightly above her with his blue eyes watching her intently.

"Hey there million dollar baby," he smirked in her direction as she caught the reference. "Now for my first question; what the hell have I missed in my 24 hours of absence?"

So, she went on and told him roughly what happened the previous day as they made their way over to their lockers. He looked at her the entire time, swinging his skateboard around as they walked.

"So, you befriended the entire Cullen family over one day, except for one of them who dislikes you? This is amazing."

She redhead narrowed her eyes in his direction before opening her locker which she just arrived at. Tom did the same, picking out his history books since that was class number one on the agenda.

"So... if you're working with the mountain over there, who am I working with?" he said, looking at the redhead with his blue eyes.

"Probably with Emmett's partner, whoever that is." The woman said before closing her locker with a slam. She then put her arm over Tom's shoulders, moving down the hallway gracefully.

"So, when did you become so weak with the alcohol my precious?" Alex said, ruffling Tom's hair. He glared at her playfully before fixing it with his free hand.

"I'm not weak. 7 shots of vodka is not me being weak."

"It is, if you're going to be a whiny bitch the next day and stay at home." Alex said, winking at the blonde boy who just smirked. "Besides, I could easily double you on that."

"Whatever Alex, whatever."

Ten minutes later the duo was seated in the history classroom. In the back as always, since Tom had to keep up with his social medias and didn't want to feel the wrath of the teacher. In came Emmett Cullen, looking as fine as always. Alex met his gaze, the boy smirked and walked over to the bench in front of hers and sat down. He looked over his shoulder and had this weird look on his face, before greeting her. She looked at him strangely, before greeting him too with an out-dragged 'hey.'

"What's up Dexter?" suddenly, Tom snorted. The two of them looked over at the blonde boy who tried to cover up his mistake by looking in another direction. Emmett looked over at Alex who shrugged, before continuing their conversation.

"Well, nothing I gue-"

"So I was thinking..." he cut the girl off. "That you can come over to my house again today. We need to finish the project because I'm leaving with Edward, our parents and Alice tomorrow for some time. Is that fine?"

Thought you were leaving next week."

"Change of plans," he just grinned, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Sounds great, mate."

"Alex, we have a Monopoly tournament tonight. Tradition!" Tom spoke up, looking at the girl with wide eyes. Alex rolled her green eyes in his direction.

"I'll come when I'm done with the project. I only have to be there for the end Tom, so I can collect my trophy for the 5th time in a row." The girl spoke with a cocky undertone, winking in his direction.

"Not fair Alex. Just because you always get Boardwalk."

"Sorry for breaking in on your conversation but what the hell does all of this even mean? Are you coming or not?" Emmett said, looking confused to say the least.

"Uh, yeah, I'll come over."

"I swear to god Alex, if you miss the tournament I'll-"

"I won't, it's the highlight of my fucking month Tom. Now shush, you're disrupting my spiritual senses." Tom turned around and started talking to Peg, a girl in their year who was extremely intelligent. Alex turned her attention back towards Emmett and they got started on the work.

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