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"Okay, sorry for asking but what the fuck are you doing Whitlock?" Alex asked as she looked at the blond man who was sitting in front of the stationary computer on her desk, looking intrigued.

"I want to look at your pictures, but you don't have any it seems," he mumbled, Alex looked at him and nodded.

"They're all on an external hard drive, but I don't know if-"

"If you want to show it to me? I've probably seen worse in my 163 years on this earth. Now hurry up get me the hard drive," he said, smiling as he spoke with an exited tone in his voice. Alex sighed, before standing up and walking over to her bookcase.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You'll live forever anyways so what's the point," Alex mumbled, she could hear the boy chuckle. "Here it is."

Alex handed the black hard drive to him and he thanked her lightly, before plugging it into the computer and starting it up. He smiled the second he saw the folders and the titles to them, immediately opening the first one.

They went through them without saying much except for the occasional laugh or snort, until they got to a certain picture of Alex; said girl was hugging a man tightly and the male was kissing the top of her head. He quickly identified himself, looking at the image with a blank expression as he felt a wave of nostalgia come from the both of them. Alex then cleared her throat and closed the folder down, opening another one which was seemingly older.

The first few showed a group of people, he recognized Tom and Alex, but there were three other people in the image that he didn't know and hadn't seen as he could recall. "Who are they?"

Alex looked away from the image and up to him for a second before she smiled, pointing to the image. "This is Devon, I never liked him since he was a sexist asshole and I don't respect that. But we had mutual friends so I learned to live with him. Then, that's Amanda and Richard, they are, or were maybe I should say, sister and brother. This picture pretty much sums up the people I considered my best friends up until Richards accident two years ago, after that everyone drifted apart except for me and Tom. Devon is working in Europe, Amanda left town with her father, but we're still here," Alex explained, Jasper not taking his eyes off of her for a second. Everything about her intrigued him. She then continued to go through the pictures and the occasional movie clip, Jasper slowly moved his attention from her to the screen.

"May I ask something?" Jasper spoke after a while, his questions layered on. Alex slowly looked away from the screen and up on his face, nodding after a second.

"Hit me darlin'," Alex mocked his obvious accent, making him raise a brow and smile, before he continued.

"I just... you don't have to answer me of course but, I was thinking... You just changed so much so quickly. You seem so much better now than before, you're just happy and nostalgic. What helped you?"

Jasper couldn't lie, he always wanted to be the reason for her happiness. Now he knew he wasn't entirely, the only change in emotion he assumed he brought to her was the sense of uneasiness which he understood. "I guess I had no choice but to face it all when you guys left. I had you before to protect me from my own past, but now, my past is just a reminder that I got to meet an amazing person and I'm grateful. So, I guess in a way, you triggered the event that led me to this point. I really wish I could say that you aren't the reason I smile, but you are too. So, it always leads back to you in some way," Alex spoke, making Jasper look down on her hands that were resting on the desk, before he looked up at her again and nodded.

"Now, don't get me wrong. I'm low-key still mad, but I can't let that be in the way of the fact that I need you one way or another. So I will cherish whatever this is," Alex said as she motioned with her hands between the two of them, "as long as you need me too."

Jasper looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "There will never be a time where I don't need you."

Alex looked at him for a few seconds deeply, before shaking her head and looking away, causing Jasper to sigh slightly. He then decided to turn back to the screen, trying to change the subject.

"So, where are all the parties? The drinking? Since I am unable to get drunk I want to live the real high school life through you," Jasper spoke, making Alex snap her head towards him with a smirk on her lips.

"That, I can do my friend," Alex mumbled, before searching for the correct folder named "summer 03."

Jasper looking intently as the girl clicked through several pictures, it got blurrier and blurrier with almost every picture. He hadn't seen Alex smile as brightly as she did in those pictures in quite a while. From the looks of it, they were located outside a house during late fall as the sky was dark and orange decorated the surroundings. The flash of the camera lit everything up sharply, making everything clear.

"Crap, I look like a horse when I laugh," Alex muttered with a wide grin on her face. The then turned to Jasper who was just opening his mouth. "Don't say it."

"What?" Jasper asked quickly, taken back by her comment.

"Don't tell me that you think I have a pretty laugh or that I look good in the picture, I want to be a horse, it is one step closer to being a unicorn."

Jasper laughed at her statement, showing her the genuine shimmer in his eyes as his mouth was open wide. Alex smiled at the sight, before feeling her mouth widening as she let out a loud and long yawn. With a glance at the clock she widened her eyes, realizing that it was past 3 on a Monday night, meaning that she would have to go to school the next day. Jasper noticed this too, making him smile as he shut off the computer and stood up from the chair by her desk. Alex did the same, walking straight over to bed wordlessly as she'd already washed her face and brushed her teeth, her pajama was on as well.

"Well, thanks for... being here," Alex mumbled, looking at Jasper who looked happy without actually smiling. He nodded.

"Thank you for actually trying to forgive me. I love you Alexandra Taylor," he spoke, making Alex's stomach flutter but at the same time sink slowly. She nodded, before starting to say something but not being able to get the words out completely. Not because she didn't love him, because she did, but because she didn't want to let herself do it.

"You don't have to say anything Alex, I don't want to hear it if you don't mean it. So, with that said..." he mumbled, before looking towards the window. "I think you should go to sleep."

Alex nodded before smiling, looking between him and the side of her bed. "For old times' sake?"

Jasper smiled before walking over to her. "All you need to do is ask," he spoke as he sat down, grabbing one of her hands as she laid down comfortably looking at him with mixed emotions. "Goodnight Alexandra Taylor," he spoke, making her smile before her eyes closed and she relaxed.

"Goodnight Jasper Hale," she mumbled as he started to do his thing, hearing her breathing go heavy. He smiled, watching her for a few seconds before leaving. The thought of the fact that he'd called her by her full name not only one but two times and she hadn't yelled at him was enough to make the smile stay on his lips as he walked through the town in the middle of the night.

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now