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Lunch was awkward to say the least – the presence of Jasper was a weird fact for everyone to take in, even more so since he was sitting by Alex's table which was new. Although this was the case, conversation flowed but it was an obvious distraction for everyone. Well, everyone except for Emmett. He seemed unaffected by everything, much like always. Alex appreciated this, since he was the one who kept the conversation going when everyone else seemed like they wanted to run the other way.

"I've always thought Forks was a hole in the middle of nowhere but damn, Ithaca had me bored. I mean, there were more people there and all, but honestly, I don't think I got contact with anyone there. They were all so... bland," Emmett mumbled, Alex nodded as he spoke.

"And now you're back here and you're blessing us with your presence, thank you so much," Alex spoke, making the others chuckle, the tension lifting off slightly.

"So, Jasper... You didn't live with your family?" Rebecca said after a moment's silence. All heads were turned towards him, including Alex. Jasper nodded, before speaking.

"I decided to travel a bit, Europe more precisely."

"Europe is not very precise at all, it's literally 11 million square kilometers," Tom pointed out, making the others, including Jasper, chuckle.

"Well, if we have to go into the deep stuff..." Jasper mumbled, making the others laugh. "I was in Scotland for some time, also France and the Nordic countries. I went to Italy and lived there for quite some time, I have relatives there," Jasper spoke, making Emmett chuckle slightly. Alex rolled her eyes slightly at the previous statement, realizing that Jasper obviously referred to the Volturi. She looked at him with raised eyebrows but he just shrugged, that was a topic for another time. 

"Oh, nice one dude!" Tom spoke, making Jasper smile. Alex looked up at him and felt pure joy from the slight change of expression on his face. Jasper looked down at her and met her warm gaze, his own expression grew more sincere.

"Well, time for me to head to class. I'll see you all later," Emmett said, standing up from his chair. Jasper followed suit, turning around and looking at Alex for a second.

"If I don't see you before you're out, call me when you want to be picked up," he said, looking at her with an expression that was hard for her to understand. She nodded nevertheless.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks for the help Jas," her voice sent shivers down Jasper's spine, as he walked away from the group he could hear it echoing in his head.

Alex looked away from the blond boy after a while, seeing all four of the others at the table looking at her with raised eyebrows or suggesting expressions. Alex widened her eyes, looking at them weirdly.

"What?" she said, making Rebecca huff.

"You know what! You were literally writing fanfictions with your eyes Alex, don't you dare 'what' me when he looked as if he was watching the sun or the moon or something else that's really poetic," the dark-haired girl spoke, making Tom and Isaac nod in agreement.

"We were not! Jasper and I aren't anything, you can be friends even after you've been in a relationship," Alex retorted, seeing Cyrus smirk slightly as Isaac snorted.

"Not according to science. Scientists have stated that couples that were in love in a relationship can't remain friends after a breakup, feelings don't disappear like that. So, either the two of you were never in love, which is a bunch of bullshit, or you still have feelings for one another," Isaac said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. After Alex and Jasper's breakup, Isaac had become very close with Alex in a way. Somewhere during that period, he'd learned to move away from his old crush on her, and became the friend she needed instead.

"May you shut the fuck up?" Alex said, smiling sarcastically at Isaac, making him fake-laugh before smirking at her. To be completely honest, the topic of conversation made her uncomfortable. Yes, of course she still loved Jasper, but they seemed to forget the fact that things had changed.

"Come on guys, let her be, alright?" Cyrus said, Alex looking at him thankfully.

"Yeah, exactly guys, leave me be. Congratulations to you all for your ability to create drama out of nothing, but I really don't want you in my business."

Cyrus nodded in her direction, before they all stood up, leaving the cafeteria wordlessly.


It was time to leave the graveyard – the past thirty minutes, Alex and Tom had been seated there more or less in silence the entire time, thinking about the boy six feet under them. The grave was nicer now than when they got there; together with the bouquet that they assumed his sister placed there, were now their own decorations, making it look beautiful in a twisted way.

Jasper waited for the two by the parking lot, standing leaned against his jet black car while looking at the friends coming towards him with their arms entwined. Suddenly Tom stopped and said something to Alex, Jasper could see that they hugged quickly before the boy put his hood over his head and walked off in the other direction. Jasper furrowed his eyebrows as Alex walked over to him with a sigh, looking tired.

"What was that about? I thought he was riding with us," Jasper asked, making Alex shrug.

"He said he needed to be alone, he'll be fine though. I get it really, he just doesn't want to go home. His family doesn't understand or care," Alex said, making Jasper nod with eyebrows furrowed. Jasper was just about to speak, but the red-haired girl beat him to it.

"And before you ask Jasper, yes, I'm fine. I actually just feel relieved that it's over, and now I look forward to watch movies with you," she said, unintentionally making something flutter inside the blond boy. It was ridiculous to him, but it was the truth – Alexandra Taylor had an indescribable effect on him.

"Sounds like a plan," he said, before opening the door to the passenger seat for her, she smiled at him and got inside, he did the same. Soon enough, they were going down the road at a reasonable speed.

"So, guess what we're watching tonight?" Alex said, making Jasper turn his head slightly to look at her for a second. The girl was smiling in his direction, making him smirk slightly at her light mood.

"Please, do tell," he said, making her sigh over-dramatically.

"Well, it you're going to be like that and refuse to play by the rules..." she started, before smirking. "We're watching Fight Club, and yes Jasper, again!"

Jasper laughed at her last comment, they'd watched it three times together already, but he didn't mind. She was really engaged when it came to that one movie. "You know what we could do also?"

"What?" Alex asked, making Jasper smirk.

"We could write down that fanfiction we created with our eyes at lunch," he said, making Alex widen her eyes at him.

"Wait, how did you-" Jasper gave her a knowing look before cutting her off.

"I was still, the last time I checked, a vampire. That gives me a particularly good sense of hearing." Alex facepalmed while groaning, before deciding to go with it.

"Yes, let's do it. We can go in depth on that one part where you were looking at me like 'the sun or the moon or something else that's poetic'," Alex said, smiling even though she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach when the words were uttered. Jasper's smile faded slightly, but he didn't say anything about it.

"You're my sun or my moon or something else that's poetic," Jasper said, making Alex smile while looking down in her hands for a second, avoiding looking into his eyes as she felt her stomach flutter. 

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