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Alex couldn't take her eyes off of Emmett for a second, afraid he'd disappear if she did. They were sitting on the roof of a rather low building, Emmett looking out over the city and Alex looking at him. Nothing had been said up until then, she was too shocked still.

"So..." she said after a while, making him turn his head and look at her with a smile on his lips. "Where do you live currently?"

Emmett frowned. "Ithaca, I don't think I've ever been as bored as I am there. Or maybe I have been, I'm just comparing it to the time here, with my best friend." he chuckled a bit, before slinging an arm around her shoulder. Alex couldn't help but smile.

"How's Jasper doing?" she asked after a moment of silence, not moving her head from the place it'd taken leaned against his cold, but strangely comforting, shoulder.

"I wouldn't know. He and Edward are not living with us, haven't heard from them since we left Forks. Alice keeps track on them to make sure they don't do anything stupid, but other than that... I don't know," Emmett looked at the redhead, before biting his lip slightly at the expression she held. She really was down.

He turned around and grabbed her bag containing her LP's, deciding to shift the subject for the moment to something easier. "Why aren't you doing iPods as everyone else Dexter? LP's, really?"

"Shut up, I listen on my phone too, but not everything is available there. And quite frankly, I like my record player," Alex said matter-of-factly, making Emmett smirk before he opened the bag to take a look inside. He quickly raised his eyebrows.

"Now, you've told me about David Bowie, Kurt Cobain and Freddie Mercury, but Iron Maiden? Misfits? I think you forgot to mention the mix of heavy metal and punk here Alex," Emmett said while acting disappointed, making her smirk.

"What, you wouldn't have guessed that I listen to punk and metal?" Alex said, making his raise an eyebrow.

"I think most people would've guessed you listen to Bach."

"Shut up, nothing wrong with a little bit classical here and there," Alex muttered, making him smirk.

"Okay, you are officially schizo," he said, looking at the cover of Hot space making her smile.

"That's another genre I love you know. Schizo-pop is the best, my playlists are filled with it," she stated, he slowly turned his head to look at her.

"Is that actually a thing or are you playing with me?"

"It's one hundred percent a real thing, you should check it out," she said, before looking down at her wristwatch. "I have to go meet my brother now, he quits in five minutes. Care to join?"

"I would be honored," he said while placing a hand on the right side of his chest, making Alex giggle. "What?" he asked, sounding confused.

"The heart sits at the left side dumbass," she said, replacing his hand. He chuckled.

"I forgot. Mine stopped beating a long time ago."


Josh, once again, stood leaned against the car and smoked a cigarette when Alex and Emmett arrived at the meeting spot. When the older brother turned his head his eyes widened before he went over and bro-hugged Emmett, as they'd become acquaintances over time.

"I found this lost dog behind a dumpster, can we keep him? Please? He can do tricks as well," Alex said, making Emmett glare playfully at her while Josh smirked.

"Glad to see you man," Josh said, smiling slightly at Emmett before dropping his cigarette and crushing it with his foot. "You coming over to our place?"

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