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"Okay, so I just ask anyone I want?" Emmett asked, making Alex shrug.

"Do whatever you want bear-boy," she said, seeing him nod as he pondered his decision.

"Well okay then Miss Taylor. Speak up-"

"Before you speak asshole, I won't tolerate any Jasper-related questions," Alex spoke, holding her hand out in front of her as if that would stop the dark-haired boy from what he wanted to ask. Emmett smirked.

"Sorry Alex, no rules is all you've said. Now tell me, my dear Alexandra. Do you love my brother?"

Alex raised an eyebrow at the question before lifting her cup to her lips, taking a swig out of it, making Emmett cheer. "Honestly Emmett, are you surprised? He's my closest friend whether we are together or not, so I don't see the point of your excitement," Alex muttered, making Emmett narrow his eyes at her.

"Yeah right, as if that's it," he said, making Rebecca reach over to him and give him a high-five. Isaac chuckled, as he'd begun shipping it more and more over time. Alex and Jasper was endgame according to him, he'd realized that when he'd gotten over himself and seen that she was actually happy with him.

"Okay then," Alex muttered, before motioning to Cyrus that he should take over and move on with the game. He smiled slightly and nodded, before looking around.

"So, Emmett," the tall boy said, catching Emmett's attention as he looked over with a smirk on his lips. "You together with that blonde girl, what's her name? The one who you're with in school?"

Emmett smiled at the mention of his wife, before lifting the cup to his mouth and taking a swig from it. "Rosalie. You bet we are, she's my favorite lady."

Rebecca 'aw'-ed at his statement, looking at the smile one Emmett's face. Alex found it giving her happiness too, the actual level of love between the two vampires was miraculous. It then moved on to Isaac who looked at Rebecca with a smirk.

Rebecca held eye contact bravely as Isaac observed her, before he finally settled. "So, my dear Rebecca. That's a very nice turtleneck you're wearing, nice color and all, the black brings out your inner Satan," he started, making Rebecca pull a face in his direction while the others laughed. "My first question is, would you like to pull it down a little, might I ask?"

Rebecca looked at Isaac with narrowed eyes, before shrugging and pulling down the left side of the turtleneck, showing her neck to her friends. Isaac's gaze didn't waver.

"Other side," he said, making Rebecca look at him stiffly for a few seconds, before sighing and pulling it down, revealing several hickeys. Cyrus and Alex both faked gasps.

"Oh, Rebecca is getting lucky!" Cyrus half-yelled, making her fake-smile before flipping him off. "What are you, C.I.A or what Isaac?"

Isaac shrugged at Cyrus question. "Rebecca gets uncomfortable whenever she wears things that are close to her throat. It seemed strange that she'd start now." Rebecca looked slightly impressed almost.

"Now Becca, respond, is it Mandy?" Isaac said, making Rebecca lift her eyebrows before setting her cup down on the table.

"Damn shame Isaac, I was getting thirsty," she said, before looking around at the others who seemed intrigued at the change of events. Alex's brows were raised as she found out that her best friend was now in some new type of relationship.

"Damn, I shipped that," Emmett said, making the others look at him for a second before bursting out laughing. He looked at them, asking then what was wrong, but they just kept on laughing. It was just not something most would've expected Emmett Cullen to say.

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now