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"You're really here," Alex muttered, her hand on Jasper's sharp jaw. Jasper smiled, dry lips cracking slightly. His cheeks revealed dimples as he watched her, hand on her waist.

"I'm here," Jasper was almost whispering. "I've been here the entire time, I just decided to give you some space." Jasper looked down for a moment, feeling a heavy emotion in his chest. Alex looked so innocent, so worried.

"I know, I've noticed," Alex said with a little smile on her lips, tugging a small strand of hair away from Jasper's face and placing it behind his ear. The smile soon dissapeared from her face, her brows furrowed.

"What's wrong my love?" Jasper asked her, somewhat afraid of the answer. 'I don't love you anymore', 'you ruined it all', 'I don't trust you.' It all played out in his head, he felt dizzy thinking of what she might say. Jasper could feel her love, he knew she loved him. Though, he had no idea what her mind might say, that scared him.

"What happened to you?" Alex's voice was only a whisper. She looked scared, worried, almost sad. Jasper grew confused.

"What do you mean darling?"

"I mean..." Alex trailed off. "You look sick," the girl let her thumb run across his jawline, stopping at his chin and making its way up to his chapped lips. Jasper moved his hand from her hip and grabbed her smaller one with it, placing a small kiss on her knuckles.

"I'm fine Alex."

"You're not, why are you lying to me?"

"I said I'm fine," Jasper's voice was harsh but kind at the same time, making Alex flinch. Jasper caught on to it quickly, looking at her with apologetic eyes and kissing her knuckles once again. "I'm just... i'm so glad that I got to see you again Alex."

Alex looked at Jasper with furrowed brows. "I never asked you to stay away Jasper, I never wanted you to leave."

"I had to leave," Jasper suddenly sat up at the side of the bed, looking into the wall while speaking. "I never had control, it was always an illusion. Bella's birthday party, I lost control but I came back again, telling myself that it was just because it wasn't you standing there. I convinced myself I would never hurt you, that we could live a happy life until the time came where we didn't have a choice anymore," Jasper said, Alex had also sat up next to him by now. She reached her hand out and put it on top of Jasper's, he didn't take a hold of it but he didn't pull away either. Alex played with his fingers as she waited for him to continue.

"I... hurt you Alex. Not only did I do this," Jasper suddenly looked at her and ran his fingers over the scar on her neck. "I couldn't even trust myself to not hurt you again if I didn't leave. I could have easily killed you if I wasn't stopped, and if I hadn't left before you were... this," Jasper looked down to his hands, "I couldn't trust that I wouldn't do it again."

Alex's mouth formed an O, she looked at Jasper with eyes he couldn't understand. "I just needed to see you again, I don't know what I was thinking when I attacked Emmett, maybe I just went crazy being so close but unable to go out and touch you, hug you. I just didn't... didn't want to hurt you again by appearing if you didn't want me there." Jasper chuckled a little bit, his smile showing his deep dimples. Looking at his hands he continued, "Guess I screwed that one up huh?"

Alex looked at Jasper before standing up, crouching in front of him to be able to look into the boy's golden eyes. One hand was placed in his lap, holding his own hand and caressing it with her thump. The other hand she'd placed on his cheek, tilting his head so he was meeting her gaze.

"Jasper..." her voice cracked but she continued on. "This was all... bound to happen at some point. I don't blame you for what happened, I don't blame you for leaving. It was my fault this ever happened, if I hadn't-"

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now