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"I want to know all the details Alex, what happened? Is it fine? Are you dating? Is it canon? Tell me everything!" Tom was going batshit crazy, harassing Alex with questions about the past weekend as they walked towards their next class, history. Annoyance was slowly but surely building up in her stomach, together with the butterflies that the subject gave her.

"Really Tom, I didn't tell you? Then it must be none of your business then," Alex said, walking a little bit quicker to distance herself from the boy. He chuckled, before catching up with her.

"Alex, for real, I've known you for sixteen years. I deserve to hear this, and I deserve to hear it now!" Tom said, making Alex stop entirely and groan.

"Fine, we made up, made out, end of story."

Tom's eyes widened significantly. "Are you serious? Is Jalex happening!?"

Alex eyes widened before she walked away from Tom who was freaking out by himself in the hallway, she really did not want to stand there when the boy started to attract attention.

Well in class, Alex walked up to her usual seat right in the back of the class, seeing that no more than half a dozen students had arrived. She sat her books down in the corner of the table and sat down, seeing Emmett smirking at her from the bench right in front of her.

"So, inform me, am I allowed to call you sister in law yet or is it not official?" Emmett said, making Alex narrow her eyes at the boy.

"Hey Emmett, why don't you stick your nose in a book instead of my business, huh?" Alex said in a sassy voice making the boy laugh slightly as he slung a long arm over her shoulder, by reaching over the table.

"We're going to make for excellent siblings you and me," the big boy said, making Alex chuckle.

"I can see that happening, just wait until April fools bitch, I will get you," Alex whispered with a threating undertone but the smile was still evident on her lips, making Emmett lift his eyebrows.

"Somehow, that scares me slightly, even if it's coming from a midget named Dexter," he said while beginning to laugh at her facial expression. Alex groaned while slapping him slightly in the neck.

"I don't get enough appreciation," she mumbled, before waiting for class to start.

Tom hadn't arrived yet when the teacher got there. Alex furrowed her eyebrows but let it slide, it was probably for the best that he got to calm down slightly. Mr. Thompson begun the lesson by telling the class that he was impressed with most of the group projects, and that it was time for him to give them back with a result on. Alex looked at Emmett who grabbed a hold of her hand in faked anticipation as they waited for their result.

Just as the middle-aged teacher was to put their work in front of them, Tom entered the classroom. He was giggling to himself as he walked to the back of the room. Just when he passed Mr. Thompson he caught a glimpse of Alex and started to giggle even harder, making Mr. Thompson hit his fist on Tom's bench.

"Mr. Larsen, are you drunk in my classroom?" he said with a sharp voice, even though it came out more like a statement than a question. Tom quickly stopped chuckling.

"What? No, I was just thinking about something funny," he said, trying to defend himself. The teacher looked at him suspiciously, before nodding.

"Okay then, but I'm keeping my eyes on you young boy."

The teacher smacked down a bunch of papers on Emmett's bench, he quickly grabbed them and looked at the results.

"Hey, what does it say? Emmett, show me. Papa bear, show me my results," Alex whined, making Emmett raise one eyebrow at her before smirking.

"Good job Dexter," he said as he held the papers up, revealing a big red A in the corner of the paper. Alex reached out her hands for Emmett to high five, the boy doing as she wanted. When his big hand collided with her small and warmer, the high impact caused her wrist to press backwards.

Alex's eyes widened, a small whimper leaving her lips. Emmett's eyes doubled in size as he realized what he'd done, making him stand up and walk around the benches to stand by her.

"Alex? Alex, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's okay," she said, although both of them could see through the lie. Emmett grabbed her lightly by the elbow, making her stand up.

"We're going to the hospital right now," he said, making her groan.

"Come on, I just got back from there like, ten minutes ago!" she whined, making him chuckle.

"Maybe you should think before you act then," he said, making her raise her eyebrows.

"Excuse me dipshit, but I'm pretty sure you're the one who broke my fucking wrist," she said, as Emmett started to lead her up to the front of the classroom.

"Excuse me Mr. Thompson, but I need to get Alex to the hospital. I think I accidentally broke her wrist," Emmett said while scratching his neck, making Alex want to laugh. Mr. Thompson's eyes widened, but when he looked at Alex's wrist that had already started to get blue, he nodded.

"Why is it always like this with you Mr. Cullen?" the teacher said, before sighing. "It is fine, go."

Emmett led the girl outside and to his car, helping her with the seatbelt before sitting down himself, driving away from the school area.

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