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"Oh my god, please save me from the walking stupid that is your brother!" Alex said as she walked up to the Cullen family with Emmett by her side, smirking at the big boy's reaction. He merely pouted before sitting down and patting the chair next to him for her to sit on.

"Hey," Jasper said and smiled at her, his hand grazing hers just for a second, making her stomach erupt in butterflies.

"Hello," she said simply, before sitting down in between the two. "So, what's up?"

Alice looked at Jasper for a second, Alex could see him shaking his head but Alice seemed to go ahead and say what she wanted to anyways. "We have something we sould probably tell you Alex. Do you-" Alice was cut off by Jasper who looked at her with harsh eyes.

"Alice," he said sternly, but the girl just looked at him for a second before continuing. Alex followed with furrowed brows as she felt her stomach sink, as Jasper was obviously keeping something from her.

"Do you remember Victoria, Alex?" Alex shook her head no. "Well, you never met her so that's understandable. Last year Bella was hunted down by a tracker named James," Alex remembered that part. "Victoria is James' mate I assume. She's angry-"


Jasper's loud voice surprised Alex as he tried to keep his sister from talking. Alex looked between the two. "Shut up will you? She's not talking to you Jasper."

Jasper looked at Alex after her previous statement, but he didn't say anything else. He looked off in the distance.

"Well, now that that's over," Alice muttered before continuing. "As I was saying, Victoria is angry since we killed her mate and wants revenge. In other words, she's back in Forks."

Alex's mouth widened slightly at the sound of the statement, looking between them all. "What does she want then? Like, I get that she's out for revenge, but how?"

Emmett sighed. "We don't know, but we suspect she's out for Bella."

"Well then," Alex said, releasing a breath. She hadn't talked much to the brown-haired girl in question due to the fact that she was still more or less angry with her. But she couldn't help the fact that she was scared for her safety.

Ten minutes later, the family and Alex had left the cafeteria. She walked slowly next to Jasper, headed towards the library.

"Why don't you want me to know about Victoria?" Alex asked Jasper with eyebrows knitted together. Jasper sighed, hands held together at his back as he looked ahead, avoiding her eyes.

"Because I don't want you to be involved," Jasper spoke, voice light and even as he dared to gaze over at the girl who was already looking at him.

"Well, I became involved the moment I met you, you can't change that fact," Alex said, eyebrows raised and gaze on the ground. Jasper sighed.

"That doesn't mean I want you to be. My world is dangerous, even for me. It'd be the end of not only me, but Emmett, if anything happened to you-"

"Nothing is going to happen just because you tell me what's going on Jasper. I've been able to tell that you've been acting weird, don't you think that'd just be problematic? How will I be able to trust you again if you keep things from me?" Alex was getting pretty pissed off - she never kept things from Jasper, and the fact that he wouldn't do the same was disturbing.

"Alex, I know you," Jasper started, standing still turned towards her and looking her deeply in the eye. "I know that you're going to try and help with this because that's just who you are. That's why I didn't want to tell you. My apologies if you feel betrayed from the fact that I wanted to keep this from you, but I don't want you harmed. You need to understand when I say that she's dangerous," Jasper said, Alex just now noticing that she was standing against the wall with Jasper just before her. She drew in a breath and looked over his face, before clearing her throat and shuffling away from him, standing beside him as he was still staring at the spot by the wall she'd previously been placed by.

"We should probably... get to the library," Alex murmured, looking at her feet, not being able to face him. Jasper sighed before looking at her.

"You have no idea what you do to me Alexandra Taylor," he spoke, before walking up to her as they headed to the library together.

The tension was undeniably sharp, Alex didn't really know what to say to get rid of it. So, she decided to continue on their previous conversation. "So... how are you planning on getting rid of Victoria?"

Jasper looked at her for a second, before shrugging. "We have people in the city with the same goal as we, we're hoping to talk to them and work with them."

"What, you mean the werewolves?"

Jasper stopped in his tracks before turning around and staring at her dumbfounded. "How... What? How do you know about the wolves?"

Alex chuckled at his reaction, before looking at him with half a smile. "Emmett has a real hard time thinking sometimes. The second time he came and visited me this fall he started to get a little bit too excited, and I guess it slipped. So, he had no choice but to tell me everything."

Jasper stared at her, before his lips broke out into a smile. "God is he stupid sometimes."

Alex laughed at him, nodding her head in his direction. "But, what you said about the wolves. I thought you didn't fuck with them."

Jasper raised an eyebrow at the statement. "We are certainly not having intercourse with them. What are you talking about Alex?"

Alex looked at him for a second before bursting out laughing. "It's an expression. You don't work together with them, right?"

Jasper's mouth shaped an O before he smiled. "Well then, yeah, that's more like it. Carlisle has made a deal with them, we won't be on their ground and they won't attack us, since it's in their nature to-"

"Kill vampires," Alex finished, Jasper nodding at her.

"But, since we have a common goal, some of us were thinking it would be wise to work together with them. I don't know, but we'll see what happens." Jasper looked at her, holding the door to the library open for the short girl. She went in and sat down by a table in the corner, Jasper next to her.

"It's probably a good idea tough," Alex said, making Jasper smirk and look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I suppose it makes sense coming from a human..." he said, making her raise her brows at her, looking at him with a 'really?'-expression. He just laughed. "Since we don't have the same anosmia, I understand that you'd come to that conclusion since you're not aware of their... intrusive odor." Alex looked at him with a wide smirk.

"You're not talking about me are you?" Emmett came walking towards the two with a big smirk on his face, quick pace and long steps. "No, just kidding. The only thing you could only refer to when talking about odor would be the Quileute tribe."

"Yeah, about that you gibface," Jasper spoke while looking at his brother who sat down in front of Alex, with his legs around the back of the chair. "You can't just go around and speak freely about them. Be glad that it was Alex at least and not Bella, she'd have went straight to that guy Jacob and we'd be in trouble."

"Yeah, yeah, same old same old. I wouldn't share my deepest darkest secrets with anyone beside Taylor over here," Emmett said, reaching over and ruffling her hair which left her with an annoyed expression. "She's the only one I've told about the wolves, my slutty lifestyle and my cooking secrets."

Alex raised an eyebrow at him as she was completely lost, before she looked down at the book in front of her and starting to solve some equations, even though she was still listening in on their conversation without them knowing.

"We all know about your slutty lifestyle Emmett, I have the room under yours unfortunately," Jasper spoke, before looking at Alex who was counting feverishly. Emmett's laughter boomed through the room.

"Well, at least I'm not a 160 year old virgin," Emmett mumbled, making Alex burst out laughing, not being able to stop herself. Emmett smirked in satisfaction, leaning back in the chair and looking at Jasper with raised eyebrows. Jasper just rolled his eyes while Alex reached over the table and gave Emmett a high-five.

When Alex calmed down, she settled down and looked between the two boys before letting out a sigh with a content smile on her lips. "You people are going to be the end of me."

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now