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Alex was sitting in her bed with her journal in her lap, trying to make sense of the situation. She was writing furiously, covering side after side with information and thoughts. She felt as if she had a little easier to understand everything when it was put in front of her on a paper. She could see everything clearly, in opposite to when everything just clouded her mind entirely.

'Jasper is back in town after 2 weeks. I should be straight up mad at him, especially after what he told me today. To a beginning I was, but when he started to explain more, it actually made sense in some way. I mean, it's not impossible that vampires exists, right?

It would explain a lot to be honest, everything from the fact that they'd make the Greek gods to look like trash to that one time Edward ran from one side of the parking lot to the other in less than a second. The fact that I accepted the excuse that he had an adrenaline rush is ridiculous, but I'd suppose that Jasper had something to do with that.

I still have so many questions though. I hope to ask him when he comes here tonight-'

"Ask away, I'd love to tell you everything you need to know," she heard the familiar voice belonging to Jasper. He surprised her so much that she jumped, making her draw a line over the entire page. She felt her heart pounding.

"How did you get in so quietly?" she said in a hushed voice, looking up at the boy as he stood in front of her, half smile on his face. He was dressed nicely, blue jeans with a grey jumper.

"One of the few benefits of having the curse of eternal life."

"Wait, you're immortal?" Alex looked at him wide eyed as he nodded slightly. She patted the bed for him to come and sit, so he sat down on the edge of the foot end, while Alex sat by her pillows, her legs crossed in front of her. "But, do you still age, so you'll look as old as you are, or does it just... stop?"

"It stops, I'm stuck like this forever."

"I wouldn't really see that as a bad thing," Alex said while snorting. "But, if you're stuck like that, does that mean that you're older than you look?"

Jasper smiled. "A tad bit older, I should be 161 years now."

Alex gaped at him. "You're lying."

"Not at all." Jasper looked at the girl who didn't seem to be able to close her mouth. "I was born in 1844, I was a major in the confederate army," Jasper said, smiling proudly. "I was turned when I was nineteen years old."

"Holy shit, you're not lying are you?" Jasper shook his head while smiling. "But we can talk more about my upbringing some other time. I know you have more questions, I'll answer everything."

"I'd first of all like to know what your views on slavery are, obviously," she said, eyes locked on Jasper who just sighed. 

"I've lived a long life since the war, and even during those times I wasn't for slavery. I did what I was told and I managed to become something, but I've never in my long life identified as any kind of racist."

Alex nodded before she pondered for a minute, wrinkling her nose and playing with her hair. Jasper found her incredibly cute, he wasn't able to look away for quite some time. "I know that you're an empath, does everyone have 'abilities' like you or is it more... rare?"

"Well, not everyone, for example Emmett, Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie do not have abilities other from the general vampire things - speed, strenght, beauty. Of course these things vary as well - Emmett is much stronger than most of us are, but we don't really concider it an ability. But, Edward can read minds and Alice can see into the future."

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now