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Alex had never experienced anything like it before; it was as if time actually stood still and the only thing that existed was the chaos in front of her eyes. One thousand different scenarios played out in front of her eyes in the span of a second, none of them good.

Jaspers neck shifted in a strained way, leaning to the side as if his head was following the scent of blood he'd caught. The first one to break the stillness of the moment was Emmett; a strong arm grabbed Jaspers wrist and pulled.

"Alex, go outside."

Emmett's voice was sharp and warning, making the girl flinch. He'd never spoken to her with that voice before. Somehow, it made her even more determined to be of help.

Before she could say anything, she felt a cold touch on her back; Rosalie had put her arm around her and was leading her out. Alex looked around, noticing that people had left the room to check on whatever had happened. Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and herself were the only ones in the room.

As Rosalie was leading Alex outside, quick but light steps could be heard from the stairs. Alex stopped in her tracks, looking over her shoulder to see what was happening.Carlisle's distressed face showed through the doorframe, looking at Jasper with a cautious stare. His shirt was stained with sparse flecks of blood, evidently he'd rushed to help whoever was injured.

"Seemed to have been an argument, a bottle was thrown. Get Jasper out of here Emmett, this is no place for him now." Carlisle looked at the blond boy before glancing at Alex with stress in his light eyes. "Emmett," the man repeated with a harch tone.

Alex's eyes trailed over to the blond boy in the corner of the room and was surprised to see his eyes in a dead lock on her. No color could be seen in his irises, his hand was clenched and strained. Emmett tugged at Jasper's arm, leading him outside the house and to the backside, where they could be in private.

Her heartbeat sped up, her body was now acting on its own. It was as if her brain had shut off, not letting her control her own person. Her first step was shaky, every head in the room turned against her. Rosalie's hand moved from her back to her pale wrist, taking a hold of her.

"Alex, don't!" her voice was impatient, her hand had a strong grip. Alex shook her head.

"It's fine Rose, it's fine."

The cold hand soon let go of Alex, the blonde girl's head was lowered and she sighed. She wasn't going to try and stop Alex, she knew it wasn't going to work. Alex held her breath as she took a few more shaky steps towards the backside of the house, leaving the home and feeling the fresh air hit her face. She was ready to leap away in the blink of an eye if she had to, not that it would make much difference. The walk outside felt longer than it was, as soon as she got sight of Jasper their eyes met. She analyzed every movement, making sure she didn't miss anything. Her steps were determined.

When just a foot away, she stopped. Her hand was trembling as she started to lift it, a small twitch of Jasper's neck made her stop for a second before she resumed the movement. Jasper's skin had never felt so cold against her hand before, as she placed the palm of her hand on his arm. The blond boy looked at her hand, looking torn as he could feel her blood pumping underneath her skin.

After what felt like minutes, he met her eyes again. The once black color had drained and she was now looking at the light honey color she knew so well. Her eyes were filled up with tears of relief as she stepped closer to him and closed the distance with a hug. He hesitated, but soon placed his arms around her back and hugged her.

Emmett dropped his hand and looked at his brother with pride in his eyes; It'd always been hard for Jasper, harder than for anyone else in the family. They'd all felt the pain of denying theirselves what was in their nature to have, and they'd grown from it. To see his brother grow like this in front of his eyes made him proud. His smile turned to Alex as the small girl hugged Jasper tight; she was crying now, a smile grazing her lips in relief.

Jasper's head started moving, looking up towards the house and their family who were silently watching the interaction between with smiles on their faces. Until the smiles faded.

And for the second time that day, time stood still.

Carlisle threw himself through the door with Rosalie close behind him. Emmett looked at Jasper, just in time to see him throw his head down into Alex's neck. Everything happened so fast less than a meter away from him, and yet he couldn't move a muscle. A deafening sound exploded in his eyes; the sound of skin tearing.

A sigh and a whimper could be heard from Alex. It was as if the sound of Alex, his little Dexter in pain, snapped him right back into reality. His arm wrapped around Jasper's neck, pulling him backwards with the help of Carlisle who was pulling him by the waist. He'd never seen Jasper like that before; his eyes were as dark as the night with a red edge surrounding the irises. He looked as if he was equally hurt from what he'd done, as he was crazed from the blood now in his mouth.

No matter how regrettful he potentially was, he'd hurt Alex, and that was something Emmett could never allow.

In a haze, Emmett threw Jasper on the ground and pinned him down, throwing punches over his face. Not so much to hurt him, but more so to get his anger out. However, a small sound snapped him out of his anger. A whimper, lighter than a whisper but echoing so loud in his ears. His eyed turned away from the man on the ground, looking to the redheaded girl who'd dropped from her feet.

In a swift movement he threw himself from Jasper to Alex's side, he grabbed her hand and looked at her with distress. "Alex, can you hear me? Alex?" Carlisle took a grip of his arm, and looked at him in the eyes.

"Emmett, I need you to get the people out of the house. We need to get Alex inside, she's lost a lot of blood."

Emmett looked at the helpless girl with tears streaming down her cheeks. She didn't seem to be quite there, she was just staring into thin air while breathing heavily. Her eyelids looked heavy, threatening to close at any moment. The grip around his arm tightened. "Now, Emmett."

Emmett rose to his feet, before turning around. Jasper had fled the scene, no trace of him was left. He'd ran out in the forest, probably trying to find something to choke his thirst. Emmett looked to the house and went inside, getting the guests out.

Alex's body was heavy. She wanted to scream at the fire in her neck but nothing came out, her breathing was the only noice that came from her now. Carlisle held his hand firmly on her neck, talking to her in a calming tone. "You'll be okay Alex, everything is going to be fine."

And with those words, Alex's world got quiet.  

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now