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Alex shook her head, but soon sighed and changed the movement into a nod. The dress she wore made her uncomfortable, much like anything that wasn't black or white made her feel. It was a silky material, in a color in between pink and purple which Alice had been more than excited about.

There was tension in the air, it was an important day for Bella who was getting ready in the room next to hers. "I don't even know why."

Emmett chuckled, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll be fine."

"What if I freak out completely?"

"Ah, come on, you're giving me too little credit," Emmett said with a smirk. "I would never let you embarrass yourself. Besides, you can't even get drunk anymore."

"Yeah, because that's what I was so worried about," Alex muttered, knowing that Emmett knew she was worried about her own self-control, but he wanted to lighten her mood.

"Well, I'm obviously not going to let you kill anyone either," he said with a small eye-roll- "Though, I have to say, the Dothraki say that any wedding without at least three deaths is a dull affair."

"Emmett, this isn't Game of Thrones."

"I'm just saying," he said, and Alex couldn't help the small smile that slipped onto her lips as he did. She turned around and looked herself in the mirror one last time, smoothing out the silk dress as she let out a small breath out of habit. "It's going to be fine."

Alex didn't respond with words, just nodded her head briefly before turning towards the door with Emmett close behind her. She'd never been to a wedding before, and just the idea of the people around her making decisions to get married was beyond her comprehension – she'd just graduated high school what felt like days earlier, and there she stood at Bella's own wedding, dressed as a bridesmaid. It was strange, especially since she didn't feel very close to Bella anymore, though she knew they were practically family at that point. She hoped to fix that relationship, and become closer with her, at some point.

Jasper looked breathtaking, standing in the garden filled with flowers and petals. It was over the top, but Alex found it beautiful nonetheless. Never before had she seen him in a suit, and though he looked a bit uncomfortable, she found him beautiful. He began to look more like himself with every day that passed, less gaunt and more alive. He smiled at her, and within a moment she was at his side.

"You're beautiful. However, I am amazed you let Alice dress you," he muttered in her ear, to which Alex huffed with a small smile on her lips.

"Yeah, well, it's not like I could have stopped her. I thought she'd chase me out of the house when I told her I refused to wear anything purple – obviously she won that battle."

"In the coming years, decades... centuries," Jasper began, smiling briefly, "you'll learn to just go along with Alice when she gets this way. She can be quite... persuasive," he said, to which Alex quirked an eyebrow.

"I'd say that's an understatement," she said, leaning her head against his shoulder as they looked out over the people gathered to see Edward and Bella marry. It was a large event, with most of their friends and family gathered – Alex found herself wondering if she'd have many guests come to her wedding at some point. Marriage had never been something she'd thought much about when she was younger, but as she stood and watched the beautiful scenery in which Edward and Bella would unite, she could appreciate the thought. Though she knew that up until that point, it'd been a stressful mess with preparations, invitations, purchases and planning – she was glad it would be over soon.

"Are you worried about something?" Jasper said, though he wouldn't have had to ask since he could read her mood like a book. "You seem... fidgety."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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